
My desires will be my destiny

DaoistrhBlLr · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


After the experiments, they both ate the vegetable parts that Judith had improved and drank some water found behind the counter, and began to walk.


-Do you have a place to go?


-Mmm I have family in the Country of Far Horizon, we can go to the portals and head there.


-Sure… where are the portals?


-A few blocks to the left, just follow me.


Taking the lead, Judith covered her nose with a piece of cloth just like Deivid due to the putrid smell of decomposing bodies.


Seeing the state of the city, Judith's eyes began to water, before She begins to have a certain look.


"Father, Mother, today I am leaving the city, but the day will come when I will rebuild the city, Until then I will take revenge on each of those responsible for this."


-Are you OK?


-Yes, let's go ahead and get out of here.


After hearing Judith's response, Deivid stopped paying attention to her and changed his thoughts to other things.


"Sisi, is there anything else I should know about the shadow servant?"


"Yes, you may have already noticed that your body seems to be stronger, that is because you get 10% of your servants' abilities, that includes their talents, capabilities and strength."


"Does that mean I can use the autumn force too?"


"Yes, but because it is only 10% I do not recommend that you use it since it will consume the Little energy that you have and you will not be able to move."


"I see… and about my second system, the world?"


"Your world only has a very small area and you still cannot access it, you will only be able to access it the moment you develop your own internal energy."


"My internal energy?"


"Yes, not everyone can develop energy, and the few who can do so become stronger than ordinary people, there are people who have developed their energies to the point of becoming gods."


"Gods… do they really exist?"


"They exist, but you shouldn't think about it right now since you can't even face weak existences of this world, much less the gods."


"The 10% I got from Judith also counts towards energy?"


"That's right but since she just woke up, the 10% you get is very limited, so much so that it only serves to fire 10 weak shots from the weapon you obtained from the Judith's father.


"I see…wait if Judith spends her energy does that mean I won't have anything anymore?"


"No, the 10% you get from the servants is something permanent for you."


"Is that good news at least… but since Judith will no longer be my servant shadows, then what will happen?"


"If the servant dies or her shadow is extracted then 10% of her benefits are also taken They will go either to the servant or to you."


It was like pouring a bucket of cold water on Deivid's head since what he had just win was going to be lost, once he separated from Judith.


"Well, I already decided not to force her, so I shouldn't think about what I've already decided."


-Boss, this place looks all destroyed and it stinks! Are we sure we can get some here?


-Be quiet! I am the one who gives the orders here.


Out of nowhere, voices were heard inside a building which seemed not to be destroyed so much.


Deivid and Judith turned to look at the source of the voices only to see 5 men coming out of the room building.


There was a fat man with a greasy face and a sledgehammer on his back, another bald man with a spear, another with a knife that had two main teeth protruding even with its mouth closed, a skinny man who looked like a walking skeleton with a gun at his waist and the last who looked like the leader with a long stained beard with a machete in his hand.


When the men saw the couple in front of them, their attention was drawn directly to the girl and her expressions changed from surprise to lust.


-You see! I told you we would find something good hahahaha.


-Boss, I'm going first. It's been a while since I've tried a beauty of such quality.


When Judith heard the fat man's words, she couldn't help but shudder and her entire face lost color.

"Shit, do you have any idea how to get out of this?"


"Just kill them, those guys are normal people with no energy inside them."


-Judith, you have your mother's saber, can you fight?


Hearing Deivid's words, Judith touched the saber hanging on her waist and nodded.


-My mother told me He was taught to use it.


-Well, I will try to kill them, but when they see the weapon, they will try to get closer so I You must take care of them, remember that now you are stronger than them.


-I will do what i can.


Deivid, after finishing whispering with Judith and seeing that the skinny guy had a gun at his waist, He made a quick decision and with a movement of his hand he took out the weapon she was wearing on the back and aiming quickly at the skinny man's head and shot.


-Ahhh! My arm! You brat, you're dead- pushh!


The four remaining men saw how his partner was shot in the arm and then into his chest, he made them come out of their momentary stupor and grab his weapon to attack to the rig before them.


-Bastard I will kill you!


-You're dead boy!


Deivid seeing that with his shitty aim he could only kill the guy after two shots,He couldn't help but curse inside his heart as he points to the rest of the people and He fired 6 shots consecutively.







He miraculously managed to hit three of the 4 men and kill two, being the leader and the fat man with a hole in his stomach dripping blood, the only ones left.




Judith took a deep breath and without waiting for the leader to get closer she stepped on the floor She hit the ground and she bolted towards the leader of the five.


-Que!? You are a cultivator!


Just when the leader realized that Judith was approaching him at an abnormal speed with the tip of the saber pointed at her throat it was already too late.


Raising the machete and with a sound of metal against metal, the leader managed to deflect the saber a few millimeters but she does not avoid it completely and the saber cut a part of her neck leaving a deep wound.




Grabbing her neck with both hands in a desperate attempt to stop the bleeding, The leader realized that this was the end of him, turning his gaze to the young woman in front of him, dealing He tried to say a few words but nothing came out of his mouth until he fell and died.


At the same time, Deivid fires the last two shots left in the man's belly fat and the latter, due to the race he had made, fell on Deivid.


-Good heavens!


Taking a little effort, Deivid managed to get out from under the fat man and began to pant like locomotive.

"What the hell! "I felt like the gun was sucking my blood every time it fired."


"I told you that 10% energy would only help you with 10 shots and that if you spend the energy you will you would feel tired."


"I didn't think the effect would be that much."


"At least you can walk."


-Judith, are you okay?...Judith?


Deivid observes Judith who only stared at her body on the floor until I react to the second call and vomit.






Deivid approaches her and lifts her hair, preventing it from getting stained while he gave her a few pats on her back.


-I'm fine, it was because this is my first experience murdering someone Taking a deep breath and sitting up, Judith calmed down and thanked Deivid.


-Thank you, you saved me again.


-Okay, you saved me too, if you hadn't killed the leader and I was alone, very Possibly he would have killed me.


They both sat down to rest while deep in their hearts they thanked the fact that they had found each other.