
My College Life Debuts Now...

*My High School Life Debuts Now...SEQUEL* I am no more the little girl abused and bullied. I grew up and I can now say proudly and loudly, I am Vee Vanessa. Getting manipulated and used for someone's else conveniency was my usual day. But It changed not long ago. Far from my family and bizzarreries, I was happy. But that was before they came. The one reponsible for our reincarnations. They weren't here for peace but here to take back what they gave. In this book, it will be I, Vee against an other completely different world.

Hobi_Ta · Thanh xuân
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39 Chs

Chapter 25/You seem exhausted Part 2

"Melinity, you seem to have forgotten the reason I brought you over."

"Bonnie. I didn't forget. But I already gave you an answer. I have a boyfriend already. I cannot be yours."

"Mel... Please, shut up and be mine...."

"[Moan] Awnnnnnn..Please, stop. My heart is already taken. Don't touch my body.. I can't...with you..."

"Mel... Your ears are really sensitive. Is that your G spot ?"

"Stop ! Stop !! First, do not touch me and second, the G spot is not here."

"[Smirk] Show me where it is then. I really wanna know...Mel."

"Bonnie...Please, forget me. I can't be yours. I'm already taken."

"But your body is telling me something else. Like 'touch me more'. Like 'sex with a man isn't that pleasant'. So, you can let feel you more. But if you say stop once more. Then, I will leave you alone once and for all. What's your choice, Mel..?"

"I....You are a bitch, you better realise that. I mean, it is my fault for not completely rejecting you but--"


"...You...You were sweet a moment ago and now, you act like you could kill me. I don't understand you..And I don't wanna. So, fuck it. I want you !!"

"You took your time. Good, let me taste you now. I waited too long for this. Be mine now !"

"Yes, take me whole...."
















"Yo, dead weight ! Your sister is too scary. Can't you do something for her ? As a girl, she is too manly. A girl is supposed to kneel when told and obey when called.."

"Louis thing.. I don't know where the Boss got you but I advise you to think before talking. When you were surrounded by rich men, you could use that kind of vocabulary but you are alone now. So, don't make me do something you'll regret.."

"!!!?????? Sorry. Pardon me.(What was that !?! She just killed me right now, didn't she ?) Please, I was stupid. Pardon me !!!"

"Come on. I don't hate you. I only put you right back to where you belong. Remember, in the real world, strength matters more than wealth."


(Thank god I didn't go too far. Only an inch left and I would have revealed my powers. And that would have created so much problem.) Come on, I said ! You are too slow. Walk quicker !!"


To be continued.
