
My Everyday Life is not Generic

He lives life like any teenager does. Surrounded by people, enjoying the thing called youth. But that's just what he wants people to think. In reality every relation he makes in life is nothing but a sham. Believing he doesn't need anything more than superficial relations where he can fade into the background while still being part of the social hierarchy. All his beliefs are questioned when he is forced to meet a girl who shows what Real is.

ArGasti · Hiện thực
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - 1

It's been a few days since my confrontation with Kitagawa-sensei. There hasn't been any changes in that time. I'm still stuck on this seat. If there is something that has changed it's that after the "fake fight, real fall" incident I'm getting a lot more noticed and it's not the good kind of noticing. I don't care about what people say behind my back but my ideal life didn't include this extra attention. However it's not all bad, due to these talks about me our class has lessened the talk about the rumor about Watari. That's how humans work, if something catches their attention then they'll talk about that thing forgetting about everything else no matter how big the other thing is. I'm not against this kind of attention spreading, most times it helps me get by unnoticed and even this time it's helping in some ways. From what I can tell Akane doesn't seem to have heard about those rumors.

It's not because I now care about Akane or something stupid like that, I just know what having wrong information can do. If this rumor reaches Akane right now and something between her and Watari happens it would just be a mess. Not to mention if something like that happens I'll end up getting even more attention. "It all happened after that guy started sitting next to Sawatari-san" is what they'll say. Right now it's best if she doesn't hear those rumors, especially since there is no evidence.

Speaking of Akane, I think she has gotten used to me. She hasn't been as resentful as she was in the beginning.

"Your eyes creep me out, please do not look in my direction." Akane said without taking her eyes off her book.

"I'm not looking at you." To think that I almost complimented her attitude.

Now that I think about it, I actually don't know if she really doesn't know about the rumors. She hasn't mentioned anything like that, not even a hint of it and I am not gonna ask someone something like that. It's my principle to not get involved in someone's life.

Another good thing that has happened is that now I don't have to spend too much time with Haruma and company. I'm with Akane until lunch, I have my lunch alone, the remaining classes end up being next to Akane too and then I walk home alone. It has really been peaceful. They probably don't come after me as it may start bad talk about them, even talking to me isn't good for their place in the hierarchy.

In the end I am able to avoid playing into Kitagawa-sensei's hand as everything around me has been quiet. She might think she's cool but it's easy to see that she's not pleased by the way things are going on but there's nothing she can do right now to change the situation.

The familiar sound of the bell rings again. Time to go to the only place where I can be away from people's eyes. I rummage through my bag and take a box covered in blue cloth. Leaving my seat my eyes fall on Akane still sitting instead of trying to get away from me like she always does. "You gonna stay back today?" I did not know why I said anything to her.

Akane turned her face toward me, I hadn't seen her look like this before. Her red eyes were even more fiery, but the corners of her eyes were red, the red eye bags were signs of her crying. Before I could react Akane snapped, "You do not have to get involved with me. In fact, please try not to get involved." her voice was as cold as it was fiery, like getting caught in a blizzard of fire.

I knew at once there is nothing I can say right now. I simply nodded and walked away. I could hear her say something but it was impossible to make out.


Someone like me who doesn't like the sun or being around people has to find their own place to relax and have lunch in peace.

The place I found was a secluded stairway around the back of the school building which led to an old part of the building which wasn't being used now. We weren't prohibited from going there but since most of the paths to the building were closed off students tended not to spend too much time just trying to get into some old uncleaned building. The route that I had chosen to get to the stairway was through the front of the school having to go around the main gate.

It wasn't like I tried to hide my route, in fact, it would have been impossible for me to hide. The main gate was visible from the classrooms if someone looked through the window. I just have an unexpectedly high skill in being able to blend into the background. It also helps that no one is looking for me.

Getting away from people is truly peaceful, my ideal career would be the one where I can work alone without having to interact with people. Since those jobs are few and far between, I've decided my dream job is to be a stay at home useless man.

Just as I was about to get lost in my dream of the ideal I heard the sound of footsteps coming my way. No one followed me here and no one comes this way, does this mean the only place that I had saved for myself is now compromised? I'll just have to wait to find out what kind of person found my spot.

A few moments later I saw a slender figure peek around the corner, it wasn't clear at first but as the figure walked closer I could see the face much more clearly. It wasn't someone I knew.

"I'm sorry, did I disturb your lunch?" The figure said in a soft voice. "I sometimes come here to be alone for a while." They were wearing our school's gym uniform. The blue tracksuit with light yellow stripes was something that anyone could recognize and it's my guess that's the point. Our school went fully into the theme of having the color blue everywhere.

