
My Everyday Life is not Generic

He lives life like any teenager does. Surrounded by people, enjoying the thing called youth. But that's just what he wants people to think. In reality every relation he makes in life is nothing but a sham. Believing he doesn't need anything more than superficial relations where he can fade into the background while still being part of the social hierarchy. All his beliefs are questioned when he is forced to meet a girl who shows what Real is.

ArGasti · Hiện thực
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 - 1

Akane didn't contact me in any way on Sunday just like she had said, which meant I was completely free to do whatever I'd like but instead of following through my usual routine I ended up doing nothing and thinking about how I'm going to show up in class. I had given up on thinking about the future but this time I couldn't keep my thoughts in check. I need to find out who Airi is and return back to my old life.

Should I just talk to Watari? Now that I've seen him with her it wouldn't be suspicious if I just ask him, that would be an ideal way if I was any close to Watari, right now I'm basically a stranger to him. I have no business asking him about anything personal like that.

It's all such a pain. Even if I could ask him it's not like I can just go and ask it when he's surrounded by people, which is almost always. I'm not gonna get any place where I can ask him anything privately.

Before I knew it I was standing outside the door of my classroom. The door from which I was able to look at Akane. She always looks so beautiful, so graceful, so cold. Like a full moon shining alone in an empty sky. I wonder what she's gonna say when she sees me today. How will she insult me today?

"Can you stop stalking your own classmates?" I heard Kitagawa-sensei's voice behind me, she sounded calmer than her usual self. Turning back to face her something seemed off, she was looking calmer and her expression gave me a sense of kindness.

"I've told you, I'm no stalker." I instinctively looked away.

"Oh… Are you gonna tell me what happened this time or gonna be stubborn like always?" a faint smile appeared on her face.

"This time there really isn't anything to tell. I'm just overthinking things."

"An overthinker? I didn't take you as someone who overthinks things."

She is right. I never think over things this much. I only make decisions thinking about the best possible route in the present. I don't know why I'm thinking so hard over Akane and her situation. In the end none of this matters to me, I'm a part of her life only till I get my old life back. If Kitagawa-sensei allows me to sit wherever I want right now I would have no reason to sit next to Akane, meaning no reason to get involved in the whole Airi situation.

But I don't want that, I want to see this through. Even if it doesn't benefit me I want to do this, but why? I don't know.

"Did you zone out or something?" Kitagawa-sensei's voice snapped me back.

"I'm sorry."

"I see that you weren't lying with that overthinking." She gently puts her hand on my shoulder, "I'm not going to say that it is bad to overthink, but it's better to know for sure if all that thinking is worth it. Sometimes we end up thinking about something so much that it becomes an issue so big in our head that we tend to avoid it instead of finding a solution. A solution that is far smaller." She subtly tilts her head towards me. Her face is far warmer and kinder than I had ever seen. "You said you want to do the least amount of effort right? Then you should first make sure if the issue you are running from is really an issue."

Again she is right, there's no point in thinking what I should do next. I know I have to find out about Airi and Watari, as for how, that's what Akane and I have to discuss now. Right now what's important is to talk about our next move with Akane.

Has Kitagawa-sensei always been this insightful? Come to think of it, she has always given me advice without even knowing the whole story. She would make a real good partner for anyone, how is she still single? I better not think about that.

"Thanks for the advice, Kitagawa-sensei."

"Glad you understand. Now go inside the class I've got some things to announce."

"Some things to announce?"

"You'll hear them when everyone else hears them. Now. In." she points towards the gate.

With a swift motion the door leading to the classroom opens, the sound of everyone talking was too loud for anyone to notice my entrance. However one person was able to sense the opening of the door and glanced subtly towards the door. Though as soon as it became clear that it was me who entered the class, Akane reverted her eyes back to her book. If it was anyone else I would say it was rude to ignore someone like that but I know Akane, ignoring others, especially me, is just as normal to her as breathing.

I went up to my seat next to Akane, without saying anything I sat down. It wasn't like I didn't want to say anything, I just didn't know how she was feeling. If I know how people are feeling I can come up with things to say but reading Akane is not as easy as anyone else.

I didn't have to wait for long before I got the opportunity to speak.

"Why is it that whenever you are late Kitagawa-sensei is always behind you?" Akane said without looking away from her book.

"Just a coincidence."

"Well, What are you planning?"

"Planning? About what?"

"Are you an idiot? You said it yourself, they are not going to tell us what their relationship is, so how are we going to learn about them? You were not thinking of backing out now, were you?" Her voice was still cold and calm, as it always has been, it felt like this whole situation meant nothing to her, but if it didn't mean anything she wouldn't be bringing it up. It was always hard to read Akane but today it seemed harder.

The way she acted last time I thought she would be telling me not to get involved but it seems she really does want to know about Airi, at least enough that she's really to keep me involved. Kitagawa-sensei was right. Nothing has changed. Though the problem is how to tell her I have got no good plans so far. "I–"

"Okay everybody, shut up for a second. I got an announcement to make." Kitagawa-sensei yelled in her usual voice. The calmness and kindness I had just witnessed was gone, chaos and rigidity took their place. This is the version she wants others to see, strong and scary. Now it makes sense why she's still single. "As you already know there's gonna be a work-place observation trip. I want everyone to write their names and their future careers so we can make preparations to take you to those workplaces. I need that information by the day after tomorrow so you all better decide soon. Also it's been decided that this observation trip will be held in groups. So both class 2 - 1 and 2 - 2 will be going together. You all better not cause any trouble. That's it for the announcement, any questions? None? Good."

A trip together with class 2 - 2 that means I can visit somewhere nice with Kai, that alone makes this trip worth it.

Wait, Watari is in class 2 - 2 as well. I can go to the same place as him and get a chance to talk to him in private and clear everything related to Airi. That would be the best way to solve this whole issue. Wherever Watari goes there's a high chance others will go as well, it comes with being popular. Even then it's still a better chance than sitting and doing nothing.

I just have to find out what career he's gonna choose, and I think there's someone around me who would know exactly where he will be.

"I think I have a plan, I need your help." I turned to Akane, she didn't take her eyes off the book.

"Sure, what is your plan?" she agreed way too easily.

"We can go to the same workplace as Watari and ask him about Airi."

"That plan will not work."

"Why not? We can make it seem like a coincidence and then once we are alone with Watari we can ask him. It wouldn't attract any suspicion."

Akane put the bookmark and closed the book, "That plan will not work for me." She looked toward me. "I have already decided on which workplace I will be going to."

I forgot Akane has goals other than this. For her having a career would be more important than all this relationship stuff. She's a serious student. But that doesn't mean I can't do something as simple as following Watari alone. Just have to know where he'll be going.

"Well can you at least tell me what career he'll be choosing?"

"I can not."


"Because I do not know."