

Celestina Fayre Davis never wanted to get married but she had no say. Zavid Costa hated been controlled and marriage was one. Is this marriage gonna be a disaster? Will it work? If it doesn’t then will all just become a silly mistake? Love is what they both wanted but will that be able to erase all the pain? Will they end up together? Or will it go done the drain? Mom can I not get married?" I asked softly. "PAAAAAAAH" My face turned to the other side. The makeup artist all lowered their heads. "Say that again" She stared menacingly at me as though I was her enemy. Tears threatened to fall but I wouldn't let it. Read to find out

Missy_Pie_12345 · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 5


I don't know whether it was because his breath reeked of alcohol that I felt intoxicated by the kiss.

Soon I started following his lead, my second kiss. He nibbled on my lower lip as he fought for me to open my mouth but I when didn't do so he bit my lip as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

Then we started to fight to over dominance, my mind felt chaotic and before we knew it my hands were around his neck while his one at around my body trying to fill every part.

We both fell on the bed and he started to rain kisses on my neck before I knew it my top was off and so was his he decorated my neck with a lot of hickeys as he kissed was my breast Valley.

Then he started to look to look for my sweet spot and started to suck on it driving me to ecstasy.

Before we knew it we were in our undergarments only.

He stopped for a moment and I turned to look into his eyes I saw he was intoxicated just as I was but he was drunk and I felt I had done something bad.

I gently pushed him of me after regaining my senses.

"where are you going? "

He asked as he noticed that I was taking my stuff. He tried to get up to stop me but felt dizzy and fell back on his bed.

I turned to look at his body and shook my head thinking of what was wrong with me. I quickly left his room and went to mine strip and went to take his bath but no matter how much I try to wash his touch of me I felt it even more.

I got out of the bathroom after taking a shower wore my nighties and laid on the bed.

I thought to myself, she might not even remember anything of what had happened so I should forget everything and wait how do I ask for the trip? cause I think I need to sleep and get up early tomorrow and think about what to do because now my mind is in the story with that I fell asleep thinking about what happened this night.




I saw that as I woke up. Gosh I felt like a truck had to run over my head.

I didn't look at the nightstand by my bed and said glass of water and pills of Advil. I quickly took two pills and downed it down with water.

I slowly got off the bed and saw I was in all my underwear.

God what the hell happened to me last night because I only recall falling asleep at the club and who even came for me?

I walk towards where my clothes were thrown for the trousers and checked my pockets for my phone I notice it is 9 AM shoot I'm late for office.

I turned around and saw all my clothes were all over the room what the hell happened yesterday? I felt a migraine coming up and some flashbacks.

It was Celestina and I kissing and that was it what exactly happened I made up my mind to ask her after taking my bath.

After bath and I washed some sweatpants with a white muscle V-neck T-shirts. I went downstairs is not is that Celestina was setting the breakfast on the table.

She look cute in her denim blue shorts and her white crop top. The strands of hair that fell on the side of her face from him messy bun, all in all she looked innocent.

she hadn't noticed me yet so I cleared my throat and she turned to me.

"Good morning."

She said and I nodded.

" what happened yesterday?"

Her face paled a little when i asked that question and she gulped in a low tone and said

"Well yesterday I got a call from red lights manager and he said I should come and pick you up so I took one of your cars and drove there"

" is that all? Are you sure?"

Her face paled even more like she was hiding something.


she answered without looking at me.

" if I find out you lied to me you won't like the outcome"

I said looking at her.

we both sat down and started to eat. I could say her dishes are the best I've tried so far.

I didn't look at her and she just sat there playing with her food while fidgeting and shoots in her head she look at me once in a while.

" what do you want?"

I asked her when I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well the university has organized a trip so I wanted to ask if I ....."

She didn't even complete a sentence when I cut her off I knew she was no different from others.

" so you want money"

She looks so shocked that I asked her that I knew I was right she got up in time to look at me.

"Look Mr. Costa if you think that I married you because of money please change your mindset. If I wasn't forced I wouldn't be here. I just wanted to tell you that I will be going to school for a project for about a month or two. Look if you don't like me just tell me I'll leave because I don't want to be here either. Let me ask you one thing,since I came to stay in your house have I ever ask for money, have I ever use your money? No right, so please never insult my teachings and principles. How do you think that I'll ever ask you for your money? what I'm saying to you, I know you won't believe it but if I say I won't ask for money I won't. So I won't even bother wasting my breath to explain this to you. I earn my own money and I spend what I earn please don't link me to a gold digger because I will rather die than bend. Have a nice breakfast."

With that she left the table to her room. I was quite surprised that she exploded just like that but I guess everyone has their limit.

After eating I sent the dishes to the kitchen and then went back to the hall. There was no sign of her until noon. I saw her dress in some jeans and a top or whatever girls call it.

She didn't even think to look at me and immediately run out . What just happened?

Why am I even thinking about it. I just turned back to the television and continued watching. I just couldn't see why she ran off to like someone was chasing her. Well, I better know medal in her problems before it entangles me.