
My Emir

Glitz, glamour, culture, family, area emirates, religion,and lying beneath, lurking in the shadows, is evil. A king must handle all that comes his way with grace, but let's see how Ashraf Malik, the youngest heir of the Malik dynasty does it after having to become king because the eldest heir of the Malik dynasty didn't want to have anything to do with the emirates. Though young, he has to deal with the evil lurking in the darkness, trying to bring an end to the dynasty of Kano. Some old ties, some envy, and some, out of sheer malice. Would do with a good woman by his side. But with all these bringing up bones from his past, how would he hold up his crumbling world? A world of many faces.

Hawa_Yakubu · Thành thị
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6 Chs


Sultan's residence.


  Eskander opened the door to his best friend's room, laughing while on a call. He would give up a million dollars to hear such good news again. He closed the door behind him and let his eyes scan the room, in search of the man he was looking for and found him seated on a couch, situated in one isolated corner of the room. 

Zayn gave him a disappointed look. What's up with this Eskander again? His eyes drifted from Eskander who was still laughing to the MacBook that was resting on his lap. He's almost done with his work and now that Eskander is in his room, there's no way he's going to complete his work. If only his brother hadn't chosen to be a lawyer.

"What is it again, Eskander?" Zayn asked, setting the device aside. The way this guy is being goofy right now, he's refusing to believe that this is the same man ladies are hitting on. No. This can't be him. This is another Eskander.

"She agreed to marry Hassan," Eskander revealed.

Zayn couldn't help but scoff. "Waiyo Allah. God have mercy on that girl's soul." Another innocent woman has fallen into Hassan's captivating 'love'.

"I've to go and meet Emraan at his office. Aren't we meeting those people today? And you are supposed to be there too." Zayn spoke, getting up.


Zayn lent a hand to his friend who was sitting on the carpet, sprawled on the marble floor instead of the king-sized bed in the room.

Right. Just right.


Malik's Attorneys Law Firm 

Another long tiring day for Mariya.

People. So many people. She isn't the type who likes crowded places and working at Malik's Attorneys Law Firm didn't make things easy for her at all. But that's one of the best law firms in the country and she's doing pretty well there. It's going to have people going in and out all the time during working hours. 

She has to meet with a client and she's already late. The whole day has been a mess. Winning the very case that two expert lawyers couldn't win, she has got a few people on her neck, begging her to defend them in court.

In a hurry, she bumped into someone... more like, he bumped into her and he didn't apologize. All he said was:" All these kinds of people in Kano." She wanted to let it go because she had someone waiting for her but on second thought, what did he mean by that? He thinks Kano is only for him, eh? Someone's son has crossed his limits and he is about to smell pepper.

"What do you mean by 'all these people in Kano?' Do you think your father is the Emir of Kano or what? Kaaji min magana." She voiced out. She wasn't the one to let things like that slide.

"Excuse you?" He questioned, taking off his shades. 

See, he's wearing sunglasses too. Dark ones. How was he expecting to see things clearly?

She sucked in a breath when her eyes met his. Why didn't she notice this at first? Handsome would be an understatement to the epitome of masculinity standing in front of her. Melanin, check. Handsome, check and check again. Whoa! Waves, check. She's sure all the qualities she looks for in a man are also checked. Argh! Mariya has been bewitched. Yes. By God's creation. 

No, but he's rude. How dare he. Reduced all expectations to zero. What a shame. She'll give him a piece of her mind. And he's going to regret opening his mouth to spill that rubbish. 

Her phone's ringtone went off, signifying a call just as she was about to speak. It was her client. She wouldn't want to displease her client because of someone like him.

" I'll have to leave now but In shaa Allah, we will meet again and you are going to like me so much. Note the sarcasm there. So much, I tell you." She said, walking backward and then rushing to her office when she was sure to be out of his sight. She sighed. Though she was able to voice out a couple of words to him, she was sure that in his eyes, she was like a cat who was meowing. He's so intimidating. Just his demeanor.

  Zayn scoffed. What a character. Why do all beautiful women have an attitude? Just like his sister. Someone tapped him and he turned to see that it was Eskander. He handed Zayn a cup of coffee.

"I thought you would be inside by now. Who's that lady?" Eskander asked and took a sip of his iced coffee.

