
My Dragon man

A tropical island on an icy planet seems absurd. However, nothing seems normal anymore since I woke up on this strange planet inhabited by dragons instead of my bed. I have learned to adapt and go with the flow. I am stranded on a tropical island, but I can handle it. I am also separated from my group, but I am still okay. What I can not handle is being stranded with an attractive but non-English speaking Dragon male who has great Ahem.... body language. To top the cream, my cootie, which I need to survive, has chosen the alien man as my mate. However, I soon discover that the tropical island is a dangerous place, and we are all in grave danger, humans and dragons alike. To survive, I need my Dragon male's help, and it's a good thing my king has four hands to give me a hand.

Ufuoma_Damukoli · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


I stare out at the waters of the ocean, numb with


There's lots about this world that's different, of course, but

there's also so much that's the same. Snow is snow. Mountains

are mountains. Rocks are rocks. And back where we were, the

landscape was nothing but snow and rocks covered by snow. It

didn't look so foreign, at least not to my eyes.

But this beach?

This is alien. This is otherworldly.

This is downright creepy.

The ship made it between the valleys of the jagged mountains

surrounding us and has come out to the water's edge. The long

ramp extends out into the sand, but the ship itself is already in

the water itself, resting on a tripod of legs that look like they

should be sturdier than they are to withstand the slamming of

the weird ocean.

And boy, is the ocean weird.

The water's black. Not a comforting sea foam green or even

blue-green. It's deep, charcoal-black and the froth that curls

along each wave is black as well. The sand is a dark, almost

jade colour and the grit is thicker than I seem to recall it being

on earth. It smells like the ocean, at least, even if it doesn't

look like it. The waves are chaotic, too. I recall summer

vacations spent at the Florida beaches when I was a teenager,

and being disappointed that the waves were so tepid that you

couldn't ride them like surfers did on television. They were

gentle, refreshing little waves.

Not here. These monstrous waves are chaotic and angry. They

crash and slam onto the beach as if trying to punish it. I know

that has something to do with the pull of two moons instead of

just one, but it's alarming to see.

And the creatures.

God, there are creatures everywhere. The crabs look more like

scorpions and the waves undulate with tentacled, serpentine

things. And lucky me! my vision has corrected itself enough

that I can see them in all of their glory. This is not a friendly

place. Somehow, when I heard we'd be taking the ship to the

ocean, I thought of white sandy beaches and rolling gentle

waves. Even if it's snowy, it'd still be lovely and comforting to

look at.

Yeah, not so much.

But…there are birds. It's not

quite like home, but seeing the birds somehow makes me feel

better. Watching them always calms me. It's interesting how

creatures here are similar to the ones at home but still wildly

different. The bird in the waves looks like a strung-out pale

cousin to a flamingo, but its beak looks more like a razor blade.

The crabs here are similar but creepier. The ocean is water, but

not quite the same as ours.

The people here…same thing.

"Well, this is…different." Harlow moves to my side, gazing out

at the water. She hugs her fur wraps closer to her chest as the

strange bird in the waves wanders away from us. She absently

kicks a tiny crab scorpion away from her boot. "I don't recall

the beach looking so very…spidery."

"Me either." I watch as one of the plate-sized spider-like crabs

scuttles nearer to the water. Something with tentacles reaches

out and snags it, dragging it into the waves, and I shudder.

"Good thing it's too cold to swim, huh?"

"Good thing," she echoes, agreeing, then glances over at me.

"Kyros says he wants you to help salvage some of the equipment

if you've got time."

Kyro's one of the big blue dragons, with tattoos and silver

horns. He looks very different from the others, and I think

someone mentioned that he was part of the crew on the ship 

a long time ago. There are so many layers and backstories that a

newcomer like me is doing good just to keep names and faces

straight, so I try to focus on that sort of thing. I do know that

he knows a lot about the ship, and I know he and Theodora have

been working hard to strip components and small bits here and

there before the entire thing goes up in a blaze of glory at the


Seeing as how we're now at the beach, I guess it's close to

fireball time. "Sure, I can help. I don't know if I'll have an

idea of what I'm looking at, though. I'm not up on my

spaceship knowledge."

