
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

interlude 1

Stepping into the carriage, I felt Ram's gaze upon me, sharp and scrutinizing.

It was as if she were trying to dissect my very soul, to uncover every secret and hidden motive. I met her gaze unflinchingly, a calm confidence emanating from my core. Let her analyze all she wanted; I had nothing to hide.

The carriage lurched into motion, rumbling over the cobblestones as we left the bustling city behind. Ahead lay a long journey, 36 hours to reach Margrave Roswaal's manor.

With a sigh, I settled into a comfortable position and closed my eyes, entering the meditative state of the Time-Space Divine Death Law.

The world around me faded as I sank deeper into my cultivation, the gentle sway of the carriage becoming a soothing rhythm.

I focused on the flow of chi within my body, refining it, strengthening it, preparing myself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hours melted away as I delved deeper into the mysteries of the Time-Space Divine Death Law, my mind expanding, my understanding deepening with every breath. I could only hope that our journey would be swift and uneventful, allowing me to fully immerse myself in my cultivation and emerge stronger on the other side.

Rem POV​

Mistress Emilia's new bodyguard- Sir Tereda Chouju.

His name echoed in my mind, each syllable a brushstroke painting a vivid picture of the man who had so effortlessly captured my attention.

His mere presence exuded an aura of quiet strength.

Even seated within the confines of the carriage, his posture was impeccable, his every movement deliberate and controlled.

A battle maid's instincts screamed within me, recognizing a fellow warrior, someone accustomed to facing danger and reacting with swift precision.

His words, his genuine belief in Mistress Emilia's ideals, resonated deeply within me.

He spoke of equality and justice with a conviction that I had rarely encountered, especially amongst humans.

His eyes, when they met mine, held a warmth and admiration that sent shivers down my spine.

Oh, Rem, you utter fool! I berated myself internally. To blurt out your entire life story to a complete stranger! What must he think of you now?

In my eagerness to impress him, I had revealed far too much. My insecurities, my past, my unwavering devotion to Ram. it all spilled out in a torrent of words, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable.

He probably thinks you're nothing but a lovesick maid, behaving like a silly noble's daughter, I lamented. A far cry from the composed and capable image I strive to maintain despite my sister's superiority.

After all, I was a battle maid of the Roswaal mansion, trained to protect my charge. My duty was to Mistress Emilia, to ensure her safety and support her ambitions.

And yet, I thought with a sigh, I instead allowed myself to become flustered and tongue-tied like a child with her first infatuation.

Perhaps it was the loneliness, the lingering ache of being one of the last of my kind, that made me so susceptible to his smiling appearance and ability to keep up with my banter.

Or perhaps, it was simply his genuine nature, his unwavering conviction, and the way his eyes seemed to see right through me, recognizing the strength and vulnerability that lay beneath my stoic facade.

Whatever the reason, I could not deny the effect he had on me. Sir Tereda Chouju had awakened something within me, a longing for connection, for understanding, for maybe even a relationship where he would hold me and-

NO! Bad Rem! Professionalism!

As the carriage rumbled towards our destination, I found myself hoping, against all reason and logic, that this chance encounter would blossom into something more.

I shook my head, and opened my eyes, only to see Ram's smirking face inches from mine.

"EEP! Ram! Don't do that!"


​A sigh escaped my lips as I observed Rem from the corner of my eye, her cheeks still flushed a delicate shade of pink.

Honestly, I thought with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, why must she react so strongly to a handsome face?

I understood the appeal, of course. The man, Sir Tereda Chouju, was undeniably attractive. His features were sharp and well-defined, bearing the exotic allure of Kararagian descent.

The fine leather armor he wore spoke of wealth and status, while his easy smile and quick wit hinted at a charming personality.

He had seamlessly joined in our playful banter, demonstrating a sharp intellect and a surprising understanding of the plight of demi-humans.

His declaration of support for Mistress Emilia's ideals was sincere, devoid of the patronizing tone so often adopted by humans when addressing those they deemed "lesser."

As I considered his qualities, a realization dawned upon me. He might actually be a good catch, I mused, a flicker of approval warming my usually stoic demeanor.

If I weren't already devoted to Lord Roswaal, I might even be tempted myself.

Rem, ever since the incident that took our village and my horn, had carried a heavy burden of guilt and loneliness.

She deserved happiness, someone who would cherish her for her strength, her loyalty, and her kind heart.

Perhaps- Sir Tereda could be that someone.

A small smile played upon my lips as I envisioned the possibilities.

Rem, finding love and companionship with a man who seemed to possess both the strength to protect her and the compassion to understand her.

It was a pleasing thought, one that brought a glimmer of hope to my usually pragmatic outlook.

Yes, this unexpected encounter might just be a blessing in disguise.

A chance for Rem to find the happiness she so richly deserved. And I, as her sister, would do everything in my power to ensure that this opportunity did not slip away.

The carriage stopped, and I thought to myself-

If this wasn't an opportunity, but something more nefarious, I would ensure his death wasn't painless.

Tereda Chouju POV.

The carriage stopped in front of the manor, and my eyes snapped open.

What the hell was that horrible shiver down my spine?