
My Devil Boyfriend

Teju and karan are completely opposite in personality, status and behaviour. Karan belongs to a rich background .he is cold, reserved, attractive and full of arrogance. He is brilliant and people also calls him as master mind. He likes to play mind games. Teju belong to a middle class family. She is sweet, warm by nature, caring, fun loving, naive, innocent, sometimes stubborn, bubbly girl with cheerful personality. What will happen if both have to stay in one house, will love bloom or hatred separate them. Will karan play mind games with Teju or get himself trapped in teju's love

Ragib_Siddiqui · Thành thị
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17 Chs

Chapter 5

Teju arrived at hospital, asked receptionist about her mother. She got informed about her mother heart donation on call. When she reached outside of her mother ward, she spotted a women and besides her was the same boy in whose bag she dropped her pendant. Jay had also came to hospital following Teju. When Mrs. Kundra noticed her, she went to Teju and asked her..

Mrs. Kundra - " are you Radhika Prakash's daughter?"

Teju - " Aunty... is my mother fine?"

Mrs. Kundra immediately hugged teju. All this time karan was busy, digesting the fact that today his dadis safe just because of this girl's mother who is standing infront of him. He was also hurt seeing teju but didn't feel right to say anything in that time. He knew that now teju has no parents, she is all alone. He excused himself together with Jay to give space to his mother and Teju.

Mrs. Kundra - "baby, I am sorry..."

Teju - " no aunty! It's not your fault. I had some idea that mom is trying to do something like this because her chances of survival were negligible. It's just I was not ready to accept this fact. The only regret I had, wish mom would had given me chance to say how much I love her, to say last good bye to her ".

Saying that teju started crying. Mrs. Kundra hugged her and pat her back to console her. When Teju became a bit calm, she said...

Mrs. Kundra - " baby, your mother give your responsibility to me. I'll be your guardian. You'll live with me. I can't take your mother's place in your heart but for me from now on you are my daughter."

After their heart to heart conversation, teju agreed to stay with Kundra's, it was her mother's wish so how could she reject that. When they came out from hospital, they saw that karan and jay were talking to each other but as soon as they went there, both boys became silent.

Mrs. Kundra " karan, take Tejaswi to home, I'll come after done with checking on your dad."

Karan-" okay mom".

With that said mrs. Kundra left. Karan, jay and teju get in the car.

Jay - "karan !! I'll drive today. You should spend some time with your new sister ( said in mocking tone)".

Karan "shut the fuck up. She is not my sister. "

Jay -" okay !! If you not allow her to be your sister then allow her to be my sister-in-law.

Karan -" do you want to see next morning sun!"

Jay - "okay.. okay.. I got it."

Teju - "I prefer to die instead of being his sister (pointing karan) ".

Jay - "oh . hooo...!! So you are fine to being my sister in law ".

Teju - "I prefer to die instead of being his sister (pointing karan) ".

Jay - "oh . hooo...!! So you are fine to being my sister in law ".

Teju - "hell noooo..... Way".

Karan - "thank you (to teju). My opinions are same.

Rest of the drive went silently as none of them spoke anything. They arrived to Kundra's mansion. It was beautiful and fifty times bigger than Teju's appartment. There's a garden back side, swimming pool in middle. It is at some distance far from city so provide a calm and fresh vibe. The servent, workers and Buttler were already well informed by Mrs. Kundra about teju being new member in family.

When Teju entered, one of the servent who was had and in-charge of whole house attended teju to her new room. She entered the room, lock her door and broke down. She started crying bitterly. She was missing her mom, everything here is new for her. But she had already decided to fulfill her mother's wish to live a happy and prosperous life.

Next morning teju was called by one of the servent for breakfast. The smell of all delicious food that was going to her nostril brought Saliva in her mouth. She Saw mrs. Kundra with karan were on the chair, waiting for her. She went to sit beside mrs. Kundra.

Mrs Kundra - "baby, how was your sleep??. You must be hungry. I don't know about your favourite dishes so I asked chief to make all karan's favourite, guessed kids probably have same choice.

Teju -" Aunty! I have spice and tangy tongue, and here all food are too bland. No spices, no oil. Only smell is good ".

Mrs. Kundra -" oh!! Don't worry. I'll ask chief to make something for your liking".

Teju-" no... don't trouble aunty. For today I'll manage with this" . (Makeing facese)

Karan -" you prefer to eat oily food that's why your face looks like a balloon". (In teasing tone)

Teju - " do you wanna see next morning sun!" (Karan dialogue).

At this mrs. Kundra got shocked and surprise at the same time. Shocked because this is the first time she is listening this dialogue from someone else's mouth on top of that a girl. And surprise because karan was not showing any tone of anger instead looked like a kid being teased back. Mrs. Kundra had expected her son to brust out in anger. It was something new for her and in her mischievous mind she already knew the answer behind min she already knew the answer pening this. Karan only gave teju a warning gaze. She spoke..

Mrs. Kundra - "karan behave. She is new in our family and I am thinking about her admission in our college. She is your sister, be nice to her".

Karan - " she is not my sister. I never allow this".

Mrs Kundra-" then make her your wife. I am okay with anything. I'll be happy whether being her mother or mother in law ".

Karan didn't say anything this time, just ignore her mother and got back to finish his breakfast (hope you guys understand that our handsome boy already fall for our cute princess just didn't realise it now).

Teju coughed to attract their attention and when she got it she said..

Teju - "aunty, I'll give you my academic reports from my previous college."

Rest of breakfast went smoothly KaranTeju coughed to attract their attention and when she got it she said..

Teju - "aunty, I'll give you my academic reports from my previous college."

Rest of breakfast went smoothly. Karan went for his college and teju returned back to her room to arrange things in her new room.