
My Destiny's Awakening 2024

What a thrilling start to our story! The ordinary life of Aeon, a university student, is turned upside down as a mysterious gate appears on campus, unleashing a horde of bloodthirsty monsters. The tension is palpable as Aeon's world is thrown into chaos. As the darkness closes in, Aeon's fear and uncertainty give way to a sense of determination. He knows that he must find a way to survive this nightmarish reality and uncover the secrets of the mysterious gate. But what lies ahead? Will Aeon be able to overcome his fears and doubts to become the hero he never knew he could be? Or will the darkness consume him and claim his life? The journey is just beginning, and I'm excited to see where it takes us. Join me next time as we delve deeper into the world of Aeon and the Gates of Destiny.

ZERO8 · Võ hiệp
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Chapter 5: The Leveling Up & Rescue Mission

The acrid stench of goblin hung heavy in the air, a sickly counterpoint to the adrenaline coursing through Aeon's veins. Every goblin splatter fueled a monstrous hunger within him – hunger for experience, for answers, for an end to this madness. Together, they cleared building Z, leaving a trail of goblin corpses in their wake.

Aeon discovered another facet of his ability, Extreme Instinct, while facing five goblins simultaneously. Suddenly, a sixth goblin attacked him out of nowhere. His body, seemingly possessed, moved by instinct and deftly dodged the surprise assault. Intrigued, he decided to test his theory further. Jumping into the midst of the goblins, he attacked them from within, confirming that his ability also aids in evasion. since about 70% of their attacks were evaded unnaturally.

A summary of the Extreme Instinct ability:

1) Heightened Senses: It enhances all human senses, making them more acute by.

2) Fast Thought Processing: It aids in rapid thinking and strategic planning.

3) Evasion: It assists in avoiding attacks and unexpected situations.

4) ???

A digitized whine sliced through the air.


Objective 1: Eliminate Goblins Within Buildings in BLOCK Z, V, Y (COMPLETED) - Reward: Starter Sword (Claimed) / Starter Bow (Claimed)

Objective 2: Rescue Hostages From Goblin Captivity (PENDING)

- Reward: Gratitude & Opening the Player Store + 10 Mal (Currency)

Objective 3: Confront Goblin King & Reclaim 1% of the Campus Grounds (PENDING) - ability upgrade and Selection unlocked upon completion.

Exhaustion gnawed at Aeon, a dull ache masked by the thrumming urgency in his veins. Combat wasn't his comfort zone, but the prospect of ability upgrade, a real path to power, propelled him forward.

Their next objective: Rescue hostages.

They burst into a sight that chilled them to the bone. Four goblins, parodies of humanoids with grotesquely swollen heads and yellowed fangs, cackled around a huddled group of students AND ALSO OTHER bloody CORPSES with severed limbs. The leader, a hulking brute with a jagged scar splitting its crimson eye, brandished a curved scimitar, its cruel edge glinting under the flickering fluorescent lights. Aeon's mind raced.

Aeon's Status Window BLITZED across his vision:

Name: Aeon (Male) Ability: Extreme Instinct (Passive) - Heightened senses granting him reflexes like a cornered beast.

Ability Rating: 7/10 (Upgradeable)

A fleeting glimpse at Layla's window:

Name: Layla (Female) Ability: Perfect Supporter (Active) - Boosts allies' damage for a limited time.

Ability Rating: 9/10 (Upgradeable)

The goblin leader roared, lunging for Aeon. But Aeon was a blur. His Extreme Instinct flared, a wave of hyperawareness crashing over him. The scimitar sang past his ear, burying itself in the wall with a sickening thud.

Panic ripped through the students. A young woman with fiery red hair squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in a trembling boy's shoulder. "Timmy, as I said, it's alright," she whispered, her voice betraying the terror and oppressive aura gripping around the area.

Layla, a whirlwind of efficiency, unleashed a volley of arrows from a hidden perch. One, tipped with a barbed head, found its mark – a goblin shrilled as the barb tore through its shoulder, its spear clattering uselessly to the floor. The goblin ran to use the hostages.

With a feral snarl, Aeon launched himself forward, a bullet aimed at the scrawny goblin threatening a student with a rusty dagger. His shoulder slammed into the creature, sending it flying with a surprised yelp. "Nice save!" Layla yelled, her voice tinged with relief.

Another arrow, this one tipped with a vile green venom, found its mark. The goblin roared, thrashing for a moment before succumbing to the paralyzing poison.

The tide turned. The lead goblin, enraged, charged at Aeon with a makeshift club, its fury a palpable thing. Aeon, a dancer in the storm, rolled away as the club slammed into the floor with a bone-jarring crack. Time seemed to slow. Seizing the moment, Aeon sprang, foot connecting with the goblin's knee with a sickening crunch. The creature buckled, falling to its knees with a scream of rage.

Layla didn't hesitate. Another venom-tipped arrow, this one finding its mark in the goblin's shoulder. It roared an impotent challenge, its movements slowing, then spasming before falling still.

The remaining goblins, robbed of their leader's savage energy, faltered. One whimpered, dropping its crude weapon. The other two charged, a desperate gamble for survival.

But Layla's arrows found their marks, piercing hearts and felling them with finality.

Silence descended, heavy and thick with the aftermath. The students erupted in cheers, a wave of relief washing over their pale faces. The red-haired woman, now free, rushed towards Aeon, her eyes filled with a gratitude that bordered on reverence. "Thank you, Aeon and Layla" she whispered, her voice trembling. "You saved us on time." Aeon, burdened by his purpose, nodded curtly. The thrill of the fight went away but he still felt it within him. he now confirmed his ability is almost fraud ability with its advantages. and he also confirmed that ability rating is not about the strength of the ability but about the overall benefits that it can produce similar to Layla's Perfect Support ability.