
My Detective Partner

Maestra, a mysterious young woman who solved cases by using the most rational way of thinking. In any game of logic her wit is unmatched which earn her the name Maestra, she refused to give away her real name because of her troubled past. Her tendency to live in her own world of logic has isolated her from most people. For her, any kind of method is permitted during investigation if it can produce the best result. Martin Mason, an intern who just has been promoted to detective assistant. He is a cheerful man who value the safety of others above all else. His attitude has earned him an expert skill in communicating with any person which makes him valuable in gathering clues, though Maestra mostly used him as errand boy. In his free time, he becomes a volunteer teacher at the local library. In the world of crime solving, logic and emotion amounted to nothing as the mind of criminal has twisted the world into a series of vile conspiracies. As they made one step toward the shadow of the unknown, the line between truth and lie become more blurred. I'm writing the story in wattpad too under the same title. My author name there is Dafa Zain

Dafa_Zain · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Modern Fable Part III

"Looks like the delivery man has come. But still why do you want pizza suddenly? It's unusual for you to order food aside from cake," Martin went down to the front fence to retrieved a box of margherita.Maestra was waiting on the floor, this time wearing casual clothes. "Those fancy foods back then have make my tongue numb. I need to recalibrate it to get used to the taste of lowly economic people," she said as she took a slice."Should have expected that answer," Martin shrugged his shoulder.The young woman ate the pizza while scrolling through the pdf on her computer screen. "Let's see this file about the profile of that bank. Hmmmm... Surprise surprise.""What was it? Do you find the perpetrator? That's foo fast for the case of this grand scale." Martin remembered the fastest case that Maestra had solved took 2 days."I would have solved it if the information of the case is not altered," Maestra casually left a sudden revelation. "Anyway, that Amanda woman? She has 35% share of the bank, second only to Trivar 51%.""Which means when the insurance company pay for the lose of assets she was the one who profited most besides Trivar," stated Martin.Maestra took the initiative. She already wore her travelling coat. "It's a bit late but we can get to Amanda if we approached her now."Before the detective duo could stepped out, the television was blasting in loud voices. "Breaking news! Another branch office from Trivar the billionaire has been burned down. This time it's the new postal office. Surprisingly there are no casualties.""We are too late. The perpetrator is two steps ahead of us," Martin turned back. His fist clenching. "Same modus operandi as the last one. Now there is no doubt."The television continued the story. "One of the brave employee was able to recoded the start of the fire and what's recorded here was astonishing. It's like a comic book! A man in the robe swimming On the sea of flame carrying a bag of money. What does he think he is? A modern Robin Hood?""What do you think about the news Maestra?" he has abandoned the thought of going out being distracted by the news. "That Robin Hood is just unreal, there must be some kind of trick involved.""Turn that tv off, I'm thinking," unlike the usual her usual attitude, Maestra looked emotional. "Say Martin would you leave this case to me alone because from this point on not even I can predict what will happen."Martin was a bit shocked but he was understanding about his partner concern. "Look, I got paid hourly to be your assistant. If I don't accompany you especially in dangerous case then I have no right to call myself a detective."Maestra immediately ran off. Her face couldn't be seen but Martin swore that he saw a glimpse of smile.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"It was a dark thundery knight. Storm could strike the unlucky at any moment and yet the detective continue his investigation. He has followed the lead leading into an underground catacomb hidden behind the museum rosetta stone display. Behind the darkness he turned on the flashlight and got greeted by a smile of his nemesis with a bunch of hired thugs. The detective has been defeated." A woman of charisma was reading a book to a bunch of children."what happen next ma?""Does he have some secret plan or gadget to get out from that situation?""Settle down children, we will continue our reading of Batman tomorrow. I haven't bought the last issue," she said as she closed the comic.The children sighed in disappointment."But don't worry. For today we have a great guest. Anyone care to guess?" she shook her hand enthusiastically."Whatever probably another one of your business friend.""We are tired of listening about economy