
The plan is ready

After hearing Robin's words, I get shocked and asked him "Is it really possible to transport the people of this world to another world?" He smiled and replied, "Do you want to hear more about it?"

I told him to stop joking and order him to tell every detail he knows. First, he shared with me that he summoned the witch that day again and asked her about the dark scripture.

After hearing the question, Quinella asked me if that's what I want to know from her. I nodded my head and tell her that yeah, that's why I summoned you.

She shows me a sweet smile and warns me by saying that there will be a massive charge for it. I bravely replied that I am ready to give you anything if it means to save my city from the situation.

Quinella asked me to give her 5 years of my lifespan for the information. I agreed immediately and said how can I give you my lifespan?

She assured me by saying that "I don't have to worry, if I just signed the paper in front of her, then the contract will be completed".

I said where the paper is but out of nowhere a paper shows up in front of me and there was a proper contract written on it, so I signed it.

After signing the contract, I felt a severe headache and breathing difficulties that's when I understood that my lifespan is already been taken. After that, she started to tell me all the secrets of the dark scripture, and as a bonus, she also teaches me some dark rituals.

It took me a day to know all the dark secrets and rituals. Because of the rule of the summoning ritual, I couldn't leave my room for a day.

The next day, I leave the room with some dark circles underneath my eyes. That's how I gained all the knowledge about the transporting system.

"Okay, I understand now why you were so busy the past month, but why didn't you tell me about it before?" asked Itami.

"Because I wanted to avoid showing you my half-baked plan" Robin replied. So, that means you have already planned the whole thing.

Yes, my dear majesty you are correct, if you help me to execute my plan then we will be able to transport all the people of this world to another world.

I thought about his offer for a second and at last, I agreed to help him, but on one condition. Robin asked me, "What is it?"

You have to let me be the leader of whatever you are planning, and I want to be notified about a single thing you manage to find, if you agree to all these things, then I will help you.

Robin laughed insanely after hearing my condition and asked is that all or do you want to put anything more in it? Anyway, I am ready to accept all your conditions.

I replied with a smile, "Then it's final that we are starting the project together". He shakes my hand and welcomed me as the new project leader.

Suddenly, my mom knocks on the door, so I told Robin to flee away and also asks him to show me the whole plan tomorrow.

As I told Robin, he fled away from my bathroom mirror and I unlocked my room. When I opened the room, my mom barges in and asked whom I was talking to.

"I was alone in the room, and you know that so that means I was talking to myself" I replied. My mom looks at me like I need a check-up from a psychiatrist and told me to inform her if I feel too ill.

I assured her by saying that "I am all right I just feel a little bit sick that's all, I will be all right if I take some rest". She believed my words and left the room.

I lay in my bed and thought about the things Robin told me, cause I can't still believe that I can finally teach the people of my city what it truly meant to be a human.

As I thought about it all night, I fell asleep. The next day when I woke up from my sleep, Robin was already in my room.

So now it's time to make the transportation test. So, foremost I asked him what the plan is, and how are we going to send the people to another world.

He smiled and told me to leave everything to the Dark truck. I showed him my middle finger and asked him if he is joking with me, cause I never thought that he would use a truck to transport people to another world.

He asked me to calm down and shows me the photo of the Dark truck. I looked at the picture and asked him what are you trying to show me in the picture, cause I just see is a normal truck here.

He places his hands on his head and asks me to look more carefully. When I looked more carefully, I saw a magical pattern on the truck.

After seeing the magical pattern I asked him, so it will help us to connect both worlds, am I right? Then he pulls out a toy truck and a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, places them on the floor, and orders me to give my attention.

He first places the bottle in front of the toy truck and tells me to think of the truck as Dark truck and to think of the bottle as a human.

I replied okay and said, please proceed with your plan. He then tells me that the bottle is a human and that the water inside the bottle is the soul of the human.

We will run over the truck on a human and because of the magical pattern the soul of the human will get sucked up in the pattern, and he will be reincarnated in another world.

That's how we are going to transport people to another world.

I raised my hand and asked Robin, "So you are saying that it's not possible to transport the body of a human to another world?"

He nodded his head and replied that's correct, we can just transport the soul to another world, not the body.

I asked him another question, "Then how the human will be reincarnated in another world is he going to be reborn as a baby?"

He called me an idiot and told me that it's not possible cause we can't produce bodies so we will use fresh dead bodies as the vessel of the soul.

"Don't we need to draw a magical circle in another world too?" I asked. He replied, "Yeah you are right, and I have already taken care of it, Quinella is going to help us with this project".

I asked him with a smile on my face that "Are we really going to the Kalid universe?" He replied, "Yes, we are going to the Kalid universe are you excited to go there?".

I said of course I have only read about the Kalid universe in Fantasy comics so yeah I am pretty much excited.

He smiled and said sorry cause he is going there first. I asked him why and also notified him that I will go there first.

He then informs me that he has to pay Quinella first, so he has to go there first and arrange everything.

I give it a thought and realized that it's too dangerous cause in order to go there I have to die first in this world and no matter what I am not ready to die yet. So, I give the honor to Robin.

We planned everything to the last detail in 30 minutes and left the room to execute our plan. First, we go to an abandoned place where the Dark truck was parked.

We enter the truck and Robin started the engine, but before going I asked him a question. I asked him, "How did he manage to get the truck?"

He replied that his uncle owns a delivery service company, so he basically asked his uncle to give him an old truck.

As he asked his uncle he gave him the truck but before giving him the truck he taught me how to drive a truck. So, that's how I get the truck, and later I modified and painted it black and drew the magical circle with the secret dark color.

After listening to his story, I replied "Oh! Your uncle seems cool, thank god he doesn't ask you that many questions".

"Yeah, you are right" he replied. "We should get going right now," Robin said after laughing. After 45 minutes we reached a big forest located in the south of Brangel City.

After getting deep into the forest, he gets out of the truck and asked me to drive the truck over him. I get surprised and asked him why are you asking me to drive the truck, this wasn't the plan that we discussed.

"So why did you think we arrived in the forest," he asked. I replied, "I thought that we were just going on a long drive".

He looked at me with an annoyed expression and told me to do my job properly as a project leader.

At last, I had no choice, so I sit in the driver's seat, Robin stood in front of the truck and I pushed the accelerator. (To be continued)