
Chapter 171: Ghost of the Nine Wells_1

In the backyard of the mansion, it was quite different from the front. Numerous servants and maids didn't dare to approach the place. In the gloomy backyard, nine deep wells were arranged according to a specific orientation with heavy iron covers suppressing them, while numerous chains with runes wrapped around them.

Despite such precautions, it seemed unable to completely hold down the thing beneath. Mournful roars resounded from the depths of the wells. Occasionally, the covers would be lifted, then fall back down with a clanging sound.

All the cultivators in the mansion were strongmen recruited by Prince Henry. The master of the estate was Prince Henry's confidant, responsible for overseeing these strongmen and building and training the ghost army.

For Prince Henry, secretly planning a rebellion, the ghost army was a suitable choice. They had powerful combat capabilities, could become stronger during battles, and were easy to hide in daily life.