
My Cheats are a bit too ridiculous for my Favorite World so why here!?

The first thing i see through the haze is a purple haired beauty, and the next thing i barely perceive is her well practiced but garbled speech about wanting to summon a Hero, and her name 'Yuriko Lumork', that's when the realization hits me that i am in my favorite Fantasy World...!!! Having three overpowered cheats, as the saying goes 'Absolute Power corrupts absolutely!'. Cedric Sommerscave's 'slow' fall into Debauchery to watch over. I wish you all truly the best kindly a 'fortunate' Soul.

Sommerscave · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

MC Cheats and other Unique Skills (Chapter 1)


1) The Gamer

The ability from the famous web-comic series the Gamer. Gives a System with the ability to create ones own dungeons. Has a Level, Skill, Stat, and Perk System. Has been modified to only give Perks through its Quest-system. Quests can be freely designed and created by the Gamer and also chosen from a list generated by the worlds will Gamer receives no additional penalties for failing a Quest besides the consequences that can be expected.

2) Item/Material Creation

The ability to create any and all Items and Materials. Can Design any and all Items or Materials. Items and Materials can also be chosen from a Omniscient List, sadly while a search function is built in you need to know yourself what you want to make. Items and Materials creation costs no energy of any kind. Appears as a Perk inside the Gamer System.

3) Void

 The Void is part of you in a way that paradoxically doesn't end up destroying you HP, MP and SP Regeneration are set to 100% an instant. HP, MP, and SP are hard to sense but not impossible for someone that realizes they need to look for a blank spot that also tries to further hide itself. Void Magic costs nothing and is Level times as effective. You gain a Void version of every Skill and Perk in your possession if possible. Immunity to scrying, soul attacks, mind attacks, curses, and the whims of fate and destiny.


1) Omnilingual

The ability to speak and write any and all languages gained through the third cheat after it gave the MC the ability to speak in the melodic static of the void. And how that destroyed any barrier the Soul and Mind had to comprehend every language. A surprises that the MC expected.

2) Power of Destruction

Because of the Void affecting the second cheat the MC gained the Power of Destruction which Costs and Effect vary based on how its used. But the MC can just casually delete Items and Materials he has extensive knowledge of without any cost whatsoever. The first part of the power the MC expected, not the second one. 

Have some idea about potential future Skills? Comment it and let me know.

Because to be honest this will become hard to look over very soon...

Sommerscavecreators' thoughts