
My Dungeon System in Revara

Step into the mystical realm of Revara alongside Viru, thrust into a world of magic and mystery. With the power to command a living dungeon, Viru faces a thrilling path ahead. As he gathers extraordinary allies with powers beyond imagination, they forge a dungeon that beckons challengers from all corners. Prepare for an exhilarating journey as Viru rises, confronts, and conquers in the relentless pursuit of glory. In a world where every step is a heartbeat away from danger, Revara's secrets unravel, and Viru's destiny unfolds in a tale that will grip you until the final, heart-pounding moment.

Revara · Kỳ huyễn
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103 Chs

First encounter

'Never mind, let's move on to my next skill 'create dungeon subordinate'' said Viru.

'(Create Dungeon subordinate) lets you turn the monster that you have defeated into your subordinate. But the monster has to be defeated inside the field of the Dungeon core, so the core can absorb the life energy of the opponent and revert it to create your subordinate.'

'What a relief! Talk about a useful skill' exclaimed Viru in joy.

The number of subordinates he could Create after scanning was limited to 1. But he could defeat the opponents and create as many subordinates as he wants by turning them.

Viru listened intently, the gravity of his situation slowly dawning on him. The 'Create Dungeon Subordinate' skill offered a glimmer of hope, a way to turn adversity into advantage. He envisioned the potential of this skill — the defeated beast of this strange world could be converted into his ally, defender of his life and his cause.

'Finally we have your Dungeon core. It currently has the durability of 10 and has the slow down effect on opponents. It unlocks more skills and functions when the stage of your dungeon system increases.'

'Lastly, you have the Synergic Empowerment skill which lets you channel the strength and abilities of your subordinates. But if the subordinate is severely overpowered than you, the channeling limit is reduced proportionately. This limit rises when the stage of your dungeon system rises.'

Thus Concluded Albus.

Each piece of information from Albus was a vital key to his survival and ascension in Revara. The Dungeon core's features, especially its ability to slow down opponents, could provide him with the much-needed edge in combat. As each function and limitation was laid out, Viru could feel the gears turning in his mind, planning, strategizing.

As Albus finished explaining, the weight of Viru's role as a Dungeon Master settled on his shoulders. The excitement of potential growth was tempered by the knowledge of his vulnerability. The jungle around him seemed less like a green prison and more like a crucible in which he would either forge himself into a master or be consumed by the very creatures he hoped to command.

After evaluating his abilities, Viru ventured into the forest with a mix of caution and curiosity. The forest was awfully quiet, making even the slightest sound could alert any dangerous animal near him. He noticed a flock of birds nesting on top of several trees.

His attention was soon captured by an unusual bird.

"It's a first-stage evolved Crimson-eyed Veery," Albus informed him promptly.

"It's not aggressive unless provoked and has agility greater than yours."

This veery stood out among the other unevolved common birds. Its eyes gleamed with a crimson red.

[Author note: Find the reference picture of the crimson-eyed bird in the comments.]

With mischief in his tone, Viru mused about making the bird his first subordinate. Albus was prepared, poised to begin scanning upon Viru's engagement.

Strategically placing his Dungeon core within the protective camouflaged wooden box, Viru initiated his plan, tossing a stone toward the Veery. The stone missed, but the bird took notice, and with a screech, it charged at him.

As talons met flesh, Albus announced the start of the scan while simultaneously briefing Viro on the bird's susceptibility to the core's slowing effect.

"Scanning time: 20 seconds left," Albus indicated as Viru triggered the core's ability. The Veery's speed faltered under the shock of the slowing effect, and seizing the moment, Viro struck the bird down with his fist. The bird crashed to the ground and rolled. Though the slowing effect wore off, the Veery was visibly weakened. Viro grasped the bird's leg, aiming to restrain it, but the bird fought back fiercely. The pain was intense, and in a moment of sheer agony, Viru's grip loosened, and the bird's vigorous pecks forced him to release his hold.

With the Veery now free, Viru's heart raced, realizing his inexperience in handling such creatures. The bird, though slowed, was relentless. Albus's voice remained calm, a stark contrast to the chaotic flutters and the sharp pecks that Viru was desperately trying to fend off.

"Scanning complete," Albus announced, just as Viru felt another sting of the Veery's beak. He knew he had to end this quickly. Despite the throbbing pain, he focused on his newly acquired skills, aware that he had a limited window to act before the Veery regained its full agility and possibly turned the tides against him.

Summoning his resolve, Viru lunged forward, this time aiming to subdue rather than to attack. His fingers grasped onto the Veery firmly, resisting the piercing protests of the bird. With a surge of effort, he pinned the Veery down, his mind urging him to hold on just a little longer.

"Initiate 'Create Dungeon Subordinate' process," he gasped out, his voice a mix of pain and determination. The magic of the system began to work, and the struggle beneath his hands gradually ceased. The Veery's crimson eyes dimmed, then shifted, reflecting a newfound bond with Viru.

The veery completely stopped to resist and calmed down.

As Viru slowly stood up, his wounds aching, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement amidst the exhaustion. This was his first victory, his first real step into the world of Revara as a Dungeon Master. It was a painful, but necessary lesson in the harsh realities of his new existence. Looking at the subdued Veery, now his first subordinate, he knew that each battle would teach him more about this world and himself. With Albus by his side, and his resolve hardened, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With the battle over, the once wild Veery, now tamed, found its place upon Viro's shoulder, a sign of their new alliance. Both bore the marks of their recent battle, and the fatigue from their fight was evident. For his efforts, Viru was rewarded with 10 experience points—halfway to achieving the next stage.

Reflecting on the struggle, Viru was struck by the realization of the Veery's unexpected strength and the potential dangers that other creatures of this world might present. As he gazed at his new companion, their eyes met, and a silent understanding passed between them. Regret for the violence they had inflicted on each other was visible, but so was the mutual recognition of their newfound bond. Together, injured but undefeated, they rested, ready to face the challenges ahead as partners.

Upon consulting the information tab, Viru was greeted with the sight of the first stage evolved Veery now listed among his subordinates, an unnamed female entity in his service. Inquiring with Albus, he learned that naming her wasn't obligatory. However, feeling a personal connection to his first living ally, Viru felt it was right to give her a name.

He pondered a suitable name, one that would capture her essence and the fierce battle they had endured together. Her fiery crimson eyes provided the inspiration he needed. Settling on a name that embodied the flame-like intensity of her gaze, he chose 'Pyra.' With a sense of satisfaction, he watched as the name Pyra became imprinted in his information tab, symbolizing the start of a unique bond between the Dungeon Master and his fiery-eyed companion.

Viru managed to try the synergic empowerment skill that would let him channel Pyra's strength and her abilities.

Viru's vision heightened as his instincts became much more reliable. He felt Pyra's spirit running in his veins. At stage one he would only share Pyra's instincts and her strength. It's going to be a long way before he can grow wings like her.

As Viru weighed his options, he realized he had the capability to create another Veery subordinate. However, Albus was quick to caution him: the power to conjure a subordinate out of nothing was a precious resource and will take enormous time for the process to be completed.

At present, Viru could only do so once more. And the total subordinates he could have at this stage is just two. Having Pyra, there's just one more slot left.

Whether this number would increase with each level gained was uncertain—it could be a long time before it increased again, if at all.

Given the vast and unknown dangers of the jungle enveloping him, Viru understood that using this rare power to create another bird, however helpful, might constitute a waste of his limited resources. He needed to be strategic, reserving his strength for encounters with potentially more powerful creatures that could prove to be invaluable allies in this perilous world. With Albus's reminder echoing in his mind, he decided to hold off, keeping the ace up his sleeve for a creature that could offer him more than the Veery in the uncharted wilds of Revara.

He might encounter a mythical beast in the future. If he played his cards right, he could have a rare powerful monster as his subordinate.