

William tries to chase the Queen of the black moon but Alexander holds him back.

"Let her go, we can't kill her if Princess Cleopatra is still in the hands of the Queen of the Black Moon. Poor King Vansmir if you have to lose Princess Cleopatra's body." said Alexander slowly turning himself back into a vampire.

"What Prince Alexander said is true. We'd better quickly see the state of Lucas who was injured by the Black Moon Queen's sword. I'm afraid that the Black Moon Queen's sword contains a deadly poison." said William as he put his sword back into its scabbard.

Hopefully Lucas can be saved and nothing happens to Lucas." Alexander said as he walked quickly beside William to the guest room of King Vansmir.

In a special room, Alexander sees Carolline treating Lucas with the power of her ring.

"How is the former Caroline asked Alexander with a serious face seeing Luke's whole body is green.