
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Chapter 39: begone-ing a thot.

A/N: I'm gonna preface this by stating that Kasimir is out of High quality spirit stones and is having a hard time getting new ones. He saw an opportunity to overcharge and despite being friends with Tereda- He's a merchant.---The plush dining hall of the first-class airship hummed with quiet conversation and the clinking of silverware against fine china. Rem and I, seated at a table near the panoramic window overlooking a breathtaking sunset over the sprawling desert below, were savoring a delectable meal, a symphony of exotic flavors and textures that delighted our palates."This curry is incredible," Rem murmured, her eyes sparkling with appreciation as she took another bite of the fragrant dish, its spices a tantalizing blend of heat and sweetness. "Though," she added, a mischievous glint in her eye, "naming your capital city after your country is… moronic. They could've at least called it something a bit more imaginative, you know? Like 'City of Golden Sands Arena City' or 'Oasis of the Setting Sun Combat City' or even just 'Heaven's Arena City'."I chuckled, her observation both amusing and insightful. "I guess they weren't feeling particularly creative when they named Padokea City," I agreed, reaching for a glass of chilled wine. "Just like the morons who named my country the United States of America. What does that even mean? Atleast Nihon means land of the rising sun and that makes sense, but then those assholes decided to force everyone to call it Japan so they could remember the name of our goddamn language!"I was about to launch into a further tirade about the absurdity of geographical naming conventions when our waitress, a woman whose attire seemed deliberately designed to accentuate her… assets in a way clearly dissimilar to the other waitresses, approached our table, her eyes lingering on me with an intensity that made my skin crawl.She bent over provocatively and attempted to show herself off even further.My eyes didn't move away from Rem for a moment."Can I tempt you with dessert, sir?" she purred, pushing her chest forward when she said 'dessert', her voice dripping with a sugary sweetness that set my teeth on edge. "Our chocolate lava cake is simply divine." She punctuated it by trying to draw attention to her dusky skin color again.Before Rem could respond, I cut her off, my voice hardening with annoyance. This was the third time this had happened since we boarded the airship.At least the others waited until Rem was gone, but this audacious bimbo?It seemed my enhanced physique and the subtle aura of power that clung to us after our two years of intense Nen training during in between learning our crafts had an… unintended side effect.I scowled, shoving the ring on my finger into her face and staring into her eyes with rage, my voice laced with anger. "What am I wearing here?" I demanded.The waitress stammered, her eyes widening with a mixture of confusion and fear."It's… it's…""It's a wedding ring, you dimwitted harlot," I growled, my patience wearing thin. "Now fuck off and begone."The waitress, her face flushing crimson, scurried away, her previous flirtatious demeanor replaced by a panicked retreat.Rem's expression was a mixture of anger and concern. "Is this happening often?" she asked, her voice tight with barely suppressed rage and obvious sympathy. "Have these… harlots been bothering you?"I sighed, rubbing my temples. "It's been... a recurring theme, lately," I admitted, frustration lacing my voice. "Remember how I was late to our meeting back in Dustpan Town? It wasn't just because of the intel gathering. I had to lose a few persistent admirers."Rem's hand found mine, her grip firm and reassuring. "I'm sorry, Tereda," she said, her voice softening, her anger and sympathy more than evident. "It's not fair that you have to deal with this. They should know better."Her blue eyes narrowed, a flicker of her Oni rage resurfacing. "Next time," she muttered, her voice low and dangerous, "I'll handle it."I squeezed her hand, grateful for her unwavering support and fierce protectiveness.Knowing I had Rem by my side, ready to face ridiculous bitches with me, made even the most frustrating situations bearable.I'd do the same for her for any bastard stupid enough to try the same with her.Those persistent admirers better fuck the hell off before they end up dead.Messing with a Hunter's fiancé was a very, very bad idea.Messing with a Hunter's fiancé who was also a cultivator was just fucking suicide.Both sides of the coin better watch out before I have to kill a bastard or Rem has to Murder a ho.—The bustling streets of Padokea City buzzed with an energy that rivaled even the most frenetic districts of Kokoroini City. As we stepped off the airship, the humid air, thick with the scent of exotic spices and unfamiliar flowers, clung to us like a warm embrace. Towering skyscrapers pierced the sky, their gleaming facades reflecting the golden light of the setting sun, while throngs of people, their faces a tapestry of cultures and ethnicities, flowed through the crowded streets like a vibrant river of humanity."This place is… intense," I remarked, my eyes scanning the chaotic scene before us.Rem, however, seemed less impressed. She was still fuming from the waitress incident on the airship, her blue eyes flashing with a simmering anger."Let's go see Kasimir," she said, her voice laced with a determined edge. "There has to be something he can do."Before I could even ask what she was referring to, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a nearby alleyway. I recognized the familiar sight of a rundown shop, its