

Um.. what do I do?? Can I ask her to meet up? I really missed her a lot.. would it be okay..

Let's just try...


"Heyy.. would you like meet up tomorrow? you can come along with your friends."

'ohh... um.. okayyy sure where at?'

"ohh that's great, yeah that I'll tell you later, see you then."

'Sure bye.'

WOOHOOOO!!! I'll ask my friends for a place to hangout

(in my mind "yes yes yes I can't believe she said yesss")

Few hours later..

"Hey, this is the location and the name of the place MAYP park"

'Sure thanks, it's been ages since I've stepped out of my house'

'What time should we be there by?'

"Oh so you've stayed indoors for too long???"

by 11:00-12:00?!"

'Yeah ever since I graduated High School I'm not allowed to go out like I did before.. I'll be there by 11:30'

"Ahhh- that's sad let's meet up and talk about those years we haven't met what say? only if it's okay with you..."

'Awh, that's really nice and sweet of you.. thanks but it's gonna take me some time to open up fully you see.. I can't just randomly blurt out everything about me to anyone.'

"Well, I'm not just anyone..."

"And as I said.. it's up to you if you want to tell me about yourself "

How can she just include me with anyone 😶

I'm really upset. I've been looking for her for years, she left without a word despite of being close friend she never once mentioned me where she was or where she was leaving to..

looking for her asking about her to everyone I met in the places she stayed... yeah I am crazy.. well I was so attached to her after all.. 8 years just passed by in search of her and I thought she's moved back to her natives I decided to move on with my life started getting into relationships, but somewhere deep inside she was always there within my memories, she always had a place in my heart I can say I could never forget her. All the girls that I've ever dated so far.. I've told each one of them about her and how much I liked her and now that she's back.. I don't know what to do.. or say... and she places me with anyone 😶 well... even I didn't say her that I still like her as I always did before..