
Chapter 6

Thankfully werewolf biology allowed Sara's sense of smell to ignore the stench of the sewers. She closed her eyes and focused on the void scent the enemy retreated. "Do you think our unseen enemy is waiting for us to lay hands on the dybbuk box?"

Silence came from Liam, who still hadn't taken his eyes off Sara. "How is your form possible? Are you sure you want to pursue this insane quest?"

Sara growled impatiently. "I have always had an eldritch form. It's been dormant until now. I went on this journey to find answers about my father and maybe a little redemption." She turned and padded down the tunnel. "Nobody forced you to come with us. You can leave any time you want."

"What about you?"

"I can take care of myself..." Sara froze, and the void smell came close. Her ears detected soft splashes in the murky water. A slap echoed around the stone walls. The smell of fresh asphalt almost overloaded her nose.

"Sara..." Liam started to say. Behind him, a long silhouette rose above his head. He sniffed the air, "Well, at least we found what's hunting us." Liam darted away just as the unseen creature struck. Stone and water flew in all directions.

The creature raised back up. A long serpentine body comprised of lamprey mouths and eyes slithered toward Sara and Liam. Thick green saliva oozed from the eager circle of teeth.

"Please tell me you brought a weapon," Sarah said as she prepared to attack. The long line of mouths darted towards her with lightning speed. She closed her eyes and swung her fist.

The slender body darted away and slammed into the bricks. Liam found a pipe, thrust the jagged metal forward, and a second mouth caught the attack. The rows of serrated teeth devoured the metal.

"The one time you need a gun." Liam threw away the last six inches of pipes and retreated from the ravenous mouths.

Sara growled and rushed forward. Green ooze dripped from the opened wound into the water as her claws dug into the soft flesh.

Liam shouted, "Aim for a mouth." A new length of pipe struck the creature anew.

"What are you talking about." She looked over her shoulder, and the rows of teeth streaked toward her. Sara understood Liam's words. She ducked and released the tail end.

The creature shrieked in pain as it devoured itself. It writhed in agony and thrashed around. Minutes later, nothing remained but a pile of mush.

"We are buying guns," Sara said. She kicked the inert flesh, "If I hadn't got ahold of the tail..." the thought made her shiver.

"Yeah, I have to agree with you. Those mouths made it impossible to grab. It might be worthwhile to ask Dawn if she knows the extent of your abilities."

"Agreed." Sara pointed to the street and then smacked herself in the forehead. "I didn't bring an extra set of clothes."

"What do you want to do?" Liam asked. He shifted back to human with his clothes intact. "I'll find you some clothes. Don't forget we have to get our hands on the dybbuk box at Thistle do."

"I'm a size six..." The number caused an embarrassment to redden her cheeks. Sarah remembered how her friends worshipped size zero back in high school. She tried to fit the ideal and gave up after a friend starved herself to death.

"No judgment here," Liam climbed the ladder. "You might want to hide until I get back." He suggested. "If anyone sees you..."

Sara resisted the urge to slap him, "I am not stupid, Liam. I've been a werewolf all my life. I know the importance of secrecy."


Liam returned twenty minutes later with suitable clothes. He came with two or three outfits in case none of them fit. He handed the bag to her and turned around. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. Some of my relatives struggled with the concept of discretion."

"I'm sorry, Liam," Sara said, "I know what it's like to be seconds away from discovery. It never gets any easier." She paused and slid the sports bra over her chest. "You know, as savage as we are to each other, those human hunters put us to shame."

"Agreed," Liam replied. "Why do you think Dawn stayed behind. Do you get the feeling she isn't telling us everything?"

"I've already guessed as much." Sara zipped up the faded jeans without difficulty. "I planned on asking about Dawn once we found the shop. I'd like to know what we're dealing with."

"You sharper than you look," Liam winced, "No offense."

"No offense taken." She held up a dark purple blouse and a light blue one. She tossed the blue one aside. "My father believed it wise to hide strength behind a veil of stupidity. A strategy that served him well."

"I see." Liam smiled and headed back up the ladder.

Sara gripped the iron bars of the ladder. Her lungs craved fresh air. "Hurry up. I need to smell something that isn't human fecal matter." She urged her companion up the metal rungs.


Sara raised her head to the sun and inhaled the sweet air several times. She opened her eyes and smiled at the world above ground. "You didn't happen to see Thistle Do?"

"Well. I hear people talking about the devil's shop a few streets from here. We both know Dawn doesn't believe in their god. It's worth a look."

"Did you happen to look up what a dybbuk box was?"

"No, I didn't think to do that. I'd like to know what we are dealing with." Liam drew his phone from his pocket. His fingers danced over the screen. "Here were go. It says here a dybbuk box contains a spirit capable of possessing people. Anyone who has opened a box has their life turned upside down. A few celebrities swear they've had problems."

"Why does Dawn need something like that?" Sara asked with a hint of distaste. "After what I saw in the sewers, I'm not eager to invite unnecessary woe into our lives."

Liam pointed to an old-time sign shaped like a Thistle, "Looks like we found our destination."


Inside the shop known as Thistle Do, Sara was captivated by artifacts and items from exotic locations. Jars with odd insects and books on the occult, the musty smell of old clothes, and antique furniture. One scent trumped them all, werewolf.

"One of us is here," Sara whispered to Liam.

"I know. I caught it the moment we walked in."

A voice echoed to the front, "Yes, It's nice to be in good company for a change. I may be getting on in years, but sharp senses never leave."

A middle-aged woman with a false leg hobbled toward them from the back. Liam moved to help the owner. "Let me..." her cane smacked him across the knuckles. "Ouch," he yelped and cradled his hand.

"Don't treat me like I'm helpless. The names Thistle, I'd leave the hillbilly jokes alone unless you want another smack. I can handle my business just as well as you." Thistle smiled at Sara. "So you're the one Dawn talked about."

Sara looked around and then back to the Thistle. The intelligent brown eyes unsettled Sara, "Why would she talk about me?"

Thistle ignored the question and asked another herself, "I suppose you are here for the dybbuk box?"

"You'd be correct," Liam said, "Why would Dawn talk about Sara?"

Thistle waved her cane in Liam's handsome face, "I know why, but it's not my story to tell. I expect Dawn will tell you when she's ready." She motioned for them to follow. "Well, are we going to stand here all day? Do you want the box or not."

"Please, we'd like to get a look at it." Sarah shook her head at Liam while she stepped down an aisle filled with old toys. "Did Dawn say why she needed it?"

"In my line of work, I try not to ask questions before I sell a deadly object. People often give such things to their enemies. The world of man doesn't believe in magic, and cursed objects attack the lives of their owners. A court of law won't prosecute for malicious gift giving."

"But you have an idea what she needs it for, right?" Sara asked.

Thistle beamed at Sara, "Well, we know who the brains of this operation, don't we." Dawn said you'd be one of the sharper tools in the shed.

"I'll wait outside, before I say things I'll regret." Liam stalked his way out of the store amid the giggles of Thistle and Sara.

Thistle pushed her glasses up and adjusted her shawl, "Looks like you found yourself a keeper. Apologize for me when you leave?" She vanished into a cluttered storage room. Objects struck the floor and tumbled out into the open. A minute later, Thistle emerged with an ornate wood box with pewter handles.

Despite the size, the box weighed nothing at all, "Let's hope nothing bad happens on the way back to the hotel."

Wait till you see what happens with the box I have the craziest idea for it.

Jolan_Hildebrandtcreators' thoughts