
My desires will be my destiny

DaoistrhBlLr · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


Sisi stopped talking about the evolution of the system and began to carry out a process of accelerating particles by grabbing them from the matter that Deivid had absorbed, after that he took another and decelerated it and then made a collision between both particles which generated a collision that I separate several electrons, neutrons and protons with different charges, including some negative ones.


I separated those with negative charges and placed them in a different space from where I performed the particle acceleration. Sisi continued repeating this process several times, increasing several acceleration points where she performed the same process several times and the particle acceleration processes continued to increase to where Deivid I could see.


"This is a long process with your second level of cultivation it will take me to create one gram in one night so you should leave for now and come back tomorrow."


"Okay, thank you Sisi for your work."


Deivid thanked Sisi, and went to sleep as if it were no big deal, because Deivid did not remember the entire antimatter creation documentary accurately.


Since if he had done so he would have been greatly surprised because the process of creating a single gram of antimatter in his previous world would take around a billion years while Sisi only one night, it was still better that Deivid did not know and sleep peacefully.


After one night Deivid woke up and immediately told Sisi to let him enter the space of his second system always still in his consciousness form, the particle acceleration process was still ongoing but Deivid could faintly see a blue dot floating in the void.


"Sisi, is this antimatter?"


"That's right, do you want to see an explosion?"


Deivid nodded after which he saw how a grain of sand came out of the terrain that Deivid had built and headed in the direction of the antimatter. At the moment when these matter and antimatter collided, an incredible explosion was created in the void. Deivid was amazed at the degree of power that two small particles possessed when colliding with each other.


After a while the explosion wave collided with the ground creating a huge mess in it and sending several things flying, Deivid immediately separated the entire earth with its atmosphere to protect it from the explosion after a while everything calmed down Deivid arranged a little land, although there were plants and trees that could not be saved, they were few.


Deivid didn't think much about it and just stared at the center of where everything happened. After that, he used his will to grab all the energy produced by the explosion and brought it in front of him. After a moment, he saw that it was a large amount. In front of him he thought about compressing it as much as he could.


The energy began to compress, going from a ball measuring more than 4 meters in front of him to one measuring 1 meter, then 10 centimeters, then to the size of a marble, and continued until it reached the size of a grape seed. The craziest thing is that The energy could continue to be compressed and it continued until Deivid's eyes could no longer see it, even so thanks to the connection with the second system Deivid knew that the energy was still being compressed. After a few seconds the energy stopped being compressed.


Deivid did not know how much it had been compressed but he did know that it was quite fair when he wanted to expand the energy again he heard Sisi speak.


"Interesting, I think you just hit the jackpot with that Deivid."


"What do you mean Sisi?"


"You may not feel it because you are not with your real body, however, that source of energy that you just compressed is emitting a very light force of gravity, this can help you in ways you cannot imagine in the future."


"Force of gravity? How would that help me?"


"Well, for starters, if you enter here you will not be able to walk on the land you have created due to the lack of gravity similar to the place where you are, but you should not worry, I will take care of that and do something similar to gravity so you can rest easy here.

Now regarding the gravity that this source of energy is emitting, although it is little, it is still similar to that of the planet where you were a moment ago, of course to feel it you must be close to it but the interesting thing is that if you remember the theory of relativity of Your previous world says that time is affected by gravity.


Which tells us that if something is closer to that compressed energy point then its time will pass faster than the rest and if you add more compressed energy the time may go even faster."


"Do you mean that whatever is close to this energy point will have a faster time than normal?"


"That's right, if that is so then imagine creating a layer of soil around it and placing plants and animals there"


"So in that space the plants will grow normally but from my point of view and the others will grow faster than normal, and the animals will reproduce faster."


Deivid He got excited again upon hearing that and couldn't help but want to jump for joy upon hearing that, weighing the time acceleration of his world and more the automatic expansion that would come after evolving the system once he couldn't help but get more excited and want to get enough energy for Sisi to evolve the second system at once.


"Well you should go out and go farming with Judith, she leaves things as they are for the moment, I will continue creating antimatter."


Deivid ascended and exited the second system space, showered, got ready, and went to wake Judith, after which he set about preparing a simple breakfast while Judith got ready.


Deivid prepared some simple dishes that had egg, vegetables and bacon, he also served water and juice.


Judith came down just as Deivid had finished serving the food.


-I didn't know you could cook too, that's a pleasant surprise. I think since I'm better than you at my cultivation, you'll have to cook from now on.

Judith laughed and did not joke with Deivid as she saw a new view of him cooking and preparing the table, after which she kissed him on the lips and with a renewed smile she sat down to eat.