"I don't know who she is." Zayn replied, his gaze wandering the path Mariya took."Let's get going." He shrugged. He had better things to do than to get bothered by her words.

  On their way to Emraan's office, Zayn quietly listened to Eskander who was in his talkative mode, filling Zayn in with the current tea of the town. Zayn cannot imagine his life without Eskander. Surprisingly, Eskander's father was the late Emir of Kano's stable keeper Sultan Ahmad II got Eskander educated alongside Zayn and the other princes because Eskander was so passionate about getting educated that he would ask Zayn to teach him what he had learnt in school while he taught Zayn how to ride horses. That was when they were very young. They have spent so much time with each other that now, they are almost inseparable. Note:the halal way. It's good to have a lifelong friend like this. 

Zayn opened the door to Emraan's office and both of them filed in.

"Ashraf, Eskander. You guys are late again. Emraan fired at them, as soon as they entered.

"Sorry bros. We dey beg." Eskander apologized, hoping Emraan would overlook it just this one time.

"Couldn't we have done this at home?" Zayn asked.

"No. Ashraf." Emraan was resolute.

  Zayn rolled his eyes at him. His brother has always been annoying. No matter how old you grow, your siblings will continue to be the most annoying beings on earth, though they can be sweet at times.

A knock was heard from outside the room and three men, clad in suits, entered the office. They exchanged pleasantries with Emraan, Zayn, and Eskander before settling down and commencing the meeting. 

That's what Zayn's life was like. Work, work, work. He had returned from a business trip to Cairo just two days ago and the cycle continues. Emraan being the eldest son of Sultan Lawal decided to pursue law instead of business. So Zayn has to take over the family business instead of his brother. Not that his brother doesn't care about the family business. He has his dreams and his family wouldn't do anything to jeopardize them. It will be useful when he becomes the Emir. Albeit, he helps Zayn in the business anytime his help is needed since Emraan was in the business before Zayn took over. Since the royal family is one of the wealthiest families in the country, a huge fraction of the income from the thriving business is used for the welfare of the people of Kano. And there has been a massive rate in employment since most of the workers in the industry are from

Kano. Kanawan Dabo. Sultan Lawal has managed to reduce the crime rate in the state through the utilization of its resources and support from the civil government of the state.  He has managed to establish a cordial relationship with the civil government. Therefore, working hand in hand, the culture and its beautiful people will be preserved alongside the maintenance of the civil service.

A dream of a ruler has finally come true, through hard work, faith, and consistency. 

Zayn was proud of his father and he hopes his brother will continue his father's legacy.


  After the meeting, Zayn, Emraan, and Eskander were chatting about their favorite topic__ sports. Emraan and Eskander were the most indulged while Zayn interjected only a few times. They are so loud but they are the only real friends he has. Gone were the days when Hassan, their cousin, used to be part of the group.

"Who told you Ronaldo is the best player of all time? I mean he's good. Don't make me start mentioning the legends. Pele, Messi, and the rest. Haba! How can you say this?" Eskander argued. 

They always argue like this but the bond is still strong.

"It's the goals that matt..." Emraan was cut off by the ringing of his phone. He took it from the inner pocket of his suit jacket. It was the love of his life, Nazeera. He answered the call and placed the phone near his ear. He flashed Zayn and Eskander a knowing smile before giving his attention back to the call.

"What's up, Hayati? Missed me already?" He spoke into the phone.

Just then, Zayn's phone also rang. He stared at Emraan while his call lasted. Looks like someone is in trouble.

"Who is it?" Eskander mouthed to Zayn.

"Sultan." Zayn mouthed back. "Emraan is in trouble." Eskander chuckled.

" C'mon, Hayati. Tell me when we will be going on a vacation." He spoke with a smile on his face. An unwavering smile. Only God knows what they are talking about.

"You know..." She didn't let him finish his sentence before hanging up the call on him. She's really angry. He's got a lot of apologizing to do when he gets home.

  Zayn handed the phone to Emraan. "Abba wants to speak to you."

Emraan took the phone and placed it near his ear. 

Yeah. He got scolded for keeping his phone on airplane mode during a meeting, yet again. A call might come in at any given time.

