
My desires will be my destiny

DaoistrhBlLr · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


-Mom is already here honey, now everything will be fine, yes, we will have a saint cure your face just waits.


-Or me, but if they're not the city's couple, Clay and Margot? It is not surprising that the girl has the determination to ruin her face being her daughter everything makes sense.


Seeing the person more clearly, the couple's eyes reflected hopelessness which It was on par with the hatred they felt towards the transvestite.


-I can't believe the ruler sent one of his 7 dogs to this small town.


-Or me, but what are you saying, this she is not a dog, I am the most beloved servant of the ruler, the himself that he appreciates you so much that he sent me to deal with you personally.


"take Judith and disappear, I will do everything possible to stop him"


When Margo heard the message from her husband transmitted by telepathy, she knew that it was the only option they had left.


He hugged Judith tighter without taking his eyes off the transvestite while she responded to him.


«I will do everything possible... if we don't make it, I want you to know that my time with you and Judith "It was the happiest of my life."


-You know I won't let you go so easily.


The transvestite, seeing the slight changes in the couple's expression, laughed after putting a face of disdain.


Suddenly the nails on his hands began to grow until each one was about 15 centimeters and were so sharp that they seemed capable of cutting metal.

-If you're done chatting, I'll start moving.


In the blink of an eye the transvestite appeared right in front of Clay and when Clay was going to shoot, the transvestite pulled his long nails and along with the sound of brandishing a sword, the gun fell to the ground in three parts with Clay's fingers about to press the trigger.




Margot, seeing what was happening, forgot that she should run away and instead of running away she took the saber and lunged towards the transvestite.


-Useless effort.


Even with a look of disdain, the transvestite raised his left hand and 5 threads came out of his hands fingers which wrapped around both of Margot's wrists, ankles and neck, making her unable to move.


- Bastard let my wife go!




Letting out a snort the transvestite just pointed one of his fingers at Clay and with a thrust It went through his neck.


Clay only keeping in mind the well-being of his family continued to advance which caused the nail of his through his neck, getting close enough and shooting at point-blank range in the transvestite's left shoulder.


The transvestite, seeing that Clay continued to advance even with his nail on his neck, was stunned momentarily so he did not react in time to avoid the shot, causing him thus a large hole in his left shoulder which caused him to lose control of the threads that tied up Margot.


- I'll kill you!

Kicking Clay and pulling his nail out of his neck, the transvestite did not chase him and instead after that he approached Margot who was sweating half kneeling because of the thread that before, she pressed his neck.


-But first I will make them both see her loved one die in front of her eyes.


With a look of mad hatred and a manic smile, the transvestite pierced the chest of Margot with her nails stuck in her heart.




Then with a kick he sent Margot flying until she crashed next to Clay.


-The two lovers of the city, a couple chosen by heaven to be together for life, they should even thank me for letting them die together hahahaha.


While Clay and Margot listened to the transvestite's crazy laughter, they both crawled stained with blood until they can hold hands.


"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."


"Don't apologize, I'm the one who couldn't take Judith."


«Judith, although I know it is impossible, I hope that she can survive this and live a life happy"


"Yes, me too"


After their brief conversation via telepathy, they both turned to look at Judith who She had regained consciousness, giving him a look of love being the last feeling of her life not one of remorse or hatred towards the transvestite but the love of some simple parents towards their daughter.


"Honey, sorry, we couldn't protect you."

«If you manage to survive this, please live a happy life and find a man who can protect you"


«Daughter, I hope you know that your father and I... LOVE you!


«Daughter, I hope you know that your mother and I... LOVE you!




Judith, seeing that her parents were giving her a look of love along with her last words, did not She was able to stop herself from crying as she ran towards them.


-I love you too, so please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone, don't leave me alone.


The transvestite did nothing as he watched the entire scene in front of him with a look of joy and excitement.


