
why did he have to follow me and do the same thing that I did?

This is a story about the title of it 😜

So I was having an anxiety attack because I seen that I would have to be next to him. So I wasn't feeling good so I didn't participate in the activity. I was scared. So I stayed in my seat and I thought my teacher would've understood me. She didn't look happy when C asked are we aloud to stay in our seats and I felt embarrassed and I felt mad because she could've been mad at me. So I was just sitting there because I thought I was the closes to the door which was the right answer so I thought what I did was okay. He just had to sit in the desk by me when I tried to let him pass me. He never let be alone. I would've been better alone. Cause he made my anxiety worse and I have severe anxiety. So I remembered I knew I had to say sorry to my math teacher so I did that and she looked happy that I did and I told her the reason and she looked happy but then she said that I should participate in the next one and I think I did because the next one I got to be by my best friend that was stuck with me and still has stuck with me through the years so I say it worked out because he didn't get to be next to me and K knew about that. Plus I got to be next to K's friends too. I actually think I got along with them. So I am very grateful for K and her friends for being nice to me.

I was hurt that he did that to me and I am like asking over and over again like why did he have to do the same thing that I did? It ruined me. He ruined it for me which hurted me and still hurts me to this day.

Sometimes I wonder why people like to do the same thing as me and then I get blamed for it. And it scares the living daylights out of me because I am different than everyone. I have disabilities like anxiety and dyslexia. So it is like they are jealous because I get to do things they don't get to do. But I don't like it when someone does the same thing as me cause it always comes back to bite me in the butt. I don't like it when people are mad at me even if it is someone who has been so nice to me, I don't want them mad at me. But if it is someone who is mean to me then I will be mean to them.