"Me either. I think he just wants extra hands. The other big

coloured dragon-guys are off hunting or setting up tents. Or caves. Or

something." Harlow makes a face. "God, I hope it's not tents

because I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep on the

ground knowing those spider-scorpion things are around."

"Great. Now I'm not going to be able to sleep," I tease as we

turn back toward the ship. I can't resist one last look back at

the waves and I see the white bird dip its head under the water

and pull out something slimy. It glances over in my direction

and pauses, and I feel an absurd urge to wave to it like it's

giving me permission to live on its planet.

Stupid of me. It's just a bird at the end of the day. I'm stuck

here whether he wants me to be or not. But I'm smiling as I

follow Harlow back to the ship, anyway.

Inside, it's surprisingly quiet. For the last few days, there've

been people on top of people. Kyros told us that the ship

normally has just a four-man crew and I believe it. While it

seems large from the outside, the interior living quarters are

actually kind of cramped. You can't pass shoulder-to-shoulder

down a hall with one of the big dragons inside, not without

someone having to scuttle out of the way. Today, though, most

of the tribe is outside on the beach or away hunting, and the

place feels surprisingly empty.

Kyros is in the cargo bay, his back to us. He stands off to one

side, by the lid of one of the coffin-like pods we awoke from.

He's got a shining tool in his hand that reminds me of a

screwdriver and is using it to pry one of the circuit boards

apart. "I brought an extra pair of hands," Harlow announces.

Maria peeps over the edge of one of the coffins and smiles at

me, then ducks back to work. I grin at her, and then look over

at Kyros.

"Hi," I say with a timid wave when the big dragon glances at

me. I always think Kyros is one of the most intimidating of

the dragons. He's one of the tallest, and his horns are covered

with gleaming metal. One side of his body is heavily tattooed,

and I heard a rumour that he's part cyborg, though I can't tell

what part. That makes him a little scary. Then again, most of them are scary, even if

they're doing their best to seem nice. It's just taking me some

time to get used to things.

"Good, another pair of hands. I need all I can get, because

Domitrius wants to get this ship launched and underwater by the

end of the day today. That means I've got to get everything

powered down and taken apart in the next few hours and

time's wasting."

I roll up the sleeves of my long tunic. "Show me what to do."

Harlow claps her hands. "I'll go grab lunch and then I'll come

back and help."

She dashes off, and as she does, I lean in and watch Kyros

pry a tiny golden, three-pronged chip from one of the panels.

"I need as many of these as you can find. If you pry up this

layer of circuitry, you'll see that there are four on this level

and three on the next. With twenty of these pods, that should

give us one hundred and forty of them. Think you can do that

for me?"

"I think so," I tell him, and take the tool he hands me. He

walks away and I'm left on my own to get started. Oh, okay.

That's all the training I get. Well, all right. I size up the room

and decide to start by the far wall. One of the coffins is pushed

up against the side of the ship, and the panel I need is naturally

on the part I can't get to from the accessible side. I try to push

the coffin away from the wall, but it weighs more than I do

and if there were rollers on it, they've been stripped down or

turned off. At any rate, it's not budging. All right, then. I climb

atop the coffin and slide down the opposite side, my butt

wedged against the wall, against a bar and what looks like a

closed window. I bend over and start to pry the compartment


"Wait! Mar, don't!"

I glance up. Is he talking to me?

"May," Maria corrects quietly. "Her name is Maylissa."

"Sorry. It's a lot to remember," he says, racing over to my side.

"How do you think we feel?" I blurt out.

Kyros laughs and shakes his head. "Sorry. I'm sure it's

worse for you guys. You're fine. It's just, don't lean against

that wall. I've stripped the escape hatch mechanism." He pats

the bar my butt was resting against. "If you push down on this,

the entire panel could open up and dump you into the water


Eek. I guess that closed window wasn't a window but a hatch.

"It's almost like this dragon technology is dangerous," I say


He laughs, surprised and pleased at my attitude. "Almost.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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