
My Codependent Yandere Multiverse Adventure

Tereda Chouju just wanted a nap. Instead, he got a front-row seat to the apocalypse. When the world's greatest hero snaps and blows up the planet, Tereda finds himself trapped in a time loop, reliving his death over and over. But death is just the beginning of his journey. Armed with a mysterious cultivation technique, and his undying love for his blue-haired Oni companion, Rem, Tereda navigates a multiverse teeming with danger and opportunity. Follow this chaotic good pair of codependent Yandere's as they accidentally blow shit up while trying to be good! --- Hi, guys, this is my dream fanfiction. I have been working on this idea for years and the outline for over 300 chapters is written in atleast portions. I have poured my heart and soul into this project and I really want people to enjoy it! I did power scaling for multiple universes, made sure that lore matched up between events, made sure that the butterflies and the events they created made actual sense! I would absolutely love it if you guys would love this story as much as I love it!

InterPlanarGod · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Chapter 32

The cheers of the stunned audience washed over us as we stepped out of the arena, the heavy metal door clanging shut behind us, sealing away the echoes of our victory. The air was thick with the scent of blood and ozone, a lingering reminder of the power we had unleashed.Netero approached, his wizened face creased with a wide grin. "Congratulations, Tereda, Rem," he announced, his voice booming with approval. "You have both demonstrated exceptional skill and a deep understanding of Nen. I hereby declare you official Hunters."He offered a respectful bow. "Please join me in my office in ten minutes," he added. "We have much to discuss."Before he could turn away, I stepped forward, my hand resting lightly on his shoulder."Chairman Netero," I said, my voice firm, "there's something you need to see. There are three other candidates who deserve a chance to prove themselves."I gestured toward Zack, Nobara, and Miu, who stood a short distance away, their expressions a mix of anticipation and apprehension."They're stronger than us," I stated simply. "They deserve the same opportunity."Netero's eyes narrowed, a flicker of curiosity replacing his amusement. "Stronger, you say?" he mused, his gaze sweeping over the three champions. "Intriguing. If they are willing, I would be happy to assess their capabilities."He turned to the champions, his voice taking on a challenging tone. "Well, youngsters," he said, his smile returning, this time with a hint of a predatory glint, "are you up for a spar with an old man?"Zack, ever eager for a challenge, stepped forward, his silver hair practically vibrating with excitement. "Bring it on, gramps," he said, cracking his knuckles.Miu, her usual playful smirk replaced by a look of steely determination, nodded in agreement. "We're not afraid of a little competition," she said, her voice laced with a quiet confidence.Nobara, bouncing on the balls of her feet, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, practically vibrated with excitement. "Let's do this!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the arena.Netero chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that hinted at the power lurking beneath his frail exterior. "Excellent," he said, clapping his hands together. "Two of my esteemed colleagues will be joining us for this demonstration."—The airship settled onto a desolate stretch of desert, its engines sighing as they powered down. The vastness of the dunes stretched before us, a landscape of sand and silence that mirrored the intensity of the challenge we were about to face.Netero, his wizened face etched with a predatory smirk, led us toward a secluded area, a natural arena formed by towering rock formations."This will serve as our training ground," he announced, his voice full of rare excitement.Beside him, the two Blacklist Hunters radiated a palpable aura of danger. A man named Harold, a conjurer Nen user, knuckles gleaming with golden metal, cracked his fists, a series of clicking sounds echoing through the clearing as a 5 reel slot machine appeared above his shoulder. A blacklist hunter named Nightshade, her form shrouded in a shimmering black cloak, remained motionless, her presence a chilling void amidst the escalating tension as Roots and branches began to stretch strangely from the barren ground. Zack, Miu, and Nobara exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment of the formidable opponents before them. Three against three. A battle for recognition, a test of their power against the legendary strength of the Hunter Association's chairman and his elite allies. Then, with a synchronized surge of power, they unleashed their energy. Their auras flared, emerald green, cerulean blue, and a vibrant crimson as multiple colors added themselves to each aura. Suddenly their aura turned a strange shade of black as if a void filled with stars was wrapped around them intertwining, amplifying each other in a dazzling display of raw energy- Then the power exploded upwards, cracking the ground in a large area as a crater is formed. The air crackled, the ground beneath their feet seeming to trembled under the weight of their combined might. Netero's smirk widened. "Let the spar begin." The instant Netero uttered those words, Zack and Miu exploded into motion, their forms blurring with a speed that I could barely keep up with my current level of perception. Zack, a whirlwind of emerald energy, shot towards Netero, his fists a blur as he unleashed a barrage of precise, bone-shattering strikes aimed at the Chairman's vital points.Miu, a phantom of cerulean light, darted towards Nightshade, her silver-clad boots leaving shimmering afterimages as she aimed a devastating roundhouse kick at the cloaked figure's head.Harold, the Conjurer, reacted instantly. The slot machine above his shoulder whirred to life, its five reels spinning wildly. 