The figure had short silver hair covering their face that seemed a little red from embarrassment on finding me here. A girl shouldn't be here. I noticed nothing that could have been a hint that a girl had been using this place. "Uhh… are you okay?" her face seemed to get even redder.

She's talking to me? I can't be that lucky, can I? I could feel my face getting red. As I realized that I've been staring at her and saying nothing, it struck me why girls see me as a creep. I took my eyes off her and finally replied, "Yeah… sorry… I'm okay. You didn't disturb anything."

"Are you sure? I understand if you wanna have your lunch alone." she said, averting her eyes.

"It's fine. You said you wanted to be alone too. I'll leave."

She put both her arms in front of me to stop me, "No please, you were here first. You should stay, I'll leave." Not only is pretty looking, her personality is super cute too, unlike some girl who's been sitting next to me. More girls should be like her.

"If you don't mind, we both can stay here. It's a big area. I won't disturb you."

"I guess that would work. Thank you."

"Don't have to thank me. It's a free place."

She smiles and I can feel the coming of spring. She starts walking towards me and sits next to me. I feel chills running through my spine and my body starts shaking. Too close. I can smell her. She smells like sunflowers. Wait, smelling someone like that is creepy. She's too close for me to feel comfortable the first time we meet. She suddenly turns towards me and her face looks disturbed. That's it she thinks I'm a creep. It was a good life I lived.

"Once again I'm really sorry. It was rude of me to not even introduce myself. I am Kai Miyuki. I'm a second year student and currently a part of the Drama club of Soubo High School. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." I'm serious. "Youhei Arima, same year as yours, Miyuki-san."

"Please call me Kai." She said with the same smile on her face as before. Stop it or I'll definitely fall for that smile alone.

All I could do at that time was bow my head.

"Arima-san, which grade are you in? We are both second years but I don't think I've seen you before."

"I'm in class 2-1, what about you, Miyuki-san?"

"It's Kai. I'm in 2-2. Do you come here often?"

"I usually do my lunch here. I like being away from people."

"I come here whenever I'm overwhelmed. Which has been happening a lot lately" she lets out a faint laugh, the kind you let out when you are trying to hide something.

"Is it related to your club?"

"Yeah… something like that. Lately it's been like no matter how much I practice I don't seem to get any better." The silver hairs covered her eyes but I could tell she was upset. Probably at herself. After a moment of silence she looked at me and tried to laugh. "Sorry I'm putting my problems on you. Please forget it."

"You apologize too much, Miyuki-san. You didn't put it on me, I asked you."

"It's Kai. Thank you Arima-san. I feel better after talking to you." This time her smile was warm. I could feel myself getting redder.

"A–Anyway… lunch break is almost over. I think we should go. It would be a problem if someone were to find us here."

"Arima-san… why would it be a problem if someone found us here? We aren't prohibited from coming here."

"Wh–Why would it be a problem? You know… people misunderstand." Why is she so casual about it? I have already lost my image after the Akane incident and now if someone finds me with her in a scheduled area. No, that's the last thing I need right now.

"What's there to misunderstand?" she tilts her head in confusion. Looking at me with curious eyes.

"Well…" How do I say it? "You see, Miyuki-san, I'm a guy," Myuki nods, "and you know there aren't many people who come to this area."

"It's Kai. Which is why we both come here to get away from all the noise, right?"

"Yeah… that is true… but you know… if someone sees a guy with someone they talk about it, especially if it's a girl." That's the most I can say in front of someone as innocent as her. Please understand my message, Miyuki-san.

Looking at her I saw something I didn't expect. Her eyes were wide open looking straight toward me, and her face was completely red. I think she understood what I meant. Now I definitely look like a creep. She quickly averted her eyes. I heard a quiet voice, "Arima-san, I'm a guy too."

Huge betrayal. She can't be serious. She's a guy? Why is a guy this cute? Think later, apologize now.

"I'm sorry, Miyuki-san. I didn't realiz-"

"It's Kai. It's fine Arima-san, I don't mind. A lot of people mistake it." (She) he stood up and started to walk away. Great now he won't ever talk to me and if he tells others about this honest mistake, my life is finished. Just as I started to plan my funeral the sound of footsteps walking away stopped. I looked up and saw the silver haired guy looking at me with an embarrassed face, "Let's talk some more later, Arima-san." the next second he was gone. I can still live. The only girl that I thought I could fall for turned out to be a guy.

This average life I chose didn't turn out to be generic afterall.