
Tears of Steel IV

Zaleria stared up at the massive dragon, it was far bigger than the last time they met. How could a dragon grow so much in a short while?

"Morena shadowed, first met 979 years ago, killed 49 times in total and this will be the fifty. Variable, Dispater's staff." Mary said looking down at the confused Morena.

"What nonsense are spitting, give up if you know the staff," Morena growled.

"Dispater, lord of the second layer of hell, Dis. He's an arch-devil with the natural ability to turn people into iron. And thus, he created his staff that cause iron to rust. A deadly combo indeed, and I can understand why you think such a thing will hurt us steels." Mary lifted her right claw up.

"Then…" Morena was about to speak.

Suddenly, Mary disappeared from Morena's sight. No, she didn't disappear, she shrunk to just a bit larger than a human while in her draconic form.

Running like a feline at a blinding speed. All the power stored in her steel muscles started bursting like springs.