and real estate.""You've all guess wrong. Today we have real detective coming as a guest.""Wow is that true!""Can't wait to see them."Martin and Maestra appeared from behind the woman. The children quickly surrounded them like a fly to corpse."Miss detective do you also mastered many martial arts like Batman?" asked the child."Batman? Never heard of him and I only mastered judo, muay thai, and mma," bragged Maestra."Three that's so view.""Yeah you are weak miss."Maestra face turned red from anger but she tried to keep her behaviour civil. "Weak I might be but it's because my expertise is on the intellectual side. I can speak and write in 5 languages, solved any cryptography and logic problem, and most importantly I have expertise in forensic science," Maestra was smug, bragging about her accomplishment.However the children were not one that could be easily satisfied. "That's so view. Batman have all of that but he is also chemist, engineer, and magician.""Oh yeah but does that batman able to make gadget?" she took out a grey sphere from her purse. "behold my homemade smoke grenade.""That's so lame. The size is too big, Batman can make it more portable.""Yeah plus Batman has cooler gadget like batarang, sonic gun, and robot armor.""Okay kids this Batman where is he!? I swear you are just lying to me!" Maestra stomped the ground in frustration. She keeps arguing with children which made her look like one herself."That partner of yours she is a bit peculiar but the children seems to like her," the woman nodded."She is always so serious so I feel like talking with the children will help her relax for a bit. Which is why I'm the one who ask you question here Amanda," Martin switched to the bad cop attitude. "Surely you have heard about the Robin Hood? do you have any involvement in that?"Amanda kept a poker face as she answered. "How could I? What basis do you have for that?"Martin took out a notepad which he read in stern voices. "same one as the last case. No victim and only the wealth disappear in the fire. On all building where the incident happen, you are the second biggest shareholder behind Trivar.""If so then why not suspect Trivar himself?" Amanda asked.Martin showed the content of the notebook which listed the written facts of the case. "Besides the fact that he hired us, Trivar is the one who benefit least from this situation. The building burned is used for him to hide his wealth from tax collector and this incident has cause that fact to surface into public which will tarnished his reputation in not so good way."Amanda seem intrigued. "So it's just a process of elimination. Trivar can't be the one who did it so it must be someone second to Trivar who did it, the one who benefit most if that oligarch fall, " hearing the last word, Martin noticed the sudden change of tone. "Which is why Mister Martin do you know anything about these children?"Martin observed for a while. He noticed peculiarity in the children. "I assume they are yours but...""No need to say it. But judging by some of their race they don't look like me at all. You see I adopted them," Amanda said with pride."How noble," was the only comment he could mustered."They are victim from war. In this world there are wars that have been fought for resource. Lithium, oil, nickel, you named it. They are the byproduct of us in business world," she turned gloomy and her hands trembling."You've said before that you have a regret. Is this it? You adopt them because you feel like you have committed a sin and by adopting them you are hoping to be forgiven," if he didn't introduce himself as detective, one might think that Martin was more like a priest with the way he talked."No, it's not like that. I love my children, I do but I adopt them merely as reminder. As reminder of my sin and as a proved that I have chosen this life," it was sad but somewhat brave voice filled with hesitation.Like anyone on that situation, Martin was mourning. "Amanda... ""Unlike me, Mr. Martin, you have the eyes of a pure person," she took out her weapon. Just like before somehow Martin sensed no hostility. "The kind one who hasn't been sullied. Which is why I want you to have this.""The gun that you have tried to fire at me before!" he shouted."Don't be so loud, the kid will hear. I'm sure from this point on your journey will be much dangerous and this is my favorite gun so it will work as lucky charm even if you don't use it," she gave Martin glock 7, the one made from porcelain."But I just can't..." It was so sudden, so unexpected. No one could be prepared for this kind of development."Don't worry I can just buy another one. Don't worry about the necessary document, I've already had my secretary do all of that. You just need to go to shooting range and pass the basic examination," she spoke nonchalantly. Martin like being hypnotized took the glock from her hand.A gun. On his had Martin hold the tools that could decide the life and death of other soul.