Sultan Lawal repeated the same instructions he had given Zayn; to go with the royal procession to Hassan's betrothed's house to deliver the kudin gaisuwa and decide on a date for the wedding. 

He said no matter what, the royal family has to support Hassan as long as his intentions are good. Sultan knew there were some kind of differences between Hassan and the rest of the princes and they wouldn't join the procession until they had been forced to

There was some kind of grudge between Hassan and them. Even Sultan doesn't know how it all began. But he's not surprised. Being Hamza Malik's son, and the first grandson of Sultan Ahmad II, his attitude towards Sultan Lawal's sons definitely wouldn't be the best since his father was deprived of the throne.

  "Toh, Abba. We'll go with them. And I'll make sure they go too." He agreed, glaring at Eskander and Zayn. Emraan ended the call and sighed. He knew what his father said was right but they will surely put that Hassan guy in his place for real.

"Who is Hassan getting married to?" Emraan asked.

" I don't know her but I heard her name is Mariya," Eskander answered and stretched a hand to pick up an apple from the fruit basket sitting on a table in the office. Let's see how this goes. 

" Mariya." Emraan pondered over the name. Just hoping it's not the Mariya he knows.

" When is the procession commencing?" Zayn asked.

"Abba said after Zuhr ."


  A gentle tap was heard on the door and Mariya entered the room. She was told to give a file to Emraan and she was in a hurry to go home because her betrothed's family was supposed to be at her house in a matter of an hour. 

She saw Emraan sitting behind a huge mahogany desk but there were two other men with him. She didn't even bother to look at their faces. She was in a hurry. She had her back facing them. She greeted him, placed the file on the desk, and turned to leave.

"Wait." Someone spoke, making her stop in her tracks. 

That voice sounded oddly familiar. It wasn't Emraan's voice so definitely one of the men. sitting with him in the room. What does he want? She turned to the direction of the voice and just then, she wished the ground would open up and swallow her and never bring her out. 

It was him. She least expected him to be sitting in her boss' office as if he owned it.

Eskander and Emraan were kind of confused. What is happening? Mariya looked like she had seen a ghost and Zayn had a smirk resting on his face.  Why now? Why her?

" Glad to make your acquaintance yet again, miss." He spoke. How she wished to wipe that smirk off his face. 

  "You seem to have met each other already. This is my brother, Zayn-Ashraf. I guess you know his surname already." Emraan said, pointing to Zayn.

Mariya, this is your end. Trouble on trouble. He's Sultan Lawal's son. She never bothered to know but now, she's bothered that she never knew who he was before talking to him like that. The prince of Kano. She should have noticed his resemblance to Emraan. Mariya, kin shiga uku.

" We meet again, Mariya. I believe you've got a lot to say to me." Zayn teased. Poor Mariya.

"No." She said and rushed out of the office as if she was being chased. Why did she have to talk to him like that? Her mouth indeed has no filter. But he was being rude at first, but still.



Zayn cackled hard. He was sure she had regretted ever talking to him like that. Her facial expression was a sight to behold. He had wanted to apologize to her back then but she was being all boisterous and annoying so he decided to just watch her as she displayed.

"What the jahannam ?!"  Emraan and Eskander exclaimed in unison.

What just happened? Emraan never expected one of his favorite workers to be intimidated by Zayn. A lawyer shouldn't get intimidated that easily.

" What did she do at all?" Emraan thought. Though that's one natural attribute of Zayn. He's so intimidating. That's a result of his forever stoic facial expressions.

By the way, it's been long since Zayn had laughed this hard. He was with his homies and there's nothing to be insecure about. Not even his laughter.

" What the jahannam just happened?"Eskander asked.

Zayn narrated to them, what happened earlier in the day with Mariya and him.

They thought she was brave enough to speak to Zayn like that. Many people wouldn't dare to. They knew better than to do that.

"Mariya." Zayn chuckled. Just hoping she's not the Mariya who is going to get married to Hassan. She seemed too good for him.

" Let's get going. It's almost time." Emraan prompted them.

'Let's see who that Mariya is.' Zayn thought.

Hi guys,

Another update. Hope you enjoyed it. There's more coming.

Mariya, kin shiga uku kam.

I don't have much to say for A/N. Just stick to the thrill. Till then, see you.

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