
My death system

As an Egyptian Pharaoh, Amon-Ra, a vessel, a title given to those gifted by Orooborus to reincarnate infinitely, Amon and Aphophis, is at cutthroats with his opposition, at the pinnacle of their enmity they are separated to gather their powers and have a great slugfest at the end. The MC is launched into different scenarios he hasn't experienced even during his past life times of so called "maturity". This is a story of OP-ness, and a journey of an immortal to the peak.

DaoistNMVLk · Võ hiệp
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2 Chs


I woke up in an unfamiliar place, my senses screaming at me to kneel, an insurmountable obstacle was before me. Only one entity could cause this much fear in me, the lord of the sun, it was the undying, Everliving Orouborus, my benefactor.

"I kneel before my lord."

"Arise, vessels."

-Seems like Aphophis is here as well.... Odd. - I pondered, while rising.

" I grow weary of thy's unending impasse, I desire a finale to it. You each shall gain my blessing. And if the trials thou shall fail, the other shall rise in strength, while thou remaineth at the bottom. At time of my choosing, a duel shall end it all. Dismissed!"

Hi guys, this is my first novel, I'm open to constructive criticism and would love any power stones I could get thanks. ;)

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