
The quarter finals

The next day of the All kingdom tournament had started, and seven contestants were remaining. The old man Jones, Savana with the two daggers, the young blonde boy warrior, another ranged female contestant who used a crossbow, Roki from the empire, Sera from the empire and lastly, Ray from the Redwing kingdom. 

Because of the odd amount of people, it meant one of them would be lucky enough to not have to fight today and would be able to move onto the next round. The seven of them were waiting in the trench patiently, while those who had lost the fight were able to head to the arena's VIP section to watch the match. 

Harry was now up above, looking with Kyle and the rest. 

"So Ray is going to go through this whole thing and win it right, the Empire can't just suddenly say no to the prizes they promised if we do?" Kyle asked, feeling confident about their chances. 

"Yeah, as long as you don't bet on anyone we'll be fine," Martha said.