
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Police get involved

Quinton hit the ground hard, a loud thud was heard as the dog had attacked her. She held her hands out, pushing it back as it snapped at her, trying to bite her. Athena didn't know what to do. She was in panic mode as she ran to the others to tell them what was happening. The lady that brought the dogs in wanted to get the dog off Quinton, but she was busy chasing down the other two dogs plus another two that were still outside. She had accidentally let them loose, forgetting to tie them to their harnesses.

Quinton turned her face away from the dog as it continued to try and bite her. It growled and snapped at her constantly as she kept holding it back. "A LITTLE HELP PLEASE SOMEONE?!",Quinton asked for help,then suddenly it was like she blacked out, she didn't know what she was doing at that point. But her legs moved as she kicked the dog off her and it went flying into the wall. The kick wasn't hard enough to hurt it, but it knocked it out for a little while. It could have been strong enough to harm the dog, but Quinton had lowered the force of her kick so she wouldn't hurt the dog. Even so, she wasn't sure exactly what was happening. 

By now, Quinton had fully snapped back to reality, her heart pounding in her chest. She noticed her arm was still raised in the air, the memory of her last kick entered her mind. She couldn't believe what she had just done. That poor dog. Quinton let out a deep breath, trying to keep herself in control. The adrenaline had worn off, and Quinton noticed the strange feeling in her legs. Her muscles ached as if she had just run a marathon."What was that?" she asked, her voice shaky. She looked at the unconscious dog and felt guilty for her actions. She then bent down to look at the dog and shook her head. "What is wrong with me..." She began thinking to herself and sighed. 

Suddenly, she heard a voice. She was unsure where it came from.  "Get. Out.", the voice spoke in a deep tone similar to the one in the mirror from earlier. Quinton wanted to know what the voice meant, but it must have been urgent that she'd leave, even so she had to finish this project.

Quinton's thoughts were put on hold as Athena came back with Candice and the others. "What the heck happened here?", Candice said in an annoyed tone. Her eyes trailed over to her dog that was lying against the wall and passed out," Princess no!!", Candice panicked as she ran over to her dog. It was clear that she loved her pets dearly. Quinton frowned, she wanted to do the project with everyone, but she was clearly being told to leave. Even though she was attacked by Candice's dog, she knew she couldn't really do much about it, so she let it go just this once. 

"What exactly is going on here?!", Candice said with an angry tone. The lady that was taking care of the dogs came up the steps, she had finally gotten the harnesses on the other dogs and went to get the one that attacked Quinton. "Oh dear! Im so sorry! I had forgotten to put the harnesses on them." She said as she walked over to the unconscious dog, gently picking her up. "I should have my mum fire you!", Candice responded in anger towards the lady. 

With everything that was going on, it was decided that everyone would leave early, as it was getting pretty late anyway. Quinton had left first. Looking up at the sky, she noticed that the sun had begun setting. "Oh, it's becoming night", she continued walking and turned to look at Candice's mansion again as she took her phone out and loaded up her GPS. She was about 40 minutes away from home. And she was beginning to feel the hunger again as she walked down the street. 

She looked at her surroundings. There we're lots of trees, and fog covering the street area. As she walked to her house,she was now 15 minutes into her walk as she could see a car driving on the opposite side of the street. Their headlights were on high and it sounded as if they stopped the car and turned around. They decided to slow down a little as they pulled up next to Quinton. "You shouldn't be walking outside alone, do you need a ride?", the person said. He had a deep but soft tone.

Quinton looked at him, her expression not changing. "Oh,no. Thanks for asking though.", she then smiled and kept walking. She was hoping the guy would leave her alone, but he was still pressuring her. "C'mon, you know it's not safe. I can get you home safely if you just come with me.", the man insisted. 

Quinton looked at the man, and then towards the sky as the sun fully set and all she could see was the moon and stars.

The man sat there looking confused. The girl wasn't talking and he felt like he'd just have to snatch her, but his mind quickly changed, as his eyes widened and a scream escaped his mouth.

The next morning, a lady came out of her house and saw a car sitting in the street. The door of the car was wide open and the radio was playing. She walked closer to the car but nobody was in it. Whoever owned the car was gone. She quickly called the police and told them what she had found. She wasn't sure what happened or how someone could have vanished like that. 

The police came to the scene as soon as possible and began looking around for clues. There were FBI agents, the police, and even a detective. The chief of police came over to the scene and took note of what was found. "You're telling me that there was absolutely NO lead to the body?!", the man scowled, "Chief Higgins! I think we've found something!",one of the police men named Max called out as he came out of the forest.

Higgins looked over at Max and nodded. He followed Max into the forest along with the detective. Her name was Alexandra Gebroski. Once they got to the spot, Higgins couldn't believe his eyes as he looked at the body leaning against the tree. "We checked his pulse but there's no sign of life sir.", said a paramedic that had also come. The detective came forward and kneeled down, looking at the body. "Looks like this is something even I can't understand, it looks like his soul was sucked out of him.", she said as she opened his eyes and the guy's eyes. were fully white.