
Rakshasa on the hunt

Selena rushed through the street chasing Jack's scent, each of her steps left a gaping hole in the ground. As soon as she reached the first major corner she turned around and exited the building area heading toward the massive river and splitting the capital in half.

Running at a speed that no horse can dream of achieving, she caused the ground to rumble as she closed on the small cave at the riverside. The river passing in the middle of the capital was used mostly for transporting goods.

Beside the cave entrance, two men stood to watch.

"To think we were called to this place, being hired by nobles isn't that bad." One of the thugs smiled drinking from his beer jug.

His friend snorted, "Most nobles have shady deals, hiring Ruffians like we are something they do all the time. Remember that we're expendable." He took the beer bottle from his friend.

"Hay hay, need to do a good job so we get paid well." His friend sighed.

"That's right, the mission is simple but by no means easy."