
My Divine Summoner System

Seun-mi Ho is an ordinary 18-year-old young man living in Seoul. Despite being intelligent, he feels dissatisfied with his life and dreams of adventure. One day, while crossing the street absentmindedly, he succumbs to an unexpected situation. However, much to his surprise, Seun-mi wakes up in a strange fantasy world. It is revealed that he has been transferred to this parallel world after his death, and it is, in fact, a highly realistic video game called "Heaven's Realm." In this world, Seun-mi discovers that he now possesses a unique divine summoning system, allowing him to call upon powerful entities to aid him in combat. Intrigued by his newfound powers, he decides to explore this world and climb the ranks among players, perhaps to find a way back to his reality. However, the "World of the Divinities" also hides dangers. Seun-mi must learn to master his abilities to survive and uncover the secrets of this once-familiar yet mysterious world. His adventure is only just beginning. https://discord.com/invite/UN5gb3pt (Discord My Divine Summoner System)

Charo_jorgen · Kỳ huyễn
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51 Chs

Journey Through the Fiery Mountains

Azuril let out a warning cry just minutes later. Seun-mi understood it well: before them stood the Fiery Mountains. Dismissing the summoning, he followed Yeonghwan into the glowing cliffs. The heat was overwhelming, radiating in the vapor-saturated air. Seun-mi was already dripping with sweat under his light armor.

Yeonghwan: "Seun-mi, this heat is unbearable. How can we continue like this?"

Seun-mi, wiping sweat from his forehead: "I fear we have no choice. The quest demands our perseverance, even under this scorching sun."

Yeonghwan, looking at the glowing cliffs: "But there must be a way to overcome this heat. A spell, perhaps?"

Seun-mi, shaking his head: "No spell can match the blazing nature of these cliffs. We must simply press on, despite it all."

Yeonghwan, sighing: "I never thought a quest could be so exhausting. How do the legends manage?"

Seun-mi, faintly smiling: "Legends don't always mention the challenging details. It's up to us to forge our own path, even amidst the flames of adversity."

Suddenly, a titanic figure emerged near a pool of molten lava. It was an Oni, a giant stone creature with sharp fangs and cracked skin glowing red like embers. It roared upon spotting them.

Yeonghwan raised his hands in a pacifying gesture: "Greetings, brother! We come as friends to see Yongha. May I ask you to lead us to him?"

The Oni growled, unconvinced. Seun-mi held his breath. His first encounter with these fire demons was more terrifying than he dared imagine...

The Oni eyed Seun-mi warily, revealing its sharp fangs. The elf spoke in a voice he hoped was firm:

"Honorable fire brother, I am Seun-mi, sent by the Golden Rooster Guild under its leader Hogu. I have with me scrolls intended for your Lord Yongha, which my master insisted on delivering to him in person."

As he spoke, he carefully unrolled the precious document. The Oni's eyes ignited at the sight of the engraved symbols.

"Yongha...scrolls...Hogu!" it growled, seeming to finally understand.

Then it turned towards the interior of the cliffs and bellowed a thunderous cry: "Yongha! Friends of Hogu! Follow Kimo, he will lead you!"

Seun-mi let out a sigh of relief. Their quest could finally continue, thanks to the trust placed in their honesty.

The Oni named Kimo walked heavily on the molten ground, carving a path through the lava. Seun-mi and Yeonghwan followed as best they could, stifled by the infernal heat.

In the distance appeared an immense fortress of black stone, carved into the very rock of the mountain. Torches gave it an unhealthy orange tint. Creatures of all kinds swarmed on the ramparts, spewing fire at regular intervals.

Kimo approached the gates, which creaked open. He led the travelers through courtyards and dungeons, under the hostile gaze of demonic creatures. Seun-mi kept a hand on his staff, ready to defend himself.

Finally, they reached a throne room bathed in molten lava. Seated on a roaring stone throne was their host, Yongha, a magma giant crowned with flames. When he spoke, his voice resonated like an eruption:

"What do these intruders want, Kimo? Speak quickly, or taste my wrath!"

Kimo knelt before Lord Yongha and rumbled with a cavernous voice: "Great flame, these guests come from Hogu with important scrolls for Your Majesty."

The demon's eyes narrowed upon seeing the scrolls that Seun-mi presented timidly. He let out a laugh that shook the room.

"Hogu, that old bear! His gifts are always welcome. Approach, I pray you." He snapped his fingers, and servants brought a tray of steaming cauldrons. "Share my lava nectar. Tell me of your news; I enjoy hearing what transpires in the world of mortals."

Seun-mi and Yeonghwan settled respectfully. The elf recounted their journey, while the demon listened from his throne, amused. Then the discussion extended late into the night, as dish after dish was brought for the august company. Seun-mi gradually relaxed, realizing that even the mighty creatures of the Underworld could be hospitable.

The night was well advanced when the feast concluded. Seun-mi turned to Yeonghwan with a tired mischievous look.

"Master, tell me, how did you manage to drink that lava without burning your tongue? I kept clearing my throat, pretending to sip..."

The hermit chuckled discreetly. "Don't worry, young friend. I used a few cooling spells. These demons aren't the only ones versed in the art of concealment!"

Seun-mi shook his head, amused. Then his gaze drifted to the wisps of steam rising from the cauldrons.

"I doubt a mortal could ever get used to such foods... Unless their blood is as burning as theirs?" he joked.

"Or they'd have to be as stubborn as a mule!" Yeonghwan retorted with a wink.

Engrossed in their banter, the two companions didn't notice the demonic host's sly smile, relishing seeing his guests finally at ease.

As the night drew to a close, Yongha rose from his throne, making the room tremble with his powerful strides. Seun-mi and Yeonghwan stood respectfully.

The demon approached, then bowed his head towards them. "I thank you for this most pleasant visit, friends. Your news and your company have delighted my fiery heart."

He turned to Seun-mi. "As for you, young elf, know that these scrolls from Hogu are precious for maintaining the balance of my lands. With their ancient magic, I can calm the raging lava and prevent eruptions."

Then his thunderous voice became more solemn. "Keep hope for your quest. Even in the depths of the Underworld, friendship and wisdom will find a way."

Seun-mi nodded, moved. The blessing of this powerful demonic lord finally illuminated his path... Towards new challenges and perhaps the sought-after secret.

After the encounter with Yongha, Seun-mi couldn't help but discreetly check his magical interface to verify his statistics.

Name: Seun-mi Ho

Level: 7

Class: Novice Mage

Strength: 13

Agility: 22

Intelligence: 22


- Azuril, spirit-fairy (level 6)

- Cricket, squirrel (level 4)

Seun-mi smiled, satisfied with the progress made during this long journey. His new Novice Mage class would likely open up new elemental spells to master.

But for now, fatigue set in. He deactivated his interface with a gesture, then joined Yeonghwan, who was already waiting at the exit of the throne room. Tomorrow, another long walk awaited them... On the path back to the guild.