
Extra Power

As soon as Ann saw the claw, she knew she needed to take action. She leapt back and grabbed Martha along with her, both of them then readied their bow aiming at the door, prepared for whatever was going to come through.

The door had only opened wide enough for the beast to fit its hand through but slowly the beast was becoming more visible. When the door had opened wide enough, a large figure leapt through knocking Dan aside, the figure carried on moving and swiped its claws at Jack.

Jack lifted his Great sword in time to block the attack but was sent back a few feet in the process.

Ann was now able to see the large figure in full view. The beast had a long wolf-like snout with 6 red eyes. It was crouching on its back two leg's, while its hand had deadly claws. Foam was coming out of the beast's mouth as if it had been infected with something.