
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Nix is gone

Lidia starred at the man in the interrogation chair in front of her, he had an expression that was hard to read, she then sighed and stood up, "you have no information for us.", she spoke after a long while. her tone gave Nix a hint of relief that was short lived, as the two guards guarding the door walked over to Nix, standing on both sides of him, he was ordered to stand up, and so he did. "what is going on here?", Nix asked, looking around the room, the officer that had once been questioning him, had stepped back to let Lidia take control of the scene. Lidia unzipped the bag on the table and she opened it up, revealing a high tech laptop and some gadgets that only Void officers would ever know how to use. then she opened up her laptop. typing away quickly before clicking enter. "Nix, is your name, am i correct?", Lidia questioned Nix, and Nix nodded, Lidia then looked back at her laptop and raised an eyebrow, "it's quite convenient to have access to the video footage from the shops near the construction site, and you said you worked there at night, am i correct?", Lidia asked Nix again. Nix looked down at the case on the table in the room, "that is correct.", he responded curtly, though he was acting like he was quite innocent, he knew he wasn't, and in this moment he was slightly fearing the outcome of this. 

it wasn't like this was the first time something like this happened, and his family was connected to it, in fact, no, this had happened many times, and even though his family was suspect in a few of the cases, they tended to always get out free, he was a good liar, but he didn't know how much longer, it would work for. "if it is okay with you sir, i would like to conduct a personal lie detector test.", she spoke, though it seemed she was speaking to both the officer in the back, and Nix. "be my guest, Mrs. Lidia.", the officer nodded, and Nix gave Lidia a nod as well, after all, he knew that if he didn't let her do this he'd seem even more suspicious than he already was.

Lidia nodded and wen't back to typing away, once she was finished typing, she shut her laptop and looked at Nix, "lets begin.", placed her hands on the table and looked into Nix's eyes, her eyes then began to glow as she a attempted a connection, it seemed like he was strong enough to block out her ability. Nix noticed the expression on her face changed drastically, she went from confident to unsure, quickly. she then shut her suitcase and looked at the officer that had been watching from the sidelines, "okay, about that Deal earlier, you see, i wan't to...take the suspect back to VOID's base.", Lidia explained, her tone left no room to argue or object, she spoke as though she wasn't giving Nix or the officer a choice in the matter. "My reason for this is because, the suspect here is someone we have in fact been looking for. and since we cannot find the wolf boy, we need someone else to come in his place. this of course could possibly be temporarily, until we find the boy.", she explained.

Nix gritted his teeth, he'd known something like this was bound to happen soon, but as long as he could keep himself hidden as long as possible, he would be fine. "excuse me, Miss.", Nix spoke to Lidia and Lidia looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "i don't mind going with you at all, but please, allow me to call at least one person before i go.", he asked. Lidia hesitated for a moment and then sighed, "very well, but make it snappy.", Lidia responded, even though she was very patient, her boss was not. 

once Nix was uncuffed, he was brought over too a phone, "you have 7 minutes, then we leave.",  Lidia said before walking off, leaving three other officers to watch Nix. Looking down at the phone, he wasn't sure who to call, he could call his wife, but she could possibly be sleep, she did stay put pretty late, so chances were she wouldn't answer. Coming up with a decision, he finally decided to call Quinton, he knew she was awake, since she texted him an hour after he left, entering her phone number, he waited for the phone to pick up, 'Come on.....come on....answer the phone....', he thought to himself, finally, someone picked up. 

"hello?...dad...? is everything okay?" Quinton asked, the phone to her ear, she saw all her friends go to the front door where Wendy was, but she hadn't made it there yet, "listen, Quinton, i-...i will be going somewhere, i will be back eventually but i need you to let your mom know this when you get home, okay?", Nix said, though he was saying that he was going somewhere and he'd be back, Quinton felt like something was definitely wrong here. "Okay dad, i will do that, but where are you going?", Quinton asked, slightly worried. "don't worry about me, just let your mom know about what i told you.", Nix said, he knew Quinton knew about the police looking for the little boy, and if he was certain, she was about to find out that Void was also looking for the boy as well. Nix was never a selfless man, he cared for his family and others as well, he knew what Void would do to the young boy if they found him, and he would give himself away to protect the boy and his family, it was what his father would want him to do. 