Deivid on the other hand wanted to continue tasting those tempting lips but when he saw that he was already eating he sat down at the table and he also began to eat.


-Not so quickly it reaches the second level as well so now we are at the same level Judith.


-Is that so hahaha but my special energy is not like yours and I cultivate faster than you, it won't be long before I reach the third level.


Deivid had no words against that after all he was right so he changed the subject.


-Judith the space on my second system is already enabled so we can enter and you want to take a look.


-Yeah!! Of course let's eat and go right away.


Judith walked over and swallowed the bite in her mouth as she responded enthusiastically to Deivid, Judith clearly wanting to see what this new space where Deivid was creating her world was like because of how incredible it all sounded.


They both finished their food quickly and Deivid used the little energy he had which had been replenished while cooking and opened a portal the size of a door and what was seen on the other side was a normal land illuminated by something similar to the sun in a corner. This land contained a body of water, the other some trees and plants although they seemed a little withered, and on another side there were some stones and other minerals.


Deivid entered with Judith and when they finally both entered and breathed the air they felt as if it were a part of their normal world if it weren't for the dark void that was seen, although there was a representation of a "sun" it still felt The atmosphere created was too small for a blue sky to be seen.


-Wow, this space is incredible, I can't believe you are creating your own world in this place.

-Our world, here we will live in the future, we will build our home here and when we get bored we will go out for a walk through the original world.


Judith was sweetly excited to hear Deivid's words and she couldn't help but hug him and kiss him, she loved the idea of ​​having a safe space for them where they have control of him.


-Deivid, we have to build a house here, increase the size of the place and bring animals from outside. We can also bring my sister here when she is better built.


Deivid is happy to see Judith running from one place to another while she offered ideas to improve the place, just at that moment Judith observes the dark sky where some explosions were faintly visible.


-Deivid, what is that?


-That is the process to generate antimatter that is made by Sisi.


Deivid proceeded to explain to Judith what antimatter was and Sisi's plan to create an ever-expanding world in automatic mode.


-Wow, that's incredible. Deivid, do you think he can meet Sisi?


Judith became more and more excited and was also enchanted by Sisi's plan and the concept of antimatter, due to the fact that in her reality internal energy and cultivation existed. The main research focused on energy cultivation and the different applications. . This is why the concept of antimatter was unknown to them.


Deivid upon hearing Judith's proposal asked Sisi.


"Yes, what do you say, can you talk to her?"


"No problem"


Sisi had no problem with that not because of Judith's request or because Deivid decided to trust her but because of the fact that Judith possessed a shadow of Deivid in her thus turning her into a shadow servant so if she wanted to betray Deivid or tell some of her secrets she could easily stop her.


Clearly Deivid did not know that and unconsciously the fact that he could control his shadow servant had been overlooked and forgotten long ago, Sisi for her part was not going to tell him about it and just let Deivid live the way he decided, even soIf there was a situation where Judith decided to hurt Deivid Sisi would act.


Deivid would never know about this and neither would Judith because they never had that kind of situation in the future.


After a few seconds a ball of something similar to water appeared in front of Judith.


-Hello Judith, it is a pleasure to finally introduce ourselves, my name is Sisi and I am the Deivid system.


-A pleasure to meet you Sisi, thank you for taking care of him and helping me heal with the shadow servant in the past.


Judith briefly bows to Sisi in gratitude.


-Don't mention it, that was Deivid's decision, I only followed his command.


-You still did it, so thank you.


Judith and Sisi after their presentation began to talk about how antimatter worked, Deivid for his part went to check the land, the water and the forest and when he saw the plants withering he realized that he must have planted them before and due to exposure to the cold of the vacuum were damaged.


Letting out a determined sigh that he would bring more plants in the future, looking at the time on his bracelet he realized that it was time to move and continue cultivating so he went to tell the girls.


Judith, on her part, was discouraged but knew that they should farm, so she said goodbye to Sisi and told her that they would meet again when they returned from farming, to which Sisi agreed.


 Upon leaving the space and closing the door, Deivid could not wait and immediately kissed Judith. Judith, on her part, did not push him away from her and instead hugged him by the neck and began to suck on her lips.


They continued their passionate kiss as Deivid's hands roamed Judith's body.


-Deivid Sisi will see us.


-Don't worry about that, she already saw us once so there is nothing to do.


Judith blushed when she heard that but instead of stopping she started to undress Deivid after all Sisi was Deivid's system and nothing bad would happen if she saw them.


Just as Judith finished taking off Deivid's shirt she heard someone coming through the door.