
My Destined Charming System

Alora was the most popular girl in her school because she had a power that no one knew about. And thanks to this power, she enabled herself and those around her to have successful affairs. However, this success attracted the attention of everyone in the school more than enough. Passionate loves and unexpected betrayals were awaiting her now...

KaGen · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

A Painful Truth

Alora was sitting on the sill of the schoolhouse, watching the sky. She was distracted because she was actually trying to make sense of what had happened half an hour ago.

Her closest friends had encouraged her to do something she had never done before. They had made her come into direct contact with a boy she hadn't analyzed before with her special power.

Her target, Atlas, was the loser type, but she still acted cautiously. Alora had first made it look like an accident and crashed into Atlas, knocking him to the floor. And after falling on top of him, immobilizing him, she wanted to make eye contact by raising his hair.

In this way, she would be able to use her special power on him.

However, Atlas foiled this move by headbutting her...

And with his last words, he signaled to Alora that he was aware of her power.

This was impossible because Alora's power was like a fairy tale ability. Even if she told anyone herself, no one in the world would believe her. They even accused her of being insane.

But this boy had implied to her that he clearly knew...

Moreover, he had prevented Alora from getting him by beating her in front of everyone... At the cost of being expelled from the school...

Yes, Atlas would definitely be expelled from school for this act.

But Alora didn't care about this attack at that moment. Atlas had done something else during that time, and Alora couldn't understand what it was.

As a result, Alora was demoralized in public. This would definitely lower her charisma.

A boy had rejected her. This was the first time... He even attacked her.

After the incident, everyone looked at Alora with pitying eyes.

Her friends, Seraph, Azura, and Glitch, who set her off, apologized to her many times. It was obvious how upset they were, but it was too late.

Alora had been disgraced and the entire school learned this now. And rumors were already spreading that disparaged her.

She probably wouldn't be the hottest girl in school anymore.

But all that didn't matter to her now. She only had Atlas' mystery in mind, and she was absolutely determined to solve it.




She reached into her pocket to get a handkerchief from the side pocket of her school jacket. When she took out her handkerchief, a piece of paper fell from her pocket and landed on the edge of the sill.

"What is this?" Curious, she picked up the crumpled paper and straightened it, peering inside.

"I owe you an apology. So do you want to know the truth? Please meet me after school in the little storage room inside the art room..."

That's exactly what was written on the paper. Although there was no signature, it was certain that it was Atlas.

A warm smile appeared on Alora's face. But it wasn't an emotional reaction. It was a sign of the excitement of being able to solve the mystery of Atlas...




*** End of the day... Storage room... ***

"Damn, where the hell is he!" Alora was sitting in an old chair in the small room with a closed door, shaking her feet.

Then the outer door of the Art Room opened and someone grumbled in. Then other people opened the door, one after the other, and entered.

"Who are they?" Because the door of the storage room was closed, the people who came did not know that Alora was in the small room, but she could hear them. Embarrassed to be secretly meeting with a boy in this seedy room, Alora approached the door to hear the incoming people.




"Hey what are you doing here?"

"I should ask the same question to you, Azura? Are you the one who stuck this ridiculous note in my pocket, Azura?"

"Are you out of your mind, Seraph!? I am also in the same situation as you. And I guess Glitch too"

"Calm down, girls. It is clear that someone wants to gather us Four Goddesses and meet here."

"Then where is Alora?"




"Thank God, they are my buddies..." Alora intended to open the door of the room she was in and go to her friends, but suddenly she stopped. Because the last sentence she heard in the conversation she was secretly listening to caused her to startle. So much so that she even stopped breathing and involuntarily stood still before her hand even reached the doorknob...




"Huh? How the hell do I know where that Purple Bitch is? I hate her just as much as you do." Glitch's tone suddenly became irritating.

"Did you see her face by the way? It was indeed very soothing. Even though that bitch isn't as pretty as us, she somehow became the most popular girl in school thanks to the secrets she kept."

"I think you are talking about the Atlas event, Azura. Yes, it felt good... She was undeservedly more popular than us and now she's going to the bottom without even realizing it." Seraph, the true leader of the group, had made her tone more dominant now...




Alora's whole body was trembling because of what she heard... Trembling endlessly... She even had tears in her eyes, and she was biting her lips to keep from sobbing.

Alora was going through a complete emotional breakdown at that moment. Those whom she had considered being her closest friends for a very long time were speaking unbelievably harassing words about her.

Her closest friends were actually... her worst enemies...




"But all this success is thanks to your evil game, Seraph. You are a true leader!"

"Ah, you are so kind, Glitch. Thanks. But let's say thanks to my brother who is actually a reporter. Thanks to that information he accidentally found in the research he did... Research where he learned about the suicide of our former classmate Sandra, who dropped out of school because of us."

"So Atlas was really Sandra's boyfriend and he came to this school to get revenge on us. We weren't sure about that, and thanks to that idiot Alora, we made it certain."

"You are right, Azura. Even I couldn't believe it when my brother told me this story he heard. We were the ones who bullied Sandra who was trying to hunt guys in our dump. And no one had heard from her after she dropped out of school. If she had committed suicide, we should have heard it first, instead of my brother, who had nothing to do with our school. At least that is what I thought... I even made fun of him when he said that her boyfriend had come to our school just for revenge."

"You were not wrong, Seraph. We just stripped her naked and took pictures of her. Which one of us would have known that she had such a weak personality. And also who knew that silly Atlas was capable of such a thing?"

"But do not underestimate her mystery," Seraph warned the other two not to be overconfident. "We need to learn the secret behind her knowledge of everything about boys correctly, as soon as possible. We need to know this trick to have the crowns we deserve. And then we can crash her completely. That bitch deserves to be the dimmest girl in school and we're all gonna make it"

"Hey girls, be quiet! Someone is coming!" Hearing footsteps coming from the outer hall, Glitch startled and alerted the others.

And the door opened... And the red-haired girl entered...

"What the f.ck!? Maria! What the hell are you doing!?" Seraph and the others frowned at Maria because they thought the notes they had found in their pockets had been written by a man.

Maria, whose eyes were burning with hatred and anger, was looking at them defiantly... "'Cause I'm the one who got you bitches here!"