
My Dear Auntie

Imagine you're a guy who's about to graduate from college, but when you're nearing the end of college your life changes around because you've just broken up with your girlfriend who you've been with for over three years. For the city people, this might be a common story, but not for Joseph, 22 years old guy who was born in a not-so-old-school village, but this virgin guy has never experienced heartbreak. In the end, he decided to go to the city to find a new atmosphere, how common is that? But when he reunites with his aunt, who is only seven years apart in age, Joseph feels the love in his heart again. His aunt is an introverted woman who used to be a professional writer. She hasn't been writing for two years due to the past. This story brings together two people who have both lost their passion because of past traumas and also brings them together to tell the story of their relationship in the past that was stopped but now finally blossoms again. This story will be told from the first point of view of each character, with Joseph as the main character.

MrJellyFish24 · Hiện thực
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

(P.O.V Julia)

"What are you doing?"

Little Joseph called out to me while I was writing in my old room. I was trying to write a story for my school assignment.

"I'm writing a story, do you want to see it?"

"I do!"

It was my first time feeling like a big sister.

"Is writing fun?" he asked.

"Yes, it's very fun. You can write whatever you want. You can even create your own world."

"I can't read yet, but I like your smile when you're writing, it makes me want to know what you're writing."

"Then, when you can read and I become a writer, you have to promise to read everything I write."

"Ok! I will always help you! I promise!"

Almost every day he collected wildflowers to give to me, while I was writing. The flowers and his innocent smile, still ring in my mind, until now.


I woke up from my dream. I dreamt that I was collecting flowers, I don't really remember why I did that, but for sure, I was very happy at that time.

I realized that I had fallen asleep next to her. Then I look at my cell phone screen.

"It's still midnight."

It's been two days since auntie was taken to the hospital because of the last incident.

I touch her forehead and hair, I see her still sleeping peacefully, even though the doctor told me that she doesn't have any serious injuries, but I'm sure her mental state is hurting right now.

"Sometimes I wish we weren't family."

"Why are you saying that!?"

I was immediately surprised.

"Auntie is awake?"

"Since you stroked my forehead, I woke up. I'm just too embarrassed to open my eyes."

What happened just now was really embarrassing.

"Let me ask you, why did you say that?"

"Sorry." I couldn't say.

"You know... what you just said really made my heart hurt, I feel like crying right now."

"I am sorry."

"Just now, I had a dream. I was writing in my old room and there was you, the little version, and his brain was still unadulterated."

The last part hurt me.

"You are the one who made me who I am today. Do you remember our promise?"

"I am so..."

"If you apologize again, I will be angry."

"I don't remember. Maybe it's because I was very young back then, maybe five years old, I guess?"

From the expression on her face, I think she was disappointed with my answer.

"Even if you don't remember, I can still feel it. I know you will always help me. And yesterday you proved it."

She gave me a small smile.

"At that time I was really scared... I..."

She starts crying.

I hug her.

"It's okay, auntie can cry."

I hug her until she stops crying. Because I don't want to see her face like that. It hurts me so much.

After almost an hour of me holding her, she finally relaxed.


"Yes, auntie?"

"From now on don't call me auntie, after all, we are only seven years apart."

"What do you want to be called?"

"Just Julia."

My heart skipped a beat.

"How can I call you like that? It's rude."

"In the city, it's a common thing."

"Yes, but I'm not ready for your overly aggressive culture."

"But yesterday you touched my breasts very aggressively.... and I let you do it!"


"You think I'm not aware? I did it on purpose because I knew you were horny and you wanted to let it out, so I pretended to be quiet."

I can't say anything. My embarrassment is already at the limit.

"I just didn't expect, you who used to be innocent, are now a horny guy."

"One moment... let me explain. According to science, at this age, a normal man's libido hormones are very high right now, so it's only natural that I sometimes go too far."

She started laughing. That face was the one I wanted to see.

"You're such an idiot."


"I guess I owe you a favor for saving me."

"There's no need to be like that."

"Are you sure? I'll do anything for you, as long as it doesn't go too far."

"Anything?" I feel like I heard heaven's voice just now.

"Anything!" she said without hesitation.

I unconsciously chuckled like a horny uncle. And I forgot that I was still hugging her.

"Don't ask for anything weird, but from your laugh, I'm a little scared."

"Ok, I've decided!"

I let go of my hug and looked directly into her eyes.

"I want to kiss you."