
Chapter 8

Lauren was currently looking around the house while Jihye is in the bathroom. She was smiling from ear to ear when she finally retained the chance to tour around the penthouse. The size and the style it was her description luxurious and contemporary. She never stops looking at their wedding picture, she was looking at her wife's hand that's in her waist while her back is leaning in her chest.

If ever Jihye loves her and falls in love with her will she ever handle her softly and well? Jihye seems like a girl who is a good handler when it comes to relationships it was just in her perspective. She darted her eyes at the pictures that were displayed. She smiled when she saw her baby image while Jihye also displayed hers, she looks like Chahee.

"I know I look like my Mom" Lauren jumped and turned around seeing Jihye in her sweater and sweats, her both hands are in her pocket. She looks hot.

"You do but you had your dad's eyes," Lauren said putting the picture back "Anything more special in this house? I mean don't get me wrong I love every inch of it. I'm just curious if there's something more" Jihye smiled her gestured Laurene to follow her of course being the curious girl she is she followed her wife.

Jihye opened the door and she let Lauren go inside first, Lauren's breath snag "Woah, Is this yours?" She asks curiously, Jihye chuckled and shook his head Lei and Liz followed and looked around

"When I was living here. This was my office, all my awards are also displayed here but now that I usually go home to my parent's house due to some reason I decided to display everything in my room in my parent's home. Now that I live here with you since you're working in the office I decided to make this yours. I mean, all the vintage things were displayed. I bet you love those" Jihye pointed out, Lauren instantly darted her eyes on that.

She gasped all the vintage things that were displayed are familiar to her, she recognized them. She opened it and touched them. She couldn't be happier "Where did you all get these? How'd you know that vintage thing are my favorites?" Lauren inquired looking at her wife in amusement.

"Mommy, Dowon, Dohyun, and the girls came here. Mommy explained all the things that your grandparents, your dad, and hers that they use when they were still working. She also told me that you sometimes use them and even display them because you love everything in vintage" Lauren smiled from ear to ear, she couldn't be more thankful she loves how everything turned out pretty well. Lauren took out the Vintage typewriter and gestured Jihye to sit beside her as her wife did, the two dogs came to sit beside Jihye.

"I was finding this for almost a year now, I can't believe Mommy has it. I remembered when the last time I saw this it was broken. I guess it's broken until now" Lauren said typing

Jihye chuckled and stood up as she took out some paper, she sat beside her wife and place the typewriter in the carriage, Lauren was confused and Jihye started to type she was surprised that it was working

"How did you?-- Oh my gosh I thought it wasn't working" Lauren said while smiling looking at Jihye

"I fixed it, Mommy told me how these things are important to you so I also decided to display it" Jihye looked at Lauren and her wife was already looking at her.

"Thank you for understanding, I appreciate it," Lauren said looking back at the typewriter while Jihye admired her features "So, is there anything I can help you with to fix the penthouse?" The CEO asked and Jihye shook her head, Lauren furrowed her brows "why not?"

"I was the one who designed and fixed everything but the girls also helped me and your family" Lauren widened her eyes

"Why didn't you just wait for me?" Lauren asked, she wanted to assist knowing Jihye is already tired at her schedules and also wanted to consider all her decisions

"I want everything to be all about you, I want to consider your likes, your plans, and decisions. I don't care if you didn't help but you deserve to rest knowing that you are CEO and you work a lot."


"No, I-I want to give you the best. The best because you're my wife and you're way too important" Lauren just hugged her tightly while Jihye was surprised but she just hugged her back. Lauren doesn't know but seems like Jihye is showing something and she just couldn't figure it out but one thing's for you she feels like she's being loved.

"Just promise me if you want something you need to tell me. I will surely kick your ass if you didn't" Jennie laughed and hummed, Lauren isn't pulling out she just wanted to stay in her arms. She just felt comfortable and safe in her arms like it was her home. Jihye isn't complaining at all knowing how also badly she wants this.

Lauren is gonna give her best to be the best wife even though this was Arranged Marriage, she will do everything that a wife is accomplishing, she wanted to thank Jihye for doing all these for her. She would take care of her and treat her well because she felt like everything is going well and Jihye has no bad intentions.

Lauren pulled out the hug and looked at Jihye. Jihye was feeling that Lauren is for her, her wife is showing signs that she's not uncomfortable anymore but she knows that she's keeping her safe and that's what she likes, she couldn't contain how badly she wanted to kiss her right now but it was too early to do that.

Just then, Lauren kissed her cheek, and Jihye widened her eyes

'My fucking crush just kissed me' she said to her mind

"Thank you, thank you so much for doing this" Lauren said looking at the blushing Jihye and trying not to smile. She chuckled and shook her head. She doesn't know why she did it but seems like her brain wants her too so she just followed it.

