
My Emir

Glitz, glamour, culture, family, area emirates, religion,and lying beneath, lurking in the shadows, is evil. A king must handle all that comes his way with grace, but let's see how Ashraf Malik, the youngest heir of the Malik dynasty does it after having to become king because the eldest heir of the Malik dynasty didn't want to have anything to do with the emirates. Though young, he has to deal with the evil lurking in the darkness, trying to bring an end to the dynasty of Kano. Some old ties, some envy, and some, out of sheer malice. Would do with a good woman by his side. But with all these bringing up bones from his past, how would he hold up his crumbling world? A world of many faces.

Hawa_Yakubu · Thành thị
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6 Chs



Oh no. There goes nothing. The most detestable moment in the history of her career though it's just the beginning of her career. Oh, how she hates this nerve-wracking silence. The judge should hurry up and pronounce his verdict already. 

What is this?

This being her first case, she knew it would be good for her records and also she didn't want to disappoint her very first client whose freedom lies in her skills as a lawyer. 

She stole a glance at his family who occupied the first two rows of the gallery, and then to the judge, who was going through some files.

Judging by his rimmed glasses, she could conclude that the law is blind.

The accused's family looked so dejected. A woman sitting amongst the group of people she recognized as the accused's family had tears cascading down her face and she did nothing to hold them back. 

Guess she couldn't. 

For a moment, she began to doubt her skills and knowledge as a lawyer. All the years she spent in law school and her training. All the late nights she spent studying and all the arguments and evidence she had presented in the presence of the Court of Law to prove that Mr. Daniel, her client, didn't murder his business rival. She's beginning to doubt herself now. What if all the efforts she put forward weren't enough? Maybe it was selfish of her to agree to take up such a case in the first place when she knew this was her very first case as a lawyer. 

She raised her gaze to meet that of the deceased's family lawyer. He had a smirk on his face.

' just wait and see how I wipe that smirk from your face.' she thought.

The sound of the judge, slamming his gavel against its block brought her out of her reverie. It's here. The wait is finally over. The judge cleared his throat before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose. 

According to Section 319 of the Criminal Act Code in Nigeria, Mr. Daniel will be sentenced to death if he is pronounced guilty.

"By the power vested in me by the Court of Law..." The judge began. It's coming. The next sentence that comes out of the judge's mouth will determine whether someone lives or dies. She couldn't help but cup her face with her palms. This is it.

"...I pronounce Mr.Daniel, not guilty of the murder of his business rival due to the accuracy of the pieces of evidence provided." As if that was the only go-ahead they yearned for, half of the court's population erupted into claps.

" A decision well made!" Someone shouted from the gallery. She could finally breathe.

Indeed a decision well made. She smiled when her eyes met Mr.Daniel's. He was smiling too. Of course, he should. She didn't know when tears filled her eyes. So this is what success felt like. All the hard work was worth it all. This case took her a month to get to the bottom of it and she was elated to let justice prevail.

She was walking through the corridor of the courthouse when she heard someone call her name she turned to see that it was Judge Sanusi. The judge who sat the case

She smiled at him. That man is her mentor. 

"You did well in the courtroom today. I knew you would make it. Congratulations." He said to her and shook her hand professionally. 

They parted ways and she headed to her car. She was going home since she had nothing to do again at work. Besides, she has to celebrate her first victory. She had to go undercover when she was passing by where Mr. Daniel was being interviewed by the media. As a famous businessman who contributed to the economy of Nigeria, he was well-known by the people. Of course, she had already exchanged pleasantries with him.

"Mariya!" Someone called her name just as she was about to open the door to her car. She turned to see the CEO of the law firm she works in, walking towards her.

"Na'am." She responded with a smile." Thank you, Mr. Emraan, for the assurance."

If not for him who had advised her a few minutes before the last hearing, she would have lost the case because she was losing after the first three sittings. His words kept her sane throughout the hearing.

"I told you that you had it in you to be a lawyer. Yanzu je ki huce ko." He smiled.

"Ay, I'm going home. I deserve this. The heat in the courtroom could roast some suya" She joked and they laughed it off. You wouldn't believe it if you were told that man is the future Sultan of Kano. Emraan Malik.

The eldest son of the emir of Kano. One of the most powerful families in Nigeria. The man was every Kano girl's dream until he got married.

They parted ways and Mariya headed home, excited to tell her parents about her experience in court. She reached home but something seemed off. The number of cars in the garage was out of the ordinary. Normally, there were only five cars in the house including hers. Not to mention, the additional cars were sleek. Might cost millions. 

Wait... Hope they are not having a function without her because if that's the case, she's just about to crash it. They have got the guts to hold a function without the party queen. Mama, I'm coming for you. She couldn't even park her car properly because there wasn't enough space. Getting out of her car, she spotted her sister, Fareeda. 

When did she get home? Indeed the party must be massive. Her sister is married and lives in Jigawa State. She was more than happy to see her.

"Fareeda!" She screamed excitedly and rushed to hug her elder sister. Fareeda reciprocated the gesture with the same level of energy. Finally, they broke the rib-crushing hug.