storefront a jumble of gaudy trinkets and dubious promises, the unmistakable scent of magical scams wafting from within.She stopped in front of the shop, her eyes narrowed with a focused intensity as she began the summoning ritual, her movements precise and graceful despite her simmering anger."You look really cute when you do that," I remarked, a playful grin spreading across my face.She paused, a hint of a smile softening her expression. "Thank you, Tereda," she murmured, her voice regaining its warmth for a fleeting moment before her annoyance returned.With a final clap, the air shimmered, and the familiar vortex of energy materialized before us, the whispers of magical solutions echoing from within. We stepped through the portal, finding ourselves back in Kasimir's chaotic bazaar, its shelves overflowing with a bewildering array of artifacts and oddities.Kasimir, his usual playful smirk in place, greeted us with a flourish. "Welcome back, my favorite power couple! What wondrous treasures can I tempt you with today?"Rem, her patience wearing thin, cut to the chase. "We need a solution," she stated, her voice sharp and demanding. "Something to make these… insects stop trying to crawl into our pants."Kasimir's smile faltered, replaced by a look of confusion. "Insects?" he echoed, his brow furrowing. "My dear Rem, I'm not sure I understand.""These women and men," Rem clarified, her voice laced with a mix of anger and disgust, "who keep throwing themselves at Tereda and I, despite the fact that he's wearing a wedding ring and I'm wearing a wedding ring and attire that declares me as taken. It's repulsive!"Kasimir frowns, "I apologize, but this is the downside of cultivation. Your visual attractiveness and aura of power will only increase in intensity as your cultivation rises." He shook his head.With his frown deepening, he continued, "Conventual illusions simply shatter upon a cultivator of sufficient power's allure, veils tear apart, masks break for no reason. I am deeply sorry.""There has to be something," I insisted, stepping forward, my voice firm despite the knot of frustration tightening in my gut. "Even if it's temporary. Some kind of enchantment, a talisman, anything to mask this effect."Kasimir sighed, running a hand through his hair, his usual composure seeming momentarily shaken. "There are talismans of this sort," he admitted reluctantly, "But they're rare, expensive, and notoriously fragile. The energies involved in concealing such… potent allure are difficult to contain. The talismans shatter after a single use, their effect lasting a mere three days.""How much?" I pressed, ignoring his warnings about cost and fragility. We had a nearly limitless supply of spirit stones, and a temporary solution was better than nothing.Kasimir, recognizing my determination, nodded resignedly. "A year's supply of talismans, enough to mask your current… presence for three days at a time, would cost fifty high-quality spirit stones. They're typically used by Immortals and Daolords to protect their daughters when they descend to the mortal realm."He paused, shaking his head as if baffled by the sheer absurdity of the situation. "Even with their immense power, they struggle to create lasting enchantments that can withstand the allure of a Xiantian cultivator. It defies conventional magic.""Fifty high-quality spirit stones," I repeated, a calculating glint in my eye. "And how much for a stack of ten thousand?"Kasimir's eyes widened. "Ten… ten thousand?" he sputtered, his voice a mix of disbelief and grudging admiration. "My dear Tereda, that's... excessive, even for you. But if you're determined."He quoted an astronomical price of 500000, but I didn't even flinch at the barely drop in the bucket compared to the 2 trillion I had. I retrieved the spirit stones from my storage ring, their vibrant energies pulsing faintly as I placed them on the counter. "We'll take them."Kasimir, shaking his head in amusement, snapped his fingers, and a towering stack of intricately crafted talismans materialized beside the spirit stones. Each talisman, a thin sheet of jade-like material etched with glowing runes, pulsed with a subtle energy that felt both alluring and dangerous.I picked up two talismans, handing one to Rem. "Here, love," I said, my voice softening. "Let's give these a try."The moment our fingers brushed against the talismans, they shattered, dissolving into a fine powder that vanished into the air.A wave of warmth washed over us as a soft light engulfed our bodies, a visual illusion that subtly altered our appearances, masking the full extent of our features.We glanced at each other, our reflections in the nearby mirror now resembling our former selves. The captivating magnetism that had drawn unwanted attention had been toned down, replaced by a more subdued, almost mundane, beauty."Interesting," Rem murmured, tilting her head, her blue eyes studying our reflections. "It feels… different. Like a part of me is hidden, but the power remains."Kasimir, observing us with a shrewd eye, nodded in satisfaction. "The illusion will last for three days," he reminded us. "Return when it no longer reduces your attractiveness as much. The next level of concealment, however, is considerably more expensive—and just as fragile."We thanked him, a sense of relief mingled with a lingering frustration at the limitations of even the most powerful enchantments. We had a reprieve, but the problem remained.We stepped back through the portal, the bustling city streets welcoming us back with a familiar cacophony of sounds and smells.Finally, no more people staring.I didn't notice the momentary smirk as he nodded at the spirit stones behind me.