"You know I'll do everything for you," Jihye said while Lauren smiled brightly at her. The CEO started typing some things while talking to Jihye about something. They laughed, talk about unusual stories, their childhoods, and Jennie's life as an idol. Lauren was shocked by how hard it is, the busy schedules, a lot of practices, working in the company nonstop, sleepless nights, and doing some Dance tutorial and Vidoes. Lauren thinks of it knowing her sister is also an idol for sure she's also feeling that things. She already knows what would she do if Jihye comes back to her normal schedules. While Jihye asks about her life when her Dad ben was still alive.

Jihye learned that Ben was such a caring, kind loving man and he also learned that he was also a workaholic guy and Lauren has it, she also learned that the company that was built near their entertainment was hers she was surprised by it and even more shocked that it will have some trainees soon. Lauren has been planning that Jihye will be one of the judges if she has time, she wanted to keep it for herself tell her sometime soon.

The night continued with conversation getting to know each other, they also decided to order some takeout Lauren decided to let Jihye order the food since she wanted to taste the food that she likes. The two dogs were just laying beside them they also sniffled the food but come back to sleep. They are just like a happy family and Lauren certainly likes it.

Lauren wakes due to the sun hitting her face, she smiled and looked around her sleep was so good that she felt like she's the girl who isn't working. She was not restless but she has full energy. Jihye slept beside her last night and they were awkward at first but it's a good thing the idol started a funny conversation that they ended up laughing non-stop and slept at two in the morning. It was already ten-thirty in the morning and Lauren realized that she was just alone in bed. She quickly sat up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and quickly went out wanting to make some breakfast.

When she came down she didn't see her two dogs even Jihye wasn't around, she furrowed her brows and saw little dog clothes she smiled and remembered Jennie has a small dog. She went inside the kitchen and open the fridge to look for something to eat, it was full. She just decided to make some pancakes and bacon for breakfast, she also saw the note that Jihye left saying that she will come back with the two dogs since she decided to walk them around, Lauren just smiled and continued doing her work. Just then, her phone rang and she quickly looked at it and it was Leslie.

"Mom," Lauren said adding some coffee to the coffee maker

"Hey sweetheart, Did you arrive? Sorry, if we didn't visit yesterday I needed to go with Dohyun for his dance competition audition"

"Dohyun dance?" Lauren asked curiously pouring some coffee and putting her Mom on speaker, Leslie chuckled.

"Yes, he wants you and Jihye there in the competition" Laurene remembered that her family came here to help Jihye in the penthouse so for sure her Mom told everything to Jihye's friends.

"You know I wouldn't miss that. When is that?" Just then, she heard the front door open and could hear her dog's footsteps, she instantly smiled when they went inside the kitchen to greet her and give her some smooches.

"In two months" Lauren hummed and she saw Jihye wiping her sweat and turning around, Lauren smiled and pointed out the food. Jihye grinned and took the two plates and place them on the table while Lauren put the coffees "Are you gonna visit here? Dowon wanted to show you something"

"What is it?" Jihye was looking at her. she knew her mom was pertaining to the plants that they planted last week. Lauren looked at Jihye mouthing her if she wants to come. The idol nodded and give her a thumbs up "Jihye and I will be there. I guess at lunch kinda miss your foods" Lauren said chewing

"Just see it for yourself. He's very excited though" Lauren giggled "Anyway, I'll be seeing you later. I love you"

"I love you too Mommy" She hung up the call and she turned it off and faced Jihye grinning at her "What?"

"You look beautiful" Lauren blushed but rolled her eyes while Jennie chuckled "I'm saying the truth though, You look way more beautiful without makeup but you look good with both. How'd I get so lucky? I--" Jihye was cut off when Lauren placed some pancake in her mouth causing her to shut up. She just doesn't want Jihye to see her blushing face "It tastes good" Jihye said chewing

"Stop, fangirling over me. I feel like I'm a star again" Lauren said teasingly while she took Jihye's bacon and Jihye shook her head and smiled

"How'd you become a star, you don't have a five triangle shape in every inch of your face" Jihye joked causing Lauren to tickle her sides, and Jihye laugh trying to stop her "Stop, I'm just joking" Lauren stopped and pout "Awww, my baby looks so cute," Jihye said pinching her cheek.

"The endearment. I love it" Lauren blushed and looked down but Jihye held her chin

"Are you blushing???? Oh no, did it affect you, honey?" Just then Lauren blushed again and try to hide it by burying her face in Jihye's neck. Jihye laughed and Lauren was whining

"Stooooop," Laurene said whining and tickling Jihye's side

"Okay okay," Jihye said laughing "You're my star, just so you know. You are already shining brightly in my mind and my heart also you make my life shine brighter now that I'm with you" Lauren smiled, she felt like Jihye is really trying to show something she was shocked at first but also manage to feel comfortable and get used to her cheesy words she doesn't know if it's true but by just the tone of her voice she sounds so sincere and serious.

