
Her Birthday

December 13

It's been 10 years since I've last seen her, it's her birthday today I wonder what she's doing right now? Maybe celebrating her birthday with her parents and friends. How does she look now? umm.. obviously beautiful as she was as a kid...

*receives a message on WhatsApp*

'Hey I have something that you would love...😍😗'

" What is it?" I replied.

'I got your Childhood love's number dude😉'

"WTH, really send Me!!!!!"

'Here you go 7*********'

"Ah-- thanks Dude!!"

'😗 your welcome'

* nervous*"what should I say hi nah hello this is ... ahhh-"

Dude it's just introducing yourself why are you so nervous... will she even recognise who I am? ugh whatever how will I know if I don't text her

"Hey, this is Xander "


(Oh.. she's typing....)

'Um, hello there Xander...?'

"Do you remember who I am?"

'well... I do remember your name were you from XZ High school ?'

"No.. I'm from AZ school remember the one that you left during your junior High!"

' Oh... um yeah I do remember'

(she doesn't really recognise me I guess...)

'How are you? how's everything?'

"I'm good, everything's great and Happy birthday!"

'Oh that's nice, thank you. how did you know it's my birthday?'

*before reading*

"How are you doing all these years?"

she replied ' I'm doing Good.'

*replying to the previous text*

"Oh I always remembered your Birthday"

'oh....' she replied

(was it creepy? why am I such a creep?)

'That's really Sweet'

( okay.. she seems fine with it)

"Are you on InstaBam?"

'Yuh I am.'

.... past 3 minutes ...

"Can I..... get your ID?"

'Oh... sure.. Au•••••••••• this is my ID'

" Here's mine St********"

"Let's follow each other "

( Am I giving her the stalker vibes??? well anyways it's been really long that I've last seen her and it's her fault for leaving me without saying a word)

*follow request sent*

*Request accepted*

(😶She doesn't have a single picture of herself)

She's not more of a social person I see...