
My_Divine Diary

An accident gave Su Hao the ability to reincarnate infinitely. But who can tell him why he cannot live to be five years old every time he reincarnates? The world is dangerous and unfriendly to children. Su Hao set his first small goal-adulthood. “How can I not even be an adult!” … Su Hao has reincarnated time and time again in millions of years. After acquiring enough knowledge, he found a way to become a god. This is a mortal’s path to becoming a god. Maybe…you can too!

unknown_writer_109 · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Ch-3 Kindergarten brother

"Wait! Wait for Xiaohui to get better." Su Hao did not expect that his mother, Huang Shujun, was unusually determined.

  After speaking, there was silence outside the room.

  In the next month, Su Hao's life became regular, eating enough to sleep, and walking and climbing during the rest of the time, his body was visible to the naked eye and restored to the child's expected complexion and became rounded.

  The couple were overjoyed and took Su Hao to the hospital again for examination.

   "The child in your family is no longer a serious problem. Bring it here for inspection once a month from now on. If there is nothing abnormal within half a year, there will be no need to come again in the future."

Doctor    is a short-haired aunt about 50 years old. Seeing Su Hao's complexion recovered, she smiled with joy on her face.

   "Why has Xiaohui changed so much this month?" Huang Shujun asked still a little worried.

   "Recently, the quality of sleep is very good, the nutrition can keep up, and the child's own vitality is strong, it is normal to recover faster." The doctor said patiently.

   "Thank you doctor!"

  Huang Shujun left the hospital with Su Hao after he finished speaking. She burst into tears as soon as she left the hospital.

  Wow, I can't stop it.

  Su Hao was at a loss, wondering what happened to Huang Shujun, could he cry with joy? Just when he was thinking about whether to wipe his mother's tears or something, he realized that he had short hands and short legs that could not be reached, so he held his mother's hand tightly.

  Huang Shujun felt the pressure of her fingers, and suddenly squatted down to hug Su Hao and wept bitterly. A moment later, he cried and explained the reason: "Xiaohui, it's my mother who is sorry. Mom shouldn't take the bad mood of school work home to make you scared, make you sleep well, eat well, it's my mother's fault!"

I see! Su Hao suddenly realized. Everything in the world has cause and effect.


  In the next three years, Su Hao's health is getting better and better, running and jumping, no different from other four or five year olds.

  In the past three years, Huang Shujun has mixed joys and sorrows.

  I am happy that my son's health is getting better and better. In addition, his son's intelligence is very high, and he can even be called a genius child.

  Once he brought back homework from school to change, his son saw that he was too tired next to him, so he offered to help her change the homework. She smiled and didn't care at first, but when she corrected a position, her son immediately pointed out the wrong place, which surprised her very much, so she gave Su Hao a simple paper, all answered correctly, and then improved. Difficulty, all the answers are correct again. Asked Su Hao who taught him, and replied: read the book by yourself. Since then, Huang Shujun believes that his son is a genius in a million.

  I am worried that my son is too clingy, so clingy makes her doubt her life, and even secretly searched the Internet many times for the question "is a 5-year-old child very clingy". As long as it is not during school working hours, Su Hao will follow wherever she goes, and appear in front of her anytime and anywhere. As long as her eyes are open, then she will definitely be able to see her son.

  This made her suspect that in addition to being a genius, her son had some strange autism. I didn't dare to take it to a psychiatrist, for fear of being spotted by a smart son, and thus low self-esteem.

  In addition, I am also worried about my son's education. There is no doubt that he is a genius, and he is not the kind of genius with excellent grades. So the question is, how do genius children teach?

  As an elementary school teacher, she has taught many children, but when it comes to her own children, she can't make up her mind.

  If it is a child from another family, with her professional ability, she can slap her into the air, but when it is her son's turn, he may hesitate. What if the teacher breaks down? There is only one son.

  In the end, I asked my son's opinion.

  "Xiaohui, you have reached the age of going to school, should we go to the kindergarten to try."

   "Anything is fine!" Su Hao said casually.

  So the matter of Su Hao starting kindergarten was settled.

  For Su Hao, it is to find a place to spend the most dangerous time when he is 5 years old. As long as the time passes, I believe it will be very smooth in the future.

  The kindergarten is pretty good, and the safety factor is very high. The big group of kids in the kindergarten can't beat him if they want to come. With his current skills, he is more than enough to be a kindergarten master.

  Su Hao carried a small schoolbag and went to school smoothly.

  On the first day of enrollment, all children who speak loudly, are noisy and naughty, and like to beat others cry.

  Since that day, all the kindergarten children saw Su Hao calling out for the big brother. The atmosphere of the whole kindergarten was great. The kindergarten teacher said that this was the best she had ever brought.

  As for what Su Hao is doing in kindergarten, of course, he will not play with the kids, but lie down and pretend to sleep, and then start to study the pinball space.

  He wants to gain stronger survivability, and wants to survive better, he must have a special place, the most special at present is the pinball space that can contain his consciousness, including all information.

  He needs to think about what this pinball space means to him and what it can bring to him.

  "Could it only be a cycle of unlimited death, resuscitation, death, and resuscitation?"

Do not! Not only that. There must be many functions that Su Hao didn't understand, waiting for him to discover and use.

  What restricts him now is his knowledge and imagination.

After passing through the childhood crisis, Su Hao will use the fastest speed to learn all the knowledge that can be learned, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and other subjects, as well as a series of knowledge of human industrial system, information technology, hardware and software, etc. . These things are the most important to him.

  Because as long as it is learned, the pinball space can be recorded and become his thing forever.

  Of course, Su Hao also thought about the nature of using pinball space to record information, first record all knowledge, and then slowly learn. But mere recording does not help. Only when he truly understands, the knowledge after he truly understands, is his.

  This afternoon, Su Hao suddenly heard a noisy voice outside the kindergarten. This couldn't help but make his heart tense, and a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

   Immediately afterwards, there was the frightened cry of the teachers and the crying of the children in panic.

  Su Hao Gulu got up and looked out of the window.

I saw a man of fifty or so rushing into the kindergarten with a knife and chopped it when he saw a child. At this moment, several children have been chopped to the ground, blood is bleeding all over the ground, and the security guard outside the door has already covered his chest and collapsed. On the ground, weeping in pain.

  The children ran away in panic. The young kindergarten teacher was full of fear, his hands and feet were soft and he hid on the side, and he simply did not have the courage to stand up and stand in front of the murderer.

Su Hao immediately retreated and glanced around in the classroom, only to realize that there was no back door in the classroom. The assailant was outside the door of the classroom. When he ran out from the door, he would definitely be cut down first. At this time, he was already blocked. In the classroom.

  And there is no place to hide in the classroom, only some miscellaneous toys piled up in the middle of the classroom. He immediately ran to the toy pile, quickly picked two plastic plates, lifted up his clothes, and stuffed one on the back of his chest.

  There was a little kid who was being chased running into the classroom. He saw Su Hao as soon as he entered the door, and immediately screamed at Su Hao, "Big Brother!"

  The next moment, the kid called the eldest brother was chopped to the ground by the murderer from behind.

  The murderer's face was full of excitement and pride, and his eyes were bloodshot, which was terrifying. He raised his head and saw a child with a "cool" posture and expression, Su Hao standing in front. He excitedly raised the red machete in his hand again.

   "I've been hiding in kindergarten, come back!" Su Hao wailed in his heart.


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