
Seven- Family Bonds

After the treatment she calls the boys back out.

"I'm making dinner and-

"I'm making dinner Alex come help me!"

Alex comes out of Eli room and yells "coming mom!" As he passes by, he gives me a smile and a wink.

Oh gosh he knows.

I get up slowly and walk in Elijah's room to check on him, but I see him pacing in his room.

"What are you doing?" I ask out of sheer curiosity.

"Trying to control myself," he takes a deep breath and sighs and comes over to me and planting his face in my neck. I feel his arms wrap around me carefully and him rub my back slightly.

"It's going to be ok and …I'm sorry for this."

His eyes peer at me and he puts his forehead on mine, and I feel our noses touch. "Baby girl you don't need to be sorry for a thing."

I grab his hands and pull him in towards the room and shut the door.

"Eli can I tell you something? Just between us?"

He nods and sits me down on the bed while he sits on the floor no letting go of my hands. He looks at me waiting patiently for what I'm going to say next.

I take a deep breath to prepare myself to explain what I am about to say.

"My dad hates me because…. I killed my brother." I pause to gauge his reaction, but his face remains the same. Thank goodness.. it makes me feel a little relived so I continue. "My brother's name was Dylan, and we had a pretty normal childhood for the most part. However, my brother Dylan was always our parents' favorite. He never would hold that above me though and treated me preciously. My parents would often ground me, but Dylan always would stand up to them and comfort me. But when I was 14 and Dylan was 17, I begged him to drive me to the beach so I could be with my friends. My mom and dad where too busy to drive me and already said I couldn't go but I begged Dylan to bring me before he would go to school. He would pick me up afterwards and no one would know... or at least that was the plan. On the way to the beach on the bridge after he dropped me off a drunk driver hit my brother's car head on and my brother's car flipped from the bridge and landed upside down in the canal… it's my fault. He was brought into the hospital my dad and mom worked at and he was declared brain dead. After unplugging his life support my mom would rarely come home, even when she was off work. She ended up cheating on my dad with a friend of theirs. She said she couldn't stand to look at me because I was the murder who killed her son. After she left my dad would drink all day and eventually said the same things she did." I could feel tears puddle up in my eyes so I hugged Eli on the floor to hide my face. "I didn't mean too... I would have never gone if I knew that would happen but I just... it's all my fault."

"Baby… that's not your fault, "he cups my cheeks and pulls my head up to look at his face before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"You didn't kill your brother and he knows that. Your dad doing those things to you doesn't justify anything."

I rub my swollen eyes trying to stop but we hear a knock on the door. I quickly stop crying and wipe my eyes and stand up along with Eli.

"Come in," Eli says, and Alex comes in.

"Dinners ready so you better come down."

We both end up going to the dining room and eating. I never had such a happy meal before, everyone was laugh and smiling … I almost feel like I don't belong in there world somehow.

After dinner me and Eli clean up and afterwards, I take a shower to get ready for bed. I don't dare look at my phone and just ignore it. I want to live in this happiness a little longer.

I stand in front of Eli's door after my shower. I could feel my heart beating.

Sleeping over at your boyfriend's house... it's nerve racking. What if he try's something? But his mom is home.

I suck it up and knock on the door "Eli it's me."

He opens the door and smiles "Ali," he rubs my wet hair.

"S-so Um where am I sleeping tonight? I can sleep on the couch in the living room I tried to ask Alex and Mrs. Edison but there both already sleeping."

"Sleep with me."

"What?" I can't help but blush and the thought "I mean- um."

Eli laughs a little "not like that, I don't have a habit of laying my hands on girls with broken ribs."

"Shut up!" I tell him and puff out my cheeks in a pout. It's not like I was looking forward to it … a little.

He grabs my hand and pulls me inside quickly and closes the door. He pushes me against the wall lifts up my chin to look at his close face.

"I- I mean like a little would be fin-" his lips close the distance with mine not leaving me time to finish my sentence again.

His kiss this time was gentle and soft as fresh snow on the ground, it's sweet to the taste. "Baby girl if you weren't so injured, I would have my way with you right now."

My face gets so hot I swear it would burst into flames and I mumble "I would like that..."

His face turns carnivorous and without a second thought I feel the kiss of a hungry starving animal. His hand traces over my neck outlining the hickey he gave only a day before. As if to remind me I'm his

I could feel myself melting in the pleasure to the point of it becoming dangerous. I can't help but moan as it feels I'm being eaten alive.

I rip myself away before I melt completely. "No, we shouldn't- "he ignores my plea shushing my mouth with his own. He puts his hands on my hip pulling me towards him to eliminate any space we had before.

I feel my hips give way and a buckle a bit.

His mouth pulls away and I hear a chuckle.

"W-why are you laughing?"

"I just never thought Your hips would give way that fast, it's cute."

I push his chest away and jump on his bed looking away.

"You ruined the moment so I'm going to bed, feel free to sleep on the floor pervert."

He lays next to me kissing my shoulder and gently whispers in my ears "wouldn't you be the pervert for wanting it?"

I flip around "excuse me sir! The one who initiated the kiss is the pervert."

"Sure whatever you say love," he places his arm carefully around me. "See you tomorrow princess goodnight."

"Goodnight." I say snuggling in closer.

I never knew being cuddle could feel so good, it feels so warm and it makes my heart skip a beat.

I smell his sent all over his room, but I try not to think of it. I cuddle his arm as I fall into the best sleep I've had in ages.

Haha~ I know what you where hoping for! Like my story? Comment and save it! ^^~ I just finished editing my previous chapters because they where a mess! Sorry about that guys!

TheQuietestVoicecreators' thoughts