"When did you get here? I missed you so much. Did Hakeem come with you? Did you bring the kid? What is happening in the house? You guys are holding a function and decided to crop me out of it, isn't it? Mama didn't even tell me about it." Mariya ranted in a single breath, making her sister facepalm. The talkative Mariya is back again.

"Chill." Fareeda breathed.". First of all I brought the kid with me but not Hakeem. And it's not a function. A family has come to ask for your hand in marriage for their son. Just wait until you see him." 

Mariya frowned. Her family is at it. They won't rest until they get her married. Now that she's working, there's no escape.

" Focus on finding a wife for your twin brother first." Mariya blurted out. Her mouth has no filter.

"Still, you're getting married before him." Fareeda teased. 

She led her into the house, making sure she didn't pass the main hall to her room, where all the men were discussing her marriage. And of course, she isn't going to be forced into marrying whoever it is. She's going to decide whether she likes the man or not.

In the confinement of her room, Mariya changed into a suitable home outfit and offered her Zuhr prayer. Someone knocked on her door just as she began folding her prayer mat, which signified the end of her prayer.

"Come in." She ordered and the door opened slowly, revealing her brother, Fareed. Fareeda's twin. He was built in stature. His melanated skin and waves complete the look. Sometimes she wonders how someone like Fareed is still single. Guess he's keeping it halal until he finds the one for him. 

Fareed makes his way in and sits on her bed. 

" How was your work today? Did you win the case?" He asked genuinely because he knew she struggling with the case.

" Fareed!" Mariya squeals and drops the prayer mat on the floor and rushes to her brother, hugging him tightly. Guess she did win the case." I won, I won, I won!" She chanted excitedly. 

" I knew you would." Fareed grinned. He's happy that his sister has finally achieved her dream of becoming a lawyer and he prays that she won't burst into tears in front of the court when things get out of hand because he knows his baby sister very much.

"He has come to ask for your hand in marriage," Fareed said in a low tone while breaking the hug.

"He who? Fareeda never bothered to tell me."

"Hassan Malik.Our Sultan's nephew." Fareed revealed. Mariya has always had a crush on Hassan and Fareed is the only one she told. She thought it was just an infatuation and that, she would get over it very soon but it is getting damn real. She had seen him and talked to him a few times and the guy had already captured her heart. She wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with him.

Genuinely, Fareed was happy about the whole issue and he knew Hassan was a good man because he had had his sources investigate the man and he came out clean. Being the Vice president of Gidado Industries, Fareed could have any information he wants regarding every single person who goes in and out of the numerous industries of Gidado. He had had a big deal believing Fareeda was married and he wouldn't be seeing her around the house frequently like before, and now he will have to let go of Mariya too.

" Be sure to accept the proposal. He's a good man." Fareed advised, leaving all his previous thoughts behind. As if knowing what he was thinking, Mariya wrapped her arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Awww." She cooed."Missing me already, my dearest bodyguard?" She teased. Yeah. She's always the trouble maker and he is the one to make sure she doesn't get into any trouble. Her brother is her everything. In conclusion, he deserves an award from the World Guinness Record for being the best brother.

"I'll be only one call away."She said, patting his back and wiping her fake tears. He laughed at her antics.

Without any prior notice, a pair of three-year-old happy feet barged into the room.

"Aunty Malika!" The toddler squealed as she was swept into a hug by Mariya.

" How are you, darling?"

''I am fine," Zainab replied in her toddler accent.

Mariya turned to see her mom walk into her room with her dad and sister behind her. 

Eh. Uwar gida. Hajia Laura Gidado.

They settled down and asked her how her day went and she was more than excited to tell them about it, especially the part her boss and the judge praised her. Alhaji Farooq Gidado watched his daughter, proudly as she narrated her experience regarding the whole case. All his children are successful in their fields and he couldn't have been more happier with the proposal.


Hajia Laura brings about the marriage topic again and Mariya tells her mom that she accepts the proposal. A smile bloomed on Hajia's face. Things are getting better.

"I'll be right back. I have to go and make an important call." Hajia Laura excused herself.

"Waiyyo Allah. Now the whole of Kano is going to hear about this." Fareed joked and they all laughed it off, including the three-year-old who had no idea of what was going on.

"Fareed, send word to the palace." Alhaji Farooq said and left the room.

Amariya Mariya Malika Gidado.


Somewhere in Kano

" Boss she wants to meet you and she is threatening us that she'll file a police report if we don't let her see you.'Yar banza."A gruff-looking man spoke into the phone he was holding, not bothering to lower his voice. Who cares? 

"What do you think I should do to her?" The man at the other end of the line asked. The gruff-looking man suddenly had his eyes scanning the room intently. He felt as if he was being watched. He searched the room but saw no one. The lady he was arguing with hadn't moved out of the scanty-looking room she was in. She's got herself in some deep trouble with thugs. Who knows what will happen to her now?

" You decide, boss." He spoke, but this time in a soft tone.

"Kill her." Just then, the line went silent.

*Hi guys😄. This is my very first story on web novel Show some love pls. Stay tuned and don't forget to like and comment. Ciao*