5 cherries lined up, and with a metallic clang, his golden knuckledusters crackled with a blinding white energy.He charged toward Zack, intercepting the attack with a thunderous uppercut that sent a shockwave rippling through the air."Jackpot!" Harold roared, his voice laced with a manic glee as five sevens aligned on the slot machine.A wave of searing heat erupted from his fists, engulfing Zack in a miniature inferno.Zack, however, didn't flinch. The armor that had been his carried coffin shimmered as he quickly slammed his hand into the side- activating a hidden mechanism, it wrapped around him in a heartbeat, forming a protective shell that nullified the heat. He returned Harold's blow with a devastating punch of his own, the impact echoing like a thunderclap across the desert.Meanwhile, Miu's kick met empty air. Nightshade, her cloak billowing, vanished into the shadows, leaving behind a tangle of writhing roots that snaked out from the ground, attempting to ensnare Miu's legs."Tch," Miu grunted, effortlessly leaping over the grasping tendrils, her movements fluid and precise. She landed lightly, her eyes scanning the shifting shadows, searching for Nightshade's hidden form."Over here, little bird," a voice whispered from behind her.Miu spun around, her silver gauntlets raised in a defensive stance, just in time to deflect a barrage of razor-sharp thorns that shot out from the ground. Nightshade, her cloak shimmering, emerged from the shadows, her form flickering, her height shifting, her features impossible to discern beneath the hood.Back near Zack, Harold staggered, his arm numb from the impact of Zack's counter. The slot machine whirred again, a random assortment of symbols flashing across its reels."Damn," Harold muttered, shaking his head. "No luck this time."Zack pressed his advantage, his emerald aura intensifying as he unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each strike aimed with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting every opening in Harold's defenses. The conjurer, overwhelmed by Zack's relentless assault, staggered back, desperately trying to block the onslaught.Suddenly, a piercing shriek ripped through the air.Nobara, her eyes blazing with crimson energy, stood atop her massive black golem, her fingers flying across its back as she channeled her cursed energy."Go Go Power strawdolls!" she yelled, her voice laced with a manic glee as she launched a volley of straw dolls towards the Blacklist Hunters.The dolls, imbued with a chaotic mix of acid, electricity, and explosive force, slammed into Harold and Nightshade, their impacts echoing across the desert like a symphony of destruction.Harold, already reeling from Zack's assault, cried out as a doll filled with corrosive acid splattered against his chest, burning through his clothes and searing his flesh. He stumbled back, clutching at the wound, his slot machine flickering erratically as he lost his concentration.Nightshade, her cloak billowing around her, dodged most of the dolls, but one, imbued with a powerful electrical charge, struck her shoulder, sending a jolt of energy through her body that disrupted her control over the roots.Miu seized the opportunity. She dashed forward, her speed amplified by her strange energy and Nen, her silver-clad boot connecting with Nightshade's chest with a knockout blow that would normally shatter her skull if not for her not wanting to kill her.The cloaked figure crumpled to the ground, her aura sputtering out like a dying flame.Harold, overwhelmed by Zack's relentless assault and the lingering effects of Nobara's cursed dolls, finally collapsed, his body riddled with wounds, his golden knuckle dusters clattering to the ground beside him and evaporating into a cloud of residual Nen.The two Blacklist Hunters were down.But the fight was already over.Netero was frowning. He didn't actually seem interested in fighting them anymore."You are indeed qualified to be hunters. But you won't be a challenge for me. 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva."A hush fell over the arena as Netero stepped forward, his wizened form radiating an aura of power that dwarfed the combined energy of the three champions. The playful glint in his eyes vanished, replaced by a laser focus that sent a shiver down my spine.Behind him, a massive golden statue materialized, its hundred arms outstretched, each hand a weapon, each pose radiating a silent, ancient power.The 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva.Netero brought his hands together three times in rapid succession. The speed of his movements is impossible to track by anyone present. A blur of motion, an explosion of displaced air, and then silence."First hand."Seemingly three, but maybe just one of the statue's hands shot out, their movements as swift and precise as a striking cobra. One hand aimed for Zack, another for Miu, and the third for Nobara.Before they could react, before their enhanced senses could even register the attack, the blows landed.Zack's aura flickered, then sputtered out as the golden hand connected with his forehead, sending him flying backward. Miu's glow vanished in an instant as a golden palm slammed into her the side of her noggin, her body crumpling to the ground. Nobara's energy dissipated like smoke as a golden chop struck her jaw, her black golem dissolving into a cloud of dissipating energy.The champions, their bodies battered but miraculously intact, lay unconscious on the desert floor, their auras extinguished.The spar was over before it had truly begun.Netero, his expression returning to its usual playful serenity, surveyed the fallen champions with a satisfied smile."Well done," he said, his voice a gentle rumble. "You have potential. But remember, there is always someone stronger."He turned towards us, his eyes twinkling with a mischievous glint. "Now, Tereda, Rem," he said, turning around. "My office, please."The statue disappeared as the mass of stunned silence turned to murmuring.