
My College Life Debuts Now...

*My High School Life Debuts Now...SEQUEL* I am no more the little girl abused and bullied. I grew up and I can now say proudly and loudly, I am Vee Vanessa. Getting manipulated and used for someone's else conveniency was my usual day. But It changed not long ago. Far from my family and bizzarreries, I was happy. But that was before they came. The one reponsible for our reincarnations. They weren't here for peace but here to take back what they gave. In this book, it will be I, Vee against an other completely different world.

Hobi_Ta · Thanh xuân
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39 Chs

Chapter 26/My friends Part 3

"Finally arrived. Louis, I suggest you wait here. I'll go in alone."

"As you wish, (Bitch)Vec..."

"(Bitch..Really..That guy will never change. Anyway, he will die later.) Okay.."








Vee already captured, two of her groups were left. Vec and Louis went to spy on the first group. Ashley and Jay who infiltrated the house of the ministers.

In, Jay tried to get intel out of the heads. No one wanting to talk. Jay had already killed a few. And when Ash joined her. Things got way more out of hands.

"Hey !! What the hell ?! Vee said no killing. The least we want is an army chasing us.

"They didn't want to talk. Not my fault. Now ! Old guy, will you talk ?!....No ! Then, die..."

"Hey stop ! Stop that or I--"

"You will what ?! Hurt me. You're weak as them."

"Fuck you. Don't you know how to listen ?! Stop killing them !!! You maniac !!"

"Say that one more time and I'll show you who's the mania--"

"Okay. Okay.. No more arguing. Sorry to intrude your little couple fight but you do realise that you are terrorist in this world. Stop fight one sec and listen to me. I am a friend of Bonnie Vanessa. You boss' big sis. So, consider me as a friend."

"Okay...I am Ashley."


"Great..(Why are they telling me their stupid names. Like I care.)...I am Vec Victor. An assassin. I hope you won't resent me for--"

"For following us. Don't. I knew you were here. Be sorry to Ash. She just realised your existence."

"Ohh, Fuck off. Selling your friends. Wow !"

"You two are funny....anyway, I came for a reason. Soon, the queen's dog will come for you. Ohh, and your boss got captured already. What will you do now ?"

"Shit ! They got Vee. Jay, I think its best to go back--"

"--To the palace."

"No ! Retreat !"

"I see. Ash, you can go back. I have things to do."

"Fuck. I won't leave you alone. Where you go Jay, I will go."

"Ash. I see. Let's get captured then.. And you, thank you."

"Ohh, your welcome. I must go now. Goodbye."






"What happened in there ? You smell like blood."

"Louis, shut up. Let's go see the last groups. Quick !"

"Okay, Vec."

To be continued.
