
Not a mage

Nano looking at the man who was just behind him seconds ago, thought he must have been some type of demon. No student should be cable of something like this. Of course, all Ray had done was use his Ki to power his legs when running over, getting there far faster then Nano could ever run.

These kids weren't knights like Ray, they hadn't fought against the shadow, they hadn't fought in a war. Their bodies were weak and they had no experience. They were sheltered inside the academy and they themselves didn't know how comfy they had it inside.

Yet they still chose to hurt and harm one another, it just didn't make any sense. He hated these types of people the most.

With the black ball held in his hand, using part of his strength, Ray smashed it into Nano face. As the ball made an impact, it shattered and at the same time, so did Nano's teeth with it. Nano's body went flying over and laid unconscious right by Van's feat.