Jihye smiled and sigh when Lauren buried her face more in her neck and lock both of her arms in her waist. She realized that Lauren really likes cuddles and she wouldn't complain since she was deeply feeling happy right at this moment. She's falling harder for her.

One of Jihye's managers dropped her dog Kum in the penthouse and Lauren was so happy seeing the dog he was so small and fluffy, Lauren soothe Lei and Liz wanted to calm them down and be gentle to the small dog. Kuma was so scared and ended up going on her Mom's lap. Lauren coo at the sight but Lei and Liz wouldn't stop coming close to the small dog, they wanted to play. After two hours of encouraging Kuma, he started playing with the huge dogs. They were so gentle, Jihye was looking at Lauren who's playing with them she's already imagining what would it look like when they have kids soon.

Lauren and Jihye left the penthouse, trusting the dogs that they wouldn't hurt the smaller one and to look after the house. On the way to Leslie's home, they were singing together, doing some karaoke in the car, dancing to the beat, and laughing together when one of them sang the lyrics wrong and pinched each other's cheek if they do something cute. Lauren was happy, her heart and mind is happy while Jihye feels so complete to the girl beside her, she couldn't stop admiring her. She loves her so much.

They finally arrived and Jihye instantly walked around wanting to open the door for Lauren, of course, Laurene thanked her, and she instantly cling to Jihye. jennie's heart is skipping a beat. She knew Lauren is already comfortable with her. Lauren knock on the door and Dohyun instantly opened the door and hugged her sister tightly while Lauren is smiling from ear to ear. Leslie came down with Dowon, she gave Jihye a hug, and Dowon pat her shoulder when Dohyun pulled out the hug she gave Jihye a fist bomb and Laurene gave her Mom a kiss on the cheek as she also hugged Dowon. They let the married couples in and go straight to the dining room to eat lunch. Jihye pulled the chair for Lauren and the girl blushed of course and thanked her, Leslie was looking at them smiling and feeling that her daughter is getting comfortable.

"How's your trip?" Dowon asked Lauren who's enjoying the food

"Nothing new, still working and I had a ton of meeting that I attended back when I was at Los Angeles," Lauren said

"I've heard that Lucas already passed his designs. How'd it go?" Jihye asked, she told Lauren that she knows Lucas since he was also her makeup artist when she was modeling from Chanel.

"It went well, I still asked him to change some things that I told him, and also you're gonna be the one wearing it for the photoshoot" Jihye smiled and nodded. Leslie was just looking at them lovingly wanting to see her daughter how happy she is. Laurene asked about Dohyun's dance competition and he told her sister everything and her wife also promised that they will him together with Lisa.

Lauren realized that Jihye and Dohyun are close even Dowon, and it was the sight that she wants to see. All she really likes her spouse will be closed to her parents and it was happening. They continued the conversation and lunch. Lauren is trying to guess Dowon's surprise but didn't manage to get it.

After twenty minutes, Lauren was already in the backyard already admiring the plants that she really likes. She looks so cute like she was a kid who wouldn't stop cooing and giggling. Jihye was looking at her lovingly and taking a picture of her, she took her camera secretly wanting to capture every moment she has with Laurene and make more memories with her "She is so beautiful huh?" Leslie said looking at her daughter who's taking Dowon nonstop

"So Beautiful," Jihye said taking another picture of her

"She looks like Ben, I wouldn't complain since he was the one who took care of her" Jihye smiled "She is still the happy kid that I know, the positive and loving girl she is. She never changed, she still has the smile that we admire when she was still a baby"

"Hey, If you aren't close with Mom and Dad and this Arranged Marriage didn't happen will you allow Lauren to be married at this age?" Jihye has been thinking of that, Lauren is just twenty-three and she realized that at that age some girls are really mostly doing the things they like, college, partying, and more on traveling on their own.

"Well, No. If this didn't happen and you know Lauren is just a normal girl, I wanted her to meet the person that really is for her, I want her to marry who she really loves and like, I don't want her to feel trapped but I want her to feel what it's like to have freedom. But, you know since you're married to her I feel like she is like she found that person, she looks so happy and comfortable. She mostly ignores guys sometimes because of the incident that happened when she was already working that's also the reason why she also had some trust issues and took us time to persuade her to marry you" Jihye nodded.

