
My Demon System: The Power of the Fox

There's a guy named Adam its news to him that the people he is living with are not his parents and turning from a human to a demon with some new type of power

Jacob_Korff · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: A Unknown Power

"What are you going to do about it you weak little bitch?" Chuck shouted, holding Adam by the collar of his shirt and punching him across his face.

Adam winced in pain but refused to give Chuck the satisfaction of seeing him cry. "You don't have to do this, Chuck," he said, trying to reason with his tormentor. "Can't we just leave each other alone?"

Chuck sneered at him. "Not until you learn your place, loser," he said, punching Adam again.

As Chuck continued to beat Adam up, everyone in the hall was looking at him and whispering among themselves. Adam felt embarrassed and humiliated, but he refused to show it. He knew that he was powerless against Chuck, but he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing him suffer.

But then something strange began to happen. A blue aura emanated from Adam, and he suddenly gained a new power - the blue flame. As he held the flame in his hand, he felt a surge of energy and excitement.

Adam couldn't believe what was happening. 

"Huh, what was that? Is that in my head?" he thought, looking at a blue screen that appeared in front of him.

[Name Adam Foster]

[Height 5'9]

[Race Half Demon]

[Strength 30]

[Agility 20]

[Defense 20]

[Ability: None]


Adam held the blue flame in his hand and chucked it at Chuck, blasting a hole in his stomach not caring if it hit anything vital. 

Chuck stumbled back, clutching his stomach in pain. 

"What the hell was that?" he shouted, looking at Adam in disbelief.

Adam was just as surprised as Chuck was. 

"I don't know," he said, feeling confused and scared. "I just...I just felt this energy building up inside me, and then I had this blue flame in my hand."

Chuck sneered at him. "You're even weirder than I thought," he said, passing out

Adam was left standing there, holding the blue flame in his hand, feeling confused and scared. But he also felt a sense of excitement and wonder. He knew that he had a new power, and he couldn't wait to learn more about it. 

Tomorrow is Adam's 16th birthday, and he is feeling a sense of loneliness and detachment from his parents who are never around and show no care for him. As he walks around his house, he notices his hair is split in half, with one side white and the other black.

This peculiar appearance makes him wonder if it has any connection to the strange power and the screen he encountered earlier. In a moment of deep reflection, Adam spots a knife and contemplates the emotion of aloneness.

Overwhelmed by emotions, he impulsively stabs himself in the chest, only to be met with confusion as he realizes he cannot be hurt or killed. A blue flame appears at the spot where he tried to harm himself. 

Suddenly, a robotic voice echoes in his mind, confirming his new identity. 

The next day the system mentions a video Adam thinks that the video might provide answers to his questions about his newfound existence

"There's a video? Maybe it can explain to me what I am" 

[Playing video] 

"Hey son."