
My Ever Persistent Luna

[My Ever Persistent Luna Synopsis] Emily Silverfang, Who was the heiress of the Silverfang family who's descendants had always been chosen as the head of the Silverfang pack was left heartbroken when her chosen mate and the unfortunate biological father of her child decided to reject her for another. With her mate now gone and the elders of the pack that continuously pressured her to seek another mate, Emily who had long given up on love seemed to have lost her will to live. ******* On one faithful night Emily's thirst for love was rekindled when a seemingly vexed heartbroken man known as Lu Xin happened to save her life during a near death encounter. Unfortunately since her family and pack would only allow her to marry a mate of her own chosen, She soth the help of a witch, Her best friend Sasha who inturn helped her to turn Lu Xin into one of her kind, Sadly this was all done against Lu Xin's own will. After being turned against his will, Lu Xin wants nothing more to do with her, Unfortunately even though he wanted to reject her he still couldn't escape her family's pursuit. His resentment for Emily grows when he gets forced to become her betrothed due to her family's pressure while also trying his best to fit into her exorbitant life. Moreover Emily who wants nothing more than for him to truly love her tries her best to close the distance between them only to find out that she wasn't the only one who currently had eye's on the dashing man.

Lord_GrimX101 · Thành thị
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33 Chs

Chapter 4: Nothing's far more Calming than her Soothing Voice.

"D-Don't g-get a..ny ideas, am just following you so I can make sure you grab all your stuff before I close my do-" Myeong who was already nervous, hurriedly tried explaining herself, but even before she could finish her sentence, Lu Xin's cold voice cut her off.

"Do as you please...." Lu Xin left the bedroom first, with her behind him, he made sure to grab his luggage and with the bouquet in his left arm he made his way out of her apartment, she watched silently while his gloomy figure made his way down the corridor before vanishing down the stairs, to her dismay his handsome silhouette never once stopped to look back, her heart ached continuously as she watched him leave.

After leaving her sights, she silently closed her apartment door before slumping down back against the door, the pain and Sadness she struggled to keep at bay poured out like a raging river, Myeong bawled her reddened eyes out without holding back, cries of agony and grief filled the once silent apartment, her make up which was now messed up made her visage look horrible, clenching her fist's in indignation, her nails digging right into her palm, yet even then she didn't seem to care about her soft bleeding palm, deep within herself, she now felt as if she'd lost something incomparably valuable to her..... like one who'd lost a piece of themselves.


Though Lu Xin didn't show it, underneath that masculine handsome body, was a heart completely shattered to piece's slowly being corroded away by time.

his once cheerful and easy going demeanor was already gone and in it's place an icy look, cold and mesmerizing, yet as dangerous as a raging blizzard.

While he made his way away from her apartment building, to make matters worse, the starry night sky soon welcomed the coming of several dark clouds that upstruted the shimmering view, Each step he took was accompanied by the rumbling of thunder and brief flashes of lightning, yet even then Lu Xin didn't seem to mind, his clouded mind was already too gloomy for him to care about anything else.

Though while walking he suddenly felt his pocket vibrating, with a slight raise of his brows, he passed the flower bouquet to his right arm which he used to hold both it and his wheeled luggage.

With his left arm he reached into his pocket to grab his phone, after unlocking the screen lock he saw several notifications displaying missed calls all from one caller ID.

" Mom...." Lu Xin smiled lightly, his gloom easing up a bit, Even while he already told her he'd be spending the night at Myeong's she still didn't fail to check up on him and coincidentally when he needed it the most.

Lu Xin couldn't help thinking that a mother's love really was a superb thing, He quickly dialed her number and after a short while the line quickly went on.

" Evening Mom" Lu Xin who was the first to speak, courteously started off with a greeting, immediately afterwards he heard a soothing voice, he hadn't heard in awhile from over the line.

" Lu Xin you unfilial son what's wrong with you!, Not only did you finally return from your trip abroad without even coming home first, now you didn't even bother calling your dear old mother~, Don't Tell me you now love that girl more than your own mother WuWu~" Though she he knew she really wasn't that mad at him, Lu Xin's expression couldn't help but darken when he heard her mention Myeong.

" if you're old then how come you always look so good no matter what your wearing dear mother, and it's not my fault, I was just caught up with some things, that's why I didn't have the time to call you and father am terribly sorry...."

" I see your tongues been sharpened over the years, Flattering me won't get you anywhere Young Man*3*, you have no idea how worried your father and I have been"

" that so called father of yours even had the guts to say we've already lost you without even attending the wedding WuWu~" immediately afterwards, two squabbling voices could be heard over the line, with a high pitched Yelp the line soon turned peaceful once more.

"What's that?!" Lu Xin who felt confused couldn't help but ask, his curiosity was obviously peaked especially because of that yelp he heard at the end.

"Don't worry about it, it's just that father's of yours hahaha, you should've seen his face when I called him out earlier, he even tried snatching the phone from me hahaha "

_ The main problem is what did you do to make him scream like that anyway?_ Lu Xin wanted to ask but decided against it in the end, while still smiling radiantly, he continued chatting with his dear mother, the more he talked the less moody he got, feeling better than prior, but that all changed when his mom asked a question he never thought she would out of the blue.

This chapter is dedicated to all the wonderful mother's out there that always know how to cheer us up even at our lowest.

Lord_GrimX101creators' thoughts