She knew that incident with that Liam guy because it was all over the internet, she was a jealous of that guy since a lot of pictures scattered the internet that Laurene and he are holding hands and going on dates but ended up smiling from ear to ear when she saw the full intentions to Lauren and the girl shut her off.

"You know I wouldn't let you down. I really love your daughter and there's no way I wouldn't let her go. Even though she doesn't know that she's the love of my life, I wanted her slowly to feel that, She's my small person. I really wanted to build a family with her and be the happy family that she likes and she imagined. She's really the girl that I dreamt of" Leslie smiled and pat Jihye's shoulder

"I really trust you and I know I made the right decisions" Lauren walk towards Jihye and her Mom smiling from ear to ear since she picked some roses. Her Mom really loves Gardening and she's been admiring everything that she saw.

"Mommy, you didn't tell me that you have a mini garden," Lauren said

"I'm sorry, but do you like the plants? Dowon, Jihye, and Dohyun planted those" Lauren looked at Jihye and she winked at her while smiling while Lauren doesn't know how would she thank this girl

"I really love them," Lauren said gathering the roses. Dowon called Leslie and ask him what's wrong she ended up not hearing it and excused herself to the married couple as she left

"Want us to take home some plants so we could plant everything on the balcony? " Jihye asked curiously sitting beside Lauren.

Lauren realized that Jihye has been giving everything to her "Can I hug you for now?" Lauren asked shyly while looking at Jihye. Jihye shakes her head and opened her arms as Lauren sat on her lap and hugged her tightly. It was really her intention to sit on her lap she really likes this style, Jihye was surprised but again why would she deny that. She locked her arms around Laurene's wait and Lauren hid her face on the idol's neck looking at Leslie and Dowon trying to stop Dohyun from making fun of them.

"I've been wanting to feel this" Jihye said causing Lauren to look at her

"What do you mean?" The CEO asked laying her head on her chest while Jihye lean in the chair she rubbed her wife's back.

"Your warmth." Lauren smiled "I've been admiring you from afar and been asking myself why the heck did I accept to marry you" Lauren slap her shoulder while Jihye laugh

"Are you complaining?" The CEO asked pouting while Jihye chuckled since she could feel the pout

"No, I'm not. I wanted to tell you something" Jihye said nervously, Lauren hummed and played the hem of her wife's shirt "I really really like you" Lauren instantly pulled out, she was in shock, she was looking at Jihye and she saw her nervous face. Lauren was blinking she doesn't know what to say but she feels like she was so loved and adored, It was so sincere. Jihye was looking at her seeing her wife's shocked face got her worried that Lauren might get uncomfortable "It's okay if you --"

"No, It's okay," Lauren said smiling and lay her head back in Jihye's chest. She just hugged her tightly, she doesn't know what to say but it felt right and she feel like she can be more confident and be cheesy with her.

"You're not surprised?" Jihye asked and Lauren shakes her head.

"I don't want to rush things with you but I just wanted you to know how I feel because it's hard to hide this feeling. I just wanted you to know that you can cry on me, tell me all your problems, rants and you have someone to lean on. I don't want to just be your wife but I also want you to be my best friend. I wanted you to feel that this marriage isn't nonsense because you're so special that I can't even explain how much I adore you. I did everything for you because I want to show you that I don't have any bad intentions towards you, that you could trust me, tell me all your decisions in life, your plans now that you're married. I can do everything with you and I wouldn't complain if we both jumped on the cliff together as long as I'm with you" Lauren giggled but her heart is already beating fast. She feels so loved and important to the person that she married weeks ago.

"You know you're telling this to me because you wanted me to feel comfortable towards you. You clearly don't know how much I wanted to go back here when I was away. I literally just want to spend time knowing more about you and doing the things that we like. I don't want you to feel that you're alone in this marriage, I also wanted you to feel that you can trust me even though you confessed that you like me. I never want this marriage to be nothing, I want to give some importance and I promise myself when I was in Los Angeles whenever I'm talking with you, I couldn't stop thinking how bold you are" Jihye laughed but her face heat up.

"You're just like my Dad, I mean his personality is like a carbon copy of you. You're such a charmer, doing everything for the person you really like, making some effort, making someone special, and giving your full attention because based on my Grandma's stories about Daddy he does everything for Mommy and I remembered everything when saw all your efforts and boldness. Don't ever ask yourself why you got so lucky instead let's just ask each other why did we get so lucky to marry each other" Lauren said looking at Jihye.

"Someday soon we will finally have some answers to it. We will have the answer if I make you fall in love with me" Jihye said wiggling her brows while Lauren smiled well she knew to herself that someday soon she will fall in love with her.

"Sure then Mrs. Jeung, Let me see all your powers," Lauren said tickling her sides Jihye chuckled.

'For Sure I will my love' Jihye mumbled