
What Guild?

As the large Pigman leader roared, it seemed like the other Pigmen's eyes lit up in a red colour. Suddenly all their attention was focused on the group in front of them.

"This is bad," Mike said, "The big men leader just buffed up his minions, no way would we be able to take on ten of them never mind a leader on top of that."

While mike and the others started to slowly back away making sure their backs didn't face the enemy, Gary and Jack were unfazed by the beasts.

"Hey, shorty," Gary called out to which eve immediately turned around and could see Jack and Gary standing behind her.

"What!" Eve shouted back.

"Do you know what tier that Pig Man leader is?"

"It's at least an advanced tier." She replied.

Gary then looked at Jack.

"Well do you want to do this?" Gary asked.