
Run Away Billionaire

"master! Please were are you going?" A man in his sixties said, worry spreading his wrinkled face. " Don't follow me, butler!" The young boy spoke out of anger, he left the tallest building located in the city of Zaar, he drove in his all black tainted car off to who knew where. The old man shook his head and looked at how reckless the boy drove in the distance, " where the hell did he go, old man?" Mr. Addison flared up, he was the boy's stepfather. The butler pointed at the distance where the boy drove, he didn't want to talk to his Madam's husband. " Damn it, all of you!!" He screamed before he went back into the house, a pair of angry beautiful purple eyes focused on the road with brains out at the moment. He didn't realize how long he had been on the road and he didn't know where he was going to, he was going until the car came to a stop. Out of fuel! He hit his hands on the wheel infront of him and he rested his head on it for a while, he drifted off to sleep and saw something he never wanted to see in his dreams, he would give everything just not to see it again. " Baby, look who we have here!" His mother said smiling from ear to ear, he was not going to stop his mother from being with him. He witness how she suffered when his father died, " he's your new daddy!" She said and he had to smile to her just not hurt her. The man grinned and ruffled his hair, making it messy not like he minded, but what he did later on in his life made him angry and he wished his mother never met a devil like him.

A knock on his window woke him up, he looked at the person in front of his tainted glass mirror and he realized he was in a middle of nowhere. The man seemed to be saying something but he didn't hear, he frowned before rolling down the window glass, " your parking is not right, mister! You can't block the poor lady's shop?" A man said to him, before he got out and looked at his crazy parking! Was it even a parking? Who said he wanted to park, and that too here? Damn the fuel!! He then looked at the man's appearance, what in the world was he in? The man smiled at him yet the boy only stared at him. " Hey, family!" Another man called out to the other man, they hugged and kissed each other before catching up on something, " what do we have here?" He asked him, "oh, him? Well I just told him to park well, he doesn't look harmful" the first man spoke. " Am out of fuel!" The young boy spoke, break their conversation, " well that's bad" he said and the boy opened the car again to sit down, " c'mon guys! Let's help him out to park the car!" They both shouted and as if on a rescue team people came outside with their hands and a wide smile on their faces, both male and female coming closer to his car , he looked at them and at a point, a thought of calling the police came in mind. They came to the car and started pushing the car in a correct direction, laughing and moving in harmony to help the poor rich boy. Just like that they pushed and he directed the tyres to park well, what the hell just happened? His jaws were on the floor as he stared at the people who came to stand in front of his car, rejoicing for the good work done. He came out of the car and the noise died down, they looked at him from head to toe....." Oh my! What a beauty!" A woman exclaimed, covering her mouth with her hand and she smiled. Letting him stare at her even more, they were all gossiping about him and he was used to that, people talking about his handsomeness. " I- I- a, don't know what to say" he managed to say, he was not used to appreciating anything because he never lacked anything, he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. " Will you come in with us?" The men who was with him earlier shouted, they said it as if he had no option than to just follow them. The ladies held his arms and they entered the medium sized shop, he didn't get time to look around the town he was in.

"Miss Agnes! Look here!!" And the woman named Agnes turned to look at them, she was still beautiful even in her age. She looked like she was in her late forties and her smile alone told him that she was friendly. She came closer and held his hands, he didn't know why he didn't pull back his hands, he just allowed her to hold his cold hands and he took in a deep breath. " Welcome my dear, what is your name?" She asked him and he looked around to see everyone was quietly looking back at him. What! Are they serious, like seriously? They don't know him, which kind of world was these people living? He was the world most famous youngest billionaire, he was shocked more than ever. " Am Bryan and I didn't mean to disturb anyone-" a playful slap on his shoulder by Agnes made him jolt, " don't be silly, you didn't disturb anyone, Bryan..... come on take a seat." She said as he lead him to a chair, " Veronica! Bring our friend a glass of water" the woman shouted and then a petite girl with long black hair reaching her waist, came out with a glass of cold water in her hand. When she raised her her head, her steps came to a stop, Bryan noticed her action and thought at last! Someone knew who he was but no! Veronica looked at him with a shy expression. She finally made her way to him and handed him the glass with shaking hands.

She didn't look up at him again and she hurriedly went back to the counter, Bryan took in the water and felt calmed for the first time in his life. Not just the water but the people were.....

Just then the people started moving to one direction and he could hear them cheering up and started clapping their hands, in the rhythmic form and some sung along. He stood up and went to them wanting to know what was going on, he finally had a look through the crowd and there, there was a boy with black hair almost reaching his shoulders and he danced on top of a huge table, Bryan could have said the person was a girl if he didn't notice that he had no qualities of a female. The boy looked to be between the ages of eight to ten, he danced on the table, with his hair covering his face occasionally. The moves were on point and he danced freely, all smiles found on his face,the people cheered him and they drummed the tables with their hands and spoons which Miss Agnes hated. Then the people joined in dancing and drinking of course, The boy still dancing and jumping along with the the people.


"What happened?"

The place scattered up, the smile that managed to form on Bryan's face fell when he saw the little boy laying on the table instead of standing. The people crowded around him, trying to wake him up but to no avail, Bryan just found himself pushing through the crowd.... shouting that they should give way and he came to stand by the boy, his eyes were still open and he looked like he was choked. No air got into his lungs and he couldn't move not speak, he was going to die even before the ambulance would get there. Bryan shook his head not sure if he should touch the child, the last time he touched someone he was cheated and punished. He asked for a sharp knife, a bottle of alcohol and the first aid box, they looked at him astonished and didn't move an inch. " Do you want him to die!!!!!" He shouted at them and they started moving in directions looking for what he asked for, Bryan washed his hands with the alcohol before he turned the boy to his side and used the small pocket knife to cut a spot on his neck and he washed the empty pen container before putting it into the space he created and he pressed the neck a little, creamy fat came out through the container and the boy was able to breathe. The people were standing with their hands together praying and hoping for a miracle, when he took in a deep and loud breath they all came closer to them. Veronica stood there with tears in her eyes, her hands shivered and she didn't know what to say, her brother had been sick since he was born. Bryan secured the wound on the boy and carried him on his arms, " who's car works! We need to take him to the hospital, right now!!!!" He said in a hurry and a man with a dirty truck led them out. Miss Agnes was so weak she didn't know what to do, she staggered a little and they people came to her. She sat down and told Veronica to go with them to the hospital, " Am coming with you" she said without giving Bryan and option. They headed to the hospital outside the town and the boy was rushed into surgery, Veronica sat down with her hair messy and blood stains on her hands and face from touching her brother, she kept on telling him he was going to be okay. Bryan stood close to the doors of the theater and he made some calls, occasionally glancing at the beautiful girl seated on his right...