Quinton removed her phone from her ear as the line went dead, her dad hung up, something was definitely wrong. Quinton shook her head and ran down stairs to the front door of Wendy's parents house, Wendy and her friends we're standing at the door talking to the officer, "have any of you seen a boy that looks like this?", the officer asked, pointing at the photo in hand. All the girls looked at each other, not recognizing the photo, Quinton walked over and looked at the photo, she froze in her spot, she knew that face was familiar, it was the boy her dad saved!, what did Void want with the boy, if they didn't get the boy, then did they take her dad, was that where he was going?!. her heart was racing, she didn't know what was going on but this all reminded her that she needed to ask her parents about what was going on with her, these things had been destroying her life so far and she couldn't just push them aside. " hey, you?", the officer said, looking at Quinton, Quinton quickly looked up at the officer, she'd always been good at keeping a poker face, it helped to hide the turmoil inside her. "have you seen this boy.", the man asked her, and Quinton looked at the photo, and lied through her teeth, "no, i have not seen that boy.", she said, though she was still not good at hiding the turmoil in her voice, Void officer we're trained to see that type of stuff, and the officer was looking at her intensely. 

Quinton looked at her friends and then at the officer, she could tell he was onto her, she was no liar. suddenly, she felt a form of energy flowing through her veins, the energy was strong and pulsating, it grew stronger and stronger as her and the officers staring contest continued on, and then suddenly, everything went black for her, all she could hear was a soft voice, "you will walk away, nobody here knows this kid, you shall not return, no matter what.", the voice spoke, and once it stopped she'd come out of her blacked out state, and the man at the door shook his head and cleared his throat, " i see, well you nice young ladies have a good day, we apologize for bothering you.", the officer said sincerely and turned and walked away. Wendy shut the door as the officer walked off the porch, and Wendy and the others looked at Quinton in shock, "what did you do...?", Athena asked Quinton in surprise, Quinton held her head and sighed, the crazy thing was, Quinton didn't know what she just did. " i-....i don't know.", Quinton said, her eyes widened as she looked at the floor with her head in her hands. Wendy looked around the room and then over at Quinton, then she walked over to Quinton, "whatever you did, you saved us from a awkward confrontation, that's for sure.", Wendy explained, Quinton smiled weakly, whatever she did took a toll on her body tremendously. "i think we should get something done with this project and then all head home to rest.", Amelia suggested, and the others nodded.

 the girls spend a few hours working on the writing part of there project, lately all of there lives seemed to be a little unreal, so they decided to use events that happened prior to current events, after writing a fitting story that the teacher wouldn't deem stupid, they all began making there extravagant poster, Candice and Quinton had the best hand writing so they wrote the story in draft and then the finished story, then they'd both write the story on the poster board, Athena was the researcher, and then Amelia and Wendy We're the artist of the group, when they all got along, they worked together very well as a team. finally after hours of working they finished the rest of there project, and a lot faster that expected. "awesome, we finished so much faster than expected!", Amelia said, it was crazy how just a few days or so ago, they all disliked each other, and now seemed to get along. 

once the poster was finished Wendy stored it in a nice place and then the girls wen't to the kitchen to get something to eat. after they finished eating, they all decided to head home, working on the project all day was truly tiring. Quinton walked up the front steps to her family home, and she opened the door, she was so tired from the work she had to do today, she wanted sleep. she looked up and noticed the lights on, then she looked over at the kitchen where her mom was cooking, then her eyes landed on a figure, the boy that the officer was looking for earlier, Dashi, had woken up. their eyes meet for a moment, before Quinton turned her head and went upstairs. she wanted to tell her mom about her dad and she also had questions for that boy, but she was to tired, shed talk about it when dinner was ready, but for now, she wanted sleep.

the detectives office was buzzing with calls tonight, and Alexandra Gebroski was at the top of the list of the busiest detectives, "i don't think i'll ever get a break from this.", she frowned as she handed a call over to her partner hale, "ever considered retirement?", Hale asked Alexandra, and Alexandra shot him a glare, "i am twenty-five, i have no reason to retire, but even if i did, i'd want someone good enough to take my place.", she sighed, with her head in her hands. "why not your own daughter, she's already in the system isn't she?", Hale asked, and Alexandra shook her head no, "absolutely not, it isn't what she wants anyway's, she's only in the system to have the experience, she's still in school and i wan't her to be able to live the life she wants.", Alexandra stood up after shutting off her computer, then she looked up at the door to the office as it burst open, "Mom, you won't believe what i found out!", Athena said looking at Alexandra. "we might have a lead to your case after all!", Athena said excitedly, and Alexandra and Hale glanced at each other.

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