
My Dual Cultivation System

For the time being on Hiatus, will return when I start rewriting it. Enjoy my other story - Embodiment of Lust [Warning: This novel contains mature content, read at your own risk!] "Who am I?" He asked to no one but himself, the moment he was born. But no memory of his past life came, so Qin Yun accepted his fate. Living with his mother and two big sisters in a sect, and having been blessed by the Phoenix goddess herself, Qin Yun is destined to rise to the top! Watch as he forges his path to supremacy while meeting beauties of all kinds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional tags(#) Action | Adult | Adventure | Artifacts | BDSM | Beautiful female lead | Complex family relationships | Cultivation | Cunning Protagonist | C*nnilingus | Demi-humans | Demons | Dragons | Elves | Fast cultivation | First-time Interc**rse | F*llatio | Handsome male lead | Hardworking protagonist | Harem-seeking protagonist | Human-Nonhuman relationship | H*ndjob | Incest | Loli | Male protagonist | M*sturbation | Master-disciple relationship | Master-servent relationship | Older Love Interests | Overpowered Protagonist | Paizuri | Perverted Protagonist | Phoenixes | Power Couple | R-18 | Romance | Ruthless protagonist | Sexual cultivation technique | Slaves | Smut | Soul power | Succubus | System | Sister Complex | Threesome | Younger love interests [Hope the tags above will give some understanding of how this novel is going to be!] [English is not my native language, it's not second or even third, it's fourth so you can expect some grammatical errors, and I hope that you will tell me when you find it so that I can edit it and others won't have to face the same problem] [The image on the cover is not mine, but if the creator wants me to take it down, please leave a message or comment and I will remove it.] [That's all guys, hope you will enjoy reading this novel.]

Cosmic_potato · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: A Bastard

"Who am I" he opened his eyes finding himself in the arms of some grey haired old woman with a kind smile on her face.

Yet he paid no attention to her, his thoughts were a mess, he couldn't understand what he was, where he was, or even why he was?

He was but a baby yet he seemed to have self awareness, he knew and understood the world, yet he didn't know why he understood it.

He also knew that he was a baby at this time, so he shouldn't be able think of such complex thoughts and yet he was able to.

He wanted to ask, he wanted to yell but all that left his mouth were cries of a new born baby.

The old woman smiled at the sight of the now cleaned baby in her arms crying, but passed him onto another woman sitting on the bed.

Her face was covered in sweat but smiled sweetly at the sight of her child.

She could be described as a beauty with execute white face and black hair and eyes.

"My son.." she said, pausing for a second before continuing "you shall be named Qin Yun"

You shall soar through the heavens as bright as a Phoenix"


And as if the Phoenix goddess herself has heard her prayers, silhouette of a flaming red bird appeared in the sky.

It's gaze filled with disdain, as if looking at the bunch of ants, but turned gentle the moment it turned towards one corner of the sect.

Searing heat filled all parts of the sect and even spread outside, all, whether they were indoor or outdoor stared at the flaming red bird in amazement, their eyes filled with awe and wonder.


It's spread it's wings apart releasing a mighty cry before diving down towards the same corner, entering through the roof and soon the mother holding her baby came into its view.

Yet the face of mother was filled with horror, while she did say the word phoenix she never thought that it might actually come in reality.

She wondered; whether it had heard what she said and felt offended? Was that the reason why it had suddenly appeared here?

But she was given no chance to deliberate over this as the flame of the Phoenix had engulfed her child within.

"Nooo..." She yelled, the child still in her arms and she tried to channel her Qi, but found that couldn't.

All she could do was to stare in horror at the sight of her new-born child being engulfed in flames.

The flames formed a cocoon of sorts before condensing into solid shell.

She was stunned at the sight of the Golden egg the size of her child replacing her child.

Yet that state didn't last long as all her initial horror had turned into pure joy.

Blessing of Phoenix! She thought, as she looked at the golden egg in her arms.

