
My Charming CEO; A Little Love Won't Hurt

Avia was set to marry the man of her parent's choice. She didn't love him and hated the idea of spending the rest of her life with him. She prayed for a miracle to happen and save her from marrying him. On the day of the wedding; her ex, a man whose heart she had broken into pieces showed up. He kidnapped her and took her away. She felt grateful to him and was overjoyed when he got married to her because of the love she felt for him. Little did she know that he only married her to get revenge on her for hurting him. Now forced to live as his wife in the same house as his mistress. She couldn't be more hurt. Having to watch him show love and affection to another woman when she was the only one with rights to him broke her heart. Can Avia mend her husband's broken heart and complete their love story? Will her husband's mistress who owns his heart and mind let her snatch him from her? To what ends will the two women go to fight for a man they both believe belongs to them?

precious_pruddy · Thành thị
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19 Chs

Missing Him

The morning was bright with the rays of sun striking through the window panes of the room.

In the room there was a girl sitting on the bed staring at a photo in her hands. Tears streamed down her face as she looked on to see the face of the man she loved on the photo.

"If I had it my way, I would run to you right now," she whispered. Brushing her hand over the photo, she felt immense pain in her heart.

She was forced to break up with him against her wishes when she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him. The break was harsh and brutal as he found it hard to let her go.

They had parted ways four years ago, her parents could never approve of their relationship since he was poor. They wanted her to marry someone rich or at least someone of the same class as her.

But his family only owned a small coffee shop that wasn't very successful and had to shut down. Hence her parents refused to accept the love that they shared.

It had been four years since she broke up with him and in that time, she was yet to ever catch a glimpse of him. He had disappeared into thin air after their break up.

It pained her to recall the words that she was forced to say to him to convince him to walk away from her. The lies she told to get him to leave her alone and move on with his life tore at her heart everyday for the past four years.

But there was nothing she could do, it was all for his sake. Her parents were willing to go to any lengths to make sure that he left her side. Killing him wasn't off the table since they had hired a contract killer to run him over with a car.

It was by miraculous powers that he survived the accident and was safe. But she couldnt take the risk after that. Everything had to be as her parents wished for him to be safe.

She brought the photo to her chest and hugged it close to her heart. She was just not ready to face the harsh truth that was in front of her.

Today was her wedding day. In a few hours she was set to marry the man that her parents had chosen for her. She didn't like it one bit but she didn't have a choice either.

It was the only thing she could do in her helpless situation. "I wish that you were here to save me," she whispered.

She had no interest in spending the rest of her life married to a man who hardly deserved her. He was selfish, arrogant and rude. All the qualities that she hated in a man. He was all that and more.

He treated her like a possession to be owned and not a life partner to shower with love and protection. It made her yearn for her ex. He was the best man any woman could ask for, he was not rich with money but he showered her with so much love she barely noticed the lack of money.

The car rides she went on with her fiancee made her miss the long walks she would go on with her love. The expensive meals at the five star hotels caused her to crave for the small picnics her ex used to take her on.

Every little thing that he did for her meant so much more than the money her fiancee had to offer. She was not happy with the designer dresses that was brought to her as gifts, she much preferred the clothes that he made for her with his hands.

She had found something that most people could only dream of. True love and had to give it up to please her parents. It wasn't fair and she didn't like it but there was nothing that she could do.

Shd couldnt turn back the time and return to him, nor could see leave everything and go to him since she had no idea where he was.

"I can't marry that man," she uttered. Her heart breaking apart with the thought of the wedding that was only a few hours away. Soon she would lose all her freedom and a chance at happiness.

She laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. She let the tears flow freely from her eyes. It was the last time that she could freely cry in memory of the love that she had lost.

The love that gave meaning to her sad life and brought a smile to his face every time that they were together was hard to forget. There was no soul in the world that could ever match that of her beloved.

Her love was one of a kind, he was special to her and the spot in her heart that he occupied could never be filled with anyone other than him. She was empty and incomplete without him.

She missed him so much. Words were not enough to express the loneliness that she felt being away from him. It took the glow off her face and life, she was merely existing and not living.

She stopped living her life the very day that she crushed his ever so loving heart into pieces. She had broken his heart with her words but it was her who truly felt the pain of her actions.

A part of her died that day on that bridge. The place where their love story started was where she chose to end. It was cruel of her and not once did she forget to feel guilty about it.

Having to be the one to hurt the only person who existed just to make her happy and fill her life with joy ruined her.

"I love you Joem, you are my life," she whispered once more holding on tightly to the photo.