

DaoistlrAltx · Hiện thực
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6 Chs



Story series.

Written by triple.p.

Episode one(part5)

The shock

"The 2nd position goes to Chinedu Uzoka".

My hope had risen, finally my struggle is not in vain. I saw the disappointment written all over her face, she must have laboured so much like me to get this prize, anyways, better luck next time. Till now I've not seen any sign of regrets on David's face he was just smiling through out.

"The first position is no other person but...."

The students screamed my name loudly, "Daniel Geoffrey!". I knew it was the day of my greatness, I closed my eyes to enjoy the beautiful moment.

"With an average of 89.2, the winner of the 1.5million naira Nkirichim confidence".

My heart fell, my closed eyes refused to open, I fell on my knees and broke down in tears. I never planned to be this dramatic but it was the most shockingly news I have heard in my life, this means my scripts were removed because of exam malpractice?

"If you did not hear your name, be rest assured that your malpractice was figured out with the CCTV camera" principal continued.

I managed to look up you see my brother's reaction since everyone were now seeing me as a bad person but David was still standing and smiling wildly like an evil spirit.

I had no proof I was innocent, what shocked the more was how David was silent about the whole thing.

"You are a disappointment to me Daniel, you have decided to push me to the mud, I saw you as a