She had heard legends that those favoured by the goddess herself would receive her blessing, they will be granted her true blood and will go through Nirvana (rebirth), becoming reborn as Phoenix.

Apparently her child was receiving something similar.


The egg creaked and soon was filled with countless cracks before the whole egg burst releasing Golden-white flames that burnt the whole egg shell into nothingness, revealing a child with black hair and eyes.

"My child.." his mother looked joyful, her eyes tearing a bit at the sight of her child, they were not tears of pain, they were the tears of joy.

He looked the same as before, but now a flaming mark had appeared in between his brows, it was golden in colour with white edges and seemed to radiate heat.

The old woman by the side saw all of this, at fist she was stunned looking at child that had suddenly caught flames and then disappearing and being replaced with a golden egg before reappearing again.

She was scared that something wrong had happened but now seeing the mother shed tears of joy she heaved a sigh of relief.

"I will be leaving now mistress" the old woman bowed towards the mother before stepping out of the room.

And soon the news spread like the wild fire.

"Heavenly Lightning sect's sect master's Bastard son was blessed by the Phoenix Goddess!"


"It's so bright, I feel warm, I like it here" thought the 'baby' as he snuggled close to his mother.

He had lost his consciousness the moment the flames had engulfed him, so he didn't know what had happened, but now after unknown amount of time had passed he had woken up.

He had a warm and cozy feeling being in the embrace of this woman.

Even though he didn't know who he was, where he was or who these people were he didn't care now.

He had accepted his fate and now wanted nothing more than to embrace this woman who was his mother.



At some point the door of the room opened with a thud, waking the child who was breastfeeding on his mother.

"Mother" "Mother" Two voices one young, other little old came from the door.

It was the two young girls, one about five years old, while other twelve years old.

The younger one had short blonde hair and blue eyes, while the older one had black hair and blue eyes.

Their faces resembled close to his mother, so he guessed that they must be his siblings.

Not that it was hard to guess from their earlier yells, after all he did understand their language.

A beautiful woman with long white hair walked behind them, she had a pair of golden eyes and voluptuous body.

She wore red robes with white cloak covering her shoulders.

She had a gentle expression on her face as she walked towards the woman on bed.

The two young girls were faster, they reached their mother in no time.

The older sister picked her brother with a face full of amazement "Wow, my brother is so cute, I want to pinch him."

But a voice with childish accent rebuked her "Nooo, he is my brother and I won't allow you to pinch him."

"Hmph, come and catch him" The older snorted as she lifted her brother high in the air where her younger sister couldn't reach.

"Give him to me" While her younger sister couldn't reach reach doesn't mean that others couldn't.

The white haired woman had taken the child in her arms and was sizing him up, she muttered "so this the child blessed by the Phoenix Goddess!"

"Xie Ling, thank you for taking care of children." It was at this point the mother had straitened herself and was sitting on the bed, she thanked the white haired woman, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"What are you saying, we are sisters, is there any need for gratitude's" The white haired woman gave the child back to his mother, and replied while waving her hand.

"I will be taking my leave now, it's getting late." The white haired woman said as she walked back towards the door and left the room.

Now all those who were left were their own family.

"Hehe, I am going to use my super skill, vampiric bite" the older sister smiled evilly as she bit her brother on his face.

"Ahhh, what did you do, mother look sister has become a dog!"

"Who are you calling a dog!? And look he isn't even crying!"

"But you bit him now..."


Seeing her children like this, the mother couldn't help but smile, her eyes hiding a trace of melancholy.

And our main character, who was in the middle of all this drama couldn't help but sigh 'is this how my life is going to be?"

But his whole being was actually feeling warm, all the love and warmth they radiated made him feel truly blessed and he couldn't help but say 'this isn't too bad of a life!'


Author's note: Did you like it, I wanted to ask but it has only released 2 Chapters, so you can't come to any decision yet, but you soon will, still I ask you to support so that I can keep this updated!