
My death system

As an Egyptian Pharaoh, Amon-Ra, a vessel, a title given to those gifted by Orooborus to reincarnate infinitely, Amon and Aphophis, is at cutthroats with his opposition, at the pinnacle of their enmity they are separated to gather their powers and have a great slugfest at the end. The MC is launched into different scenarios he hasn't experienced even during his past life times of so called "maturity". This is a story of OP-ness, and a journey of an immortal to the peak.

DaoistNMVLk · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs

The end before the beginning.

Pharaoh Tutankhamen the 1st was busy lounging on his throne, about to faint from his work load, when he was summoned by his teacher, as soon as he stepped out of the throne room, his danger sense tingled. He ducked and took his scythe and short sword out of the folds of his garment. He immediately activated the rising sun style to the 56th form, his current maximum. A sword slashed through right where his neck was, but since he ducked, it only cut off his Egyptian style ponytail, rendering him bald.

This was his enemy throughout all his lifetimes, a formidable enemy of many names, like tut, but his christened one was Aphophis, devil of ancient Egypt, sworn enemy of Amon-Ra, tut's christened name.

"Aphophis" Tut snarled.

"Amon, my old friend." Aphophis hissed in a sarcastic voice.

"Today is the day I break our tie."

"How by losing."

"How bold, but through the ages, I found you all bark no bite."

"Well, I embrace changes."

"Me as well." tut declared and leapt at Aphophis, pointing his weapons at him. Aphophis parried and there began the famed fight, "Bastet," Tut called over his shoulder,"deal with them." Bastet, Amon's most trusted ally, and the cat goddess raised her lithe body and brought forth her daggers, she then hacked, seemingly, at thin air. A pair of hisses were heard and two huge snakes came to view. The magnificent fight started, dagger to fang, good vs evil, scythe and short sword to whatever Aphophis was using, but there was something wrong, Aphophis was on the final leg, but there was a huge grin on his face.

"Dwarf, that's you're que." Bastet said, suddenly a dwarf with a huge hammer in his hand jumped forward, he raised his hammer and smashed it on another snake that was meters away from Amon's leg.

"That was a close one, Amon, but if you think it's over, then you have another thing coming." said Tut "You know what's even funnier, the fact that you thought I would remain orthodox when I am against the king of unorthodoxy." Amon replied. Suddenly the hall turned black, a huge portal opened up on the ground, "welcome, my son." Amon said. He suddenly dashed forward and crossed the space that they had subconsciously created. "Gotcha!" he said smugly. "Gotcha!" Aphophis said as well, and as Amon stabbed him, stabbed Amon as well.

Suddenly both Amon and aphophis fell to their knees, each glaring daggers at each other. they turned into blue pixels, fading away, their stare-down unbroken.

Hi guys, this is my first novel, I'm open to constructive criticism and would love any power stones I could get thanks. ;)

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