
The Tryouts (Part 2)

From the outside, just looking at the two, there was a clear size difference and most likely an apparent age gap as well. With the age gap, it meant one would more likely have more experience. And judging from the man's few practice swings, he was a skilled Knight—him declaring it just confirmed that fact. 

Some felt sorry for the poor boy, who perhaps just wanted to come in to earn a few coins to have a good meal for the night. At the same time, others were upset at Monk. For wasting their time watching what could have been considered a good fight. 

Still, the taunts from the crowd were expressed loudly, and Monk could hear it all, but he chose to ignore it. Blocking it out and only concentrating on one thing. This concentration was what made him become the best in the Black Sash night, Avrion had ever seen, when it came down to just pure training skills.

"Begin!" A man shouted, and the fight had started.