-They died trying to protect you know, in other words, they died because of you, yeah If only you had died before or were not here, they would still be alive.


-What?... they died because of me... fault?


-Yes, how else do you think they would stay here to fight if it weren't for you? After of everything always He was able to flee to avoid this disaster.


-Was it me then? For my death?


Judith in her uncontrolled state did not think about what was happening around her so she only accepted the transvestite's words thinking that the deaths of her parents It was his fault.


-If he died because of you, you should accompany them and apologize to them, to show them good daughter that you are.


The transvestite continued guiding the poor girl while he took Margot's saber to the ground and He passed it to Judith.

-Yes, I must apologize and be with them.


Judith let herself be guided by the transvestite's words as if she let herself be guided by the whisper of a demon and she took the saber given by the transvestite and cut her wrist with the edge of the saber.


-Mom, dad, wait for her daughter, she will soon catch up with you.


Snuggling between her parents' bodies as if they were hugging her, Judith, she let herself fall into the temptation of the devil with the thought that everything would end after that her life would end.


-Hahaha silly little girl, I didn't even have to lift a finger.


The transvestite left just after muttering to himself with a shocked expression smugly, thinking that his job this time was too easy.


Judith fell into a deep sleep after the transvestite left and, in the dream, she watches her father and her mother calling her.


-Dear? What are you doing here?


-Mother? Mother!


Running and jumping for joy into the arms of her mother Judith, she wishes that this was the reality and not a dream from which she would soon wake up.


-I'm sorry, sorry, mom and dad, for me, you, for me...


-Shhh honey, don't say more, it's not your fault, remember that we wanted you to leave in the Tomorrow, it was for you to survive.


-That's right, your mother is right, even if she were like that we would always fight without regrets.

As the three of them hugged each other, and Judith calmed down and thought about the whole situation, she realized that it was true that her parents did not die because of her.


Even if she was in the position that with her sacrifice, they could survive She would too after all they are family.


-There, it's time.




-Our time has passed, we have to go to the other side, but you still have to live.




-Your mother is right; you still have to live and create a family.


-See honey, this is not a final farewell, after all the time will come when we let's see again, but not now, this is not the time.


-But I don't want to separate from you.


While her father caressed Judith's head, her mother put her hand on her cheek and saw her in her eyes.


-Sooner or later, you were going to leave home, it's a shame it's early but that's life, Look for someone to protect you and life for you that way you can trust him, fall in love with ten children and live your life.


-I… I.


Before he could finish a sentence, everything went black, the warm embrace of his parents She had disappeared along with the atmosphere of peace and was replaced by darkness and endless pain.

-What's that?


Just as Judith was feeling the stinging pain on her face, she heard the voice of someone, lifting the lid of her left eye with great effort, saw the back of a young man standing in front of the drink's dispenser.


Taking the last of her strength she opened her mouth with great difficulty trying to scream, but the only thing that came out was her little murmur.




After saying those words everything became silent and dark, as if nothing existed, as if she were the only soul floating in the endless void of limbo.


"Ah it's useless even if I manage to hear myself, you won't be able to save me from the condition I'm in I meet, mom, dad, I'm sorry, I won't be able to get out of this... sorry"


-Start possession of shadows, process at 1%


Just when Judith lost the last hope of herself, she felt something cold enter inside her and ran through her entire body and mind, merging with the feeling even in the most deep in her soul.


Without knowing the exact time, she began to feel that the wounds on her face were beginning to heal at an unimaginable speed and no matter how much she wanted to see the process she couldn't open her eyes let alone speak, she could only wait for whatever she was telling him happening will end.


When Judith thought about how long it would take her, she stopped feeling the cold and instead I felt someone's arms lightly hugging her as if trying to protect her, but afraid that her embrace might hurt her at the same time.


And with great interest she opened her eyes, only to find herself in the arms of a man unknown to her, brown hair brown eyes with a worried expression and a slight smile she told him.

