
My Dummy System: Limitless Growth

... A two-red sun hung up in the sky. In the distance, a mountain that could easily reach the high sky could be seen. The mountain looks normal in the far distance, however, if someone got near to it, they would be traumatized by the thing they would see. The mountain was covered with flesh and separated limbs of all beings and its river was dyed with crimson red blood. The thousands of severed heads could be seen on the ground like a cabbage in the market. However, surprisingly in the mids of the apocalyptic scene. on top of the mountain, a seemingly ordinary person looked at the corpses indifferently. He was wearing clothes similar to a farmer's and his two hands were occupied with farming tools. The seemingly ordinary human stared at the severed head in front of him and said in a low voice. "I already told you. Don't have a malicious thought about my plants." ... .. .

DummyOfPast · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Epic Skill, Heavenly Planter.


Ekhael thought for a moment before deciding on what skill he would upgrade.


[ Upgrading the skill Harvester (Rare) to Heavenly Planter (Epic) would consume an Skill Upgrade card.

Do the hosts still want to continue the upgrade? (Y/N) ]

"Yes." Ekhael said hesitantly as he pressed the "yes" button.


[ Please wait for a moment to finish the upgrade.]

Ekhael read the message sent by the system as he waited patiently for the upgrade to finish.


"Unfortunately, I don't have two Skill Upgrades cards," Ekhael thought as he looked at the clear blue sky, regretting that the (Uncommon) Enhanced Spirit would not be upgraded.

Since he only has one Skill upgrade card, Ekhael could only choose between the two skills. Since that is the case, he chooses to think rationally and decides to upgrade the Harvester skill.


The reason he chose to upgrade the Harvester rather than the Enhance spirit is to gain the maximum benefit of the Skill upgrade card.

Although he had the feeling that the (Uncommon) Enhance Spirit is equally valuable, Ekhael still chose the harvester due to the reason that he doesn't plan to go outside the protection area for the time being.

Since being inside the protected area would not harm him in any way due to the protection from the buff of the weak and Lord Manor.

Upgrading the Enhance spirit to rare skill would not give him any kind of benefits for the time being.

Not only that, since Ekhael wanted to gain the maximum benefits from the skill card why not upgrade the Rare skill to Epic Skill rather than upgrading the Uncommon skill?


Still at the end, even though Ekhael follows the most rational decision, Ekhael couldn't help but to feel pity.

"It is probably the selfishness of the human heart. Gaining one is always not enough." Ekhael thought as he shook his head and continued to wait for the system to finish the upgrade.

Soon, a full 5 minutes passed by.

As he was lost in his thoughts Ekhael suddenly heard the clashing of the familiar metal hitting each other. Waking him from his thoughts in the process.


[ Congratulations to the host upon successfully upgrading the Harvester (Rare) skill to Heavenly Planter (Epic)! ]

"The new name of the skill is rather sounds cool!"

Seeing the words that appear in front of his eyes, Ekhael immediately checks the new effect of the epic skill.

[ Heavenly Planter (Epic!): An upgraded version of Rare Skill Harvester. A skill that greatly increases the Growth and Quality rate of the crops planted by the holder of the skill.

It also provides the affinity of Wood to the holder of the skill!

Effect one: Grant knowledge on the way of Planting to the holder of the skill, making him/her efficient in the way of farming.

Effect two: Increase the growth rate of Common plants by 30 times, 1st Grade Spirit plants by 15 times, 2nd Grade Spirit plants by 5 times, and 3rd Grade Spirit plants by 2 times!

Effect three: Grant the holder of the skill the affinity towards woods! ( Having the affinity towards woods before gaining the skill would increase the talent of affinity of the holder by a small to a big amount, depending on the grade of affinity!)

Note: An Epic Skill that contains the truth towards the way of planting! ]



As Ekhael was stunned and shocked about the description of the new skill, a sudden head ache hit him making him groan in pain.


As the pain rushed through his head, countless unfamiliar thoughts and knowledge about plants entered his head. Making him adept in the way of planting in the process.

However, even though he obtained a huge amount of knowledge, Ekhael would probably still need/take a lot of time in being able to use the knowledge he gained properly.

Soon, after a full minute of intense head ache and struggling, the pain that racks his head instantly recedes before completely vanishing, causing him to sigh in relief.

Pant... Sigh...

"I...I will be careful next time I upgrade my skills."

Ekhael declared as he gasped for some air. Never expected that upgrading a skill would bring him some pain and discomfort.

Although it is painful, gaining knowledge easily like this is quite addictive.

Besides that, the upgrade of the skill is really satisfactory. Having an additional increase in speed which the plants grow is always helpful!

Although he currently had no idea what the Wood affinity is. It is probably useful in some way since he gained it after upgrading the skill to epic rank!

"This is perfect, I could already start to increase the size of my farm later. Hehehe."

With more plants, there would be more income. Ekhael thought as he remembered that the 3 day